Treachery in Beatdown City

Treachery in Beatdown City

Beatdown City’s gonna whoop yo ass. If there’s a downside, it’s that I played through the game in a day, but I really do like the combat system. It makes button mashing useless, turning what could have been a twitchy mess into a beautiful strategic masterpiece. Okay, not really a strategic masterpiece, but it’s pretty sweet.

I do kind of wish that the advantages/disadvantages were slightly more influential. I love the way weapons are handled. Costing more FP to use them and limiting defensive actions focuses the combat towards disarm. And it feels really awesome to throw a Mexican Suplex on some dumbass fool stupid enough to get in your way.

Real player with 62.6 hrs in game

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Twenty-second read. Combines the forces of the masked Ryu (Ninja Gaiden (NES)) and Final Fantasy VII with a side-scroller brawler (Streets of Rage, Double Dragon) in an 80s setting similar to Final Fight (Arcade). The world map borrowed from Super Mario 3 (SNES) and the political themes alas Orama etc. stretch the games' twenty-dollar price tag over a twenty year conversion period; does anybody really think noone had thought of making a turn-based, side-scrolling beat-em up game 🎮? Is just a game that has been politicized openly yet in enigmatic ways with a cast of characters that appear to be part of a Blackmirror (Netflix) sequel. Just my two cents.

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Treachery in Beatdown City on Steam