Double Turn

Double Turn

You can be knocked out of your own combo, characters lack much difference between each other, and AI is easily exploited. It’s not a very fun game. The potential is there and its core loop is interesting but there is too little here for it to be recommended as is.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Wrestling 2D Fighter Games.

Nice idea and design, poor realization

The game can’t be considered as a finished project even if one overlooks the lack of content, because some fundamental features don’t work:


  • AI in Practice mode doesn’t work: an NPC just stands still and meekly gets player’s hits. If it’s supposed to be so, then the developer should have added several options to adjust the NPC behavior like make it always blocking or jumping or performing a sequence of movements.* A player’s profile disappears after closing the game, that leads to disappearing of a gamepad custom configuration also. Moreover, the game doesn’t allow me to create a profile with the same name again although I don’t see it and can’t choose it.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Double Turn on Steam

Bop’N Wrestle

Bop’N Wrestle

A beloved retro wrestler from Beam Software returns in all its 80s glory!

You’ve seen ‘em on TV. You’ve seen ‘em in person. You’ve seen ‘em flying into the aisles. Now you get to climb into the ring with ‘em. For the first time in any arena, you get to join the mayhem of professional wrestling at its best. BOP’N WRESTLE puts you in the ring with 10 of the meanest, baddest, biggest, toughest, ugliest pro wrestlers you’ve ever seen fly off a turnbuckle!

Wrestle your way to the top as Gorgeous Greg, tenth-ranked contender for the World Championship Belt, as he battles a series of contenders.

  • Dozens of spectacular moves

  • Ten wild opponents

  • One or two-player modes

Read More: Best Wrestling Retro Games.

Bop'N Wrestle on Steam

Wrestling Cardboard Championship

Wrestling Cardboard Championship

A game experience inspired by wrestling, making use of simulated physics, cardboard boxes with unique skills and movements, fight in large arenas based on arenas that have marked wrestling, such as Madison Square Garden, Arena México and Tokyo Dome.

A new wrestling company has been born, offering a unique show around the world, different fighting styles and extremely skilled fighters ready to give it their all in the ring. The Wrestling Cardboard Championship gives all kinds of cardboard boxes the opportunity to show that they are the strongest and that they have the talent to entertain the people.

Experience different game modes for up to 4 players: 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 1 and All vs All

Single player mode or up to 2 players, choose your favorite box and face the entire WCC roster in 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 matches depending on the modality and show who is the king.

The Normal Box is in its last days of useful life, after knowing what its cruel destiny would be, being crushed and recycled, it decides to change it for wrestling, arriving at the WCC in search of an opportunity and showing that his passion can take him to the top, although you will soon realize that being a professional wrestler is not an easy thing.

12 unique boxes with varied fighting styles, inspired by well-known brands and professional wrestlers. Each Box has its own theme song and its own personality. (Adding more post-launch boxes via DLC).

Inspired by real settings such as Madison Square Garden, Hammerstein Ballroom, Arena Mexico and Tokyo Dome. (Adding more post launch scenarios via DLC)

Read More: Best Wrestling 3D Fighter Games.

Wrestling Cardboard Championship on Steam

Raging Fists: Retribution

Raging Fists: Retribution

please checkout this game

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Tekken 8

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Raging Fists: Retribution on Steam

WWE 2K19

WWE 2K19


In comparison to the other WWE 2K games available on Steam, 2K19 is the “best” out of the bunch, though that isn’t a very high standard. The game has a large roster of current, past, and legend superstars to play as. You can expect bugs and crashes sprinkled here and there that can potentially ruin your experience (e.g. crash during character creation and losing all progress). If you want to play a wrestling game on PC, your best bets are either WWE 2K19 or Fire Pro Wrestling World. Also, we don’t talk about WWE 2K20.

Real player with 846.0 hrs in game

Do not buy this game. Oh, it’s on sale? It’s still not worth it. Specifically if you enjoy creating content in-game. The video editor crashes frequently, royal rumbles crash more often than not halfway through. Changes you make to characters don’t save. Audio tracks fail to load. Custom Arena settings don’t work. Music will play over itself during cut-scenes. Created content fails to save correctly and will corrupt your entire save file. The game will crash at a load screens and corrupt your save file. Deleting content will corrupt your save file. I spent over 200 hours creating content for this game. Lost it all because I attempted to copy a created MITB briefcase, which crashed the game and corrupted my save. Had to start over from scratch. Maybe a month later attempted to save a created video. It went through the saving process but stayed in the video editor. I exit out to desktop and the preview is listed as empty. Close the game, reload, everything is gone again. This happened on two different gaming PCs, both which have a GTX 1080. Oh but there’s a BIG HEAD mode now…………….. cool.

Real player with 573.6 hrs in game

WWE 2K19 on Steam

Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World

I’ll start by saying that I’ve been playing Fire Pro World for around three years now. I have all the DLC, I’ve made hundreds of edits, produced a series of YouTube videos (cheap plug: Power Pro Wrestling and Fire Promoter Complete), and at the time of this writing I’ve logged 10,047.4 hours in the game. That’s not a typo. Ten thousand hours. Over ten thousand hours. And I am still extremely excited to boot the game up every single time. All without using mods whatsoever.

Fire Pro World is not a perfect game. One could argue that the controls are too esoteric for casual players, that the lack of gimmick matches diminishes its quality to American fans, you could even say that the necessity of having all the DLC to get the most out of the game is to its detriment. My girlfriend says that it looks like colorful sausages fighting which I don’t think is fair, but which echoes a common criticism of the game’s graphics.

Real player with 10479.7 hrs in game

Fire Pro Wrestling World is the most incredible wrestling sandbox you’ll ever see. With an unlimited number of wrestlers and just about anyone who’s ever stepped into the squared circle available on the Workshop, you can recreate historical matchups, try to emulate modern wrestling, and set up impossible dream matches spanning multiple eras. You’re able to do the same with boxing and MMA, and on top of all that, throw in original creations, pop culture icons, and whatever else your imagination can come with.

Real player with 4872.7 hrs in game

Fire Pro Wrestling World on Steam

Push Me Pull You

Push Me Pull You

Entertaining game, if not a bit pricey for what it is. Incredibly simplistic, which has pros and cons. On one side, it lets you jump right into the game, making it great for party settings. However, there are no options to customize your controls, so if an issue arises you could be ♥♥♥♥ out of luck. Overall I’m a fan of the game. It’s hilarious, controls are intuitive, and very fun. But if you’re going to buy it, maybe wait for a discount.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

This is absolutely the funniest game I’ve ever played, when we first started me and my friends couldn’t stop laughing for about 20 minutes!

Shame the multiplayer is local only =(

But for all the fun it gave to me and my friends I say 10/10!!!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Push Me Pull You on Steam

Thumb Fighter

Thumb Fighter

Your next favorite party game!!!

Thumb Fighter is a wacky and fast paced minimalist one-button fighting game.

Does it sound too simple? Maybe. It is too simple? Maybe? Is it fun? Absolutely!

After many years of huge success on other platforms it will hit the Steam Store as a premium fully featured game :)

By being this simple Thumb Fighter offers one of the most inclusive fighting experiences you can find.

Fun assured to children, families, couples, friends, you name it!

Literally everyone who played thumb fighter (Believe us, millions of people played already :) ) will tell you.

Thumb Fighter it’s a great ice breaker, with its one-button mechanic anyone can play and the battles still awake desperation, laughters and goose bumps.

Thumb Fighter’s thumbs have one and only one movement, a head hit.

Try to grab your opponent when it’s (guard?) is down until you achieve the victory.


  • Single Player Mode (can you defeat all thumbs and become Thumb… master…champion lord… of all thumbs?

  • Quick PvP, PvAi, Ai vs Ai (why not?) battles.

  • Tournament Mode ( Create up to 8 players tournament to define who whashes the dishes)

  • Minigames nobody asked for (but great time killers while you drool like a zombie over your lap)

  • Campaign Mode

  • More than 100+ characters


  • Procedurally generated levels (we already did that in Hidden Lands)

  • Minimalist racing mechanic (we already did that in Turn Right)

  • Online Matches (For now…. we’ll see in the future ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )

Thumb Fighter on Steam

Wrestling Empire

Wrestling Empire

Wrestling Empire is a great game where you can kill people, kick them out the promotion, lead a promotion,blow up things,and customize characters to look like real people with a wide range of customization.


-Lead promotions

-Be A manager

-You can die

-Year system with calender

-Able to have a big moveset with wide range of taunts

-Huge move pool.

-Able to walk around with people on your shoulders

  • Can bully the ref, annoucers, and managers.

-Can throw people out of windows

-Wide range of areas of people you can brawl in

Real player with 448.5 hrs in game

*** Best Career Mode in Just About Any Game. Period. ***

I am not a wrestling fan. I do, however, like fighting games. This translates into wrestling games. It’s just good fun to bash opponents and I enjoy the spectacle.

I was on the fence about buying this game. I did, however, play other MCDickie games. This one is by far, his best one yet. So I bought this on a whim.

It’s hard to explain this game. Anything can, and will happen, while you are playing career mode. Just when you think you have seen it all, it doubles down on the WTF factor. It’s not just totally random, since it sometimes does depend upon your choices. It’s like semi-controlled chaos.

Real player with 282.6 hrs in game

Wrestling Empire on Steam

Guacamelee! 2

Guacamelee! 2

I was first introduced to the series via Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition. I played that game with a friend, and I’m pretty sure we finished it in a couple of Saturday afternoons. This game I finished alone in about the same amount of time.

Pretty much everything from that game makes an appearance in the sequel, save for the ‘Intenso’ mechanic. That’s a good thing, because Intenso trivialized most of the combat. Removing that puts the focus back on the ‘combat puzzle’ again.

Combat in this game is as fun as the first. The simple beat’m’up combos are just varied enough to be interesting, without getting overwhelming. The excellent wrinkle this time is that you’re now just as capable in chicken form (perhaps more so) as you are in human form. This leads to more fun twists on fights, switching between the two forms as appropriate, watching that combo meter climb up. I feel like there are more boxed-in arenas in which the combat is used, too. That’s good and bad. More combat is fun, but it did start to feel like it was just padding out the game toward the end, with similar arenas popping up.

Real player with 92.2 hrs in game

The Short and Sweet

Guacamelee! 2 is, obviously, the sequel to Guacamelee!, both of which are 2D beat-em-up platforming games with a heavy focus on combos. Unlike some other sequels that can stand on their own, Guacamelee! 2 is heavily attached to the previous game in its story, and it relies on that connection to avoid having to reestablish characters that played prominent roles in the last title. I would recommend any prospective players take a look at the original Guacamelee! before considering this sequel, or even this review.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Guacamelee! 2 on Steam