Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

The Short and Sweet

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition is a hybrid beat-em-up / Metroidvania game based on Mexican culture, with a large emphasis on combo-based combat, intelligent approach, and platforming. The story revolves around a farmer named Juan, who is killed by the main antagonist while attempting to save his friend, only to come back possessing the power of a magical mask, which turns him into a powerful Luchador intent on punching, suplexing and bodyslamming his way to victory.

Real player with 56.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Wrestling Action Games.

A great mexican themed Metroidvania.

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition is a revised version of the original Guacamelee Gold Edition, featuring new content. the game is a Metroidvania where the main focus is platforming with enemies to take out all set in a Mexican styled world. For my very first Metroidvania it was a wonderful experience with good gameplay and solid combat mechanics and plenty of extras.

Gameplay, Guacamelee’s gameplay is simple but solid featuring basic platforming with a extensive move set that you use both for platforming and combat. It is very easy to get used to Juan’s (Main Character) jump arc and be able to land jumps. Plus along the way you moves will increase so you can pull off some awesome combos. Speaking of combos, Guacamelee’s combat is also a major portion of the game, encouraging you to build large combos with a variety of moves. as such with extensive combat, there are enemies galore with many different ways of combat and different ways to deal with them. Dodging from attacks is very crucial to survive.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition on Steam

Guacamelee! 2

Guacamelee! 2

I was first introduced to the series via Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition. I played that game with a friend, and I’m pretty sure we finished it in a couple of Saturday afternoons. This game I finished alone in about the same amount of time.

Pretty much everything from that game makes an appearance in the sequel, save for the ‘Intenso’ mechanic. That’s a good thing, because Intenso trivialized most of the combat. Removing that puts the focus back on the ‘combat puzzle’ again.

Combat in this game is as fun as the first. The simple beat’m’up combos are just varied enough to be interesting, without getting overwhelming. The excellent wrinkle this time is that you’re now just as capable in chicken form (perhaps more so) as you are in human form. This leads to more fun twists on fights, switching between the two forms as appropriate, watching that combo meter climb up. I feel like there are more boxed-in arenas in which the combat is used, too. That’s good and bad. More combat is fun, but it did start to feel like it was just padding out the game toward the end, with similar arenas popping up.

Real player with 92.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Wrestling Action Games.

The Short and Sweet

Guacamelee! 2 is, obviously, the sequel to Guacamelee!, both of which are 2D beat-em-up platforming games with a heavy focus on combos. Unlike some other sequels that can stand on their own, Guacamelee! 2 is heavily attached to the previous game in its story, and it relies on that connection to avoid having to reestablish characters that played prominent roles in the last title. I would recommend any prospective players take a look at the original Guacamelee! before considering this sequel, or even this review.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Guacamelee! 2 on Steam

Gachi Finder 3000

Gachi Finder 3000

The game’s real enjoyable, great graphics and good gameplay. Game itself has a decent skill curve which players can master with enough hours put in. Definitely would recommend the game to all FPS fans out there as well as newcomers.

Real player with 2038.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Wrestling Memes Games.

An absolute delight.

A must buy.

One of the best game I’ve ever played.

You need to own it.

You need to own it.

You need to own it.






Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Gachi Finder 3000 on Steam