Warplanes: WW1 Fighters

Warplanes: WW1 Fighters

I’ll start by saying it’s a REALLY fun game. Lots of missions, lots of planes, lots of upgrades. Well worth the price. however, there are several really annoying things about it. This is all in the campaigns.

1. planes with gunners are DUMB. I’ll line up right behind an enemy plane for him to take out, and he’s shooting way off to the side at some dumb thing in the distance. Enemy bombers RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU about to take out your base and lose you the game? That’s not a priority for him, he’s wasting ammo at a plane way off to the side in the distance. Strafing run lined up with a clean shot for him at AA guns? doesn’t matter, he wants to shoot the damn balloons until the AA guns kill you both. I don’t know what criteria is used to decide what he shoots at, but it’s way off. There’s only one plane on the screen and he’ll find one off screen to shoot at. jeez, it’s aggravating. He also likes to overheat the gun failing to lead a plane, then when it’s lined up nicely, he’s got an overheated gun and just sits there missing the clean shot. His stats are absolutely maxed out too. This is the BEST he gets.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Physics Games.

Updated Review:

If you’re coming to this expecting a faithful sim of wrestling one of these kites through bouncy air – well that’s not what this is. That game deserves to be made, but this is something else.

While there is HOTAS support, using the default VR controller to grab a virtual stick is unique and perfectly efficient. It’s actually a very well-done control system. And.. your other hand is free to grab a flare gun. OMG the flare guns. No they’re not for just taking out barrage balloons. Tired of eating lead from a bomber’s defensive guns? Blow him up with a flare from below. Enemy fighter suddenly zooming at you and you can’t get your nose around? Quick draw that flare gun and bust one in his ass as he’s going by. It’s actually hilarious fun.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Warplanes: WW1 Fighters on Steam

War Remains: Dan Carlin Presents an Immersive Memory

War Remains: Dan Carlin Presents an Immersive Memory

There’s a serious lack of this kind of experiences on VR. One of the advantages of VR over regular games is that by putting you in the game/experience, you are not simply watching something, you are part of it and it triggers an emotional response you couldn’t have otherwise. I loved the idea of experiencing a WW1 documentary on VR, and I think it works very well… except for one thing:

Dan Carlin was NOT a good choice to narrate this. it’s like he’s trying to sound cool to a bunch of kids. Some of the things he says are just unappropriate. Talking about the dirty environment where battles took place, he says that to the soldiers, it was a strange landscape that looked “like the moon… but weirder”. Seriously? He doesn’t sound like he should narrate historical stuff, he sounds like he should narrate a WWE fight. Personally, his narration is to this documentary what pineapple is to pizza. Everything else works well, it’s a shame.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Violent Games.

If you like Hardcore History, this is an amazing telling. Dan Carlin has an incredible voice and way of wording that makes narration thought provoking, imaginative, and informative. Many narrators tell stories at you, where Dan immerses you. The telling, the quotes, and now the images together are likely the closest you’ll get to that sought after: ‘Is this what I would be thinking, or feeling, if I were there right now?’. Certainly so within the confines of your home.

This takes us one step closer to the ‘being there’, or downloading a memory and reliving someone else’s experience.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

War Remains: Dan Carlin Presents an Immersive Memory on Steam

VR Museum

VR Museum

A tremendous power lies in VR. Anything you imagine, anywhere you dream, any time you envision - it can get you there.

Have you ever wondered what the Handley-Page 42 looked like in real life? Or what size was a Messerschmitt Me-323 Gigant? Or Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria? All of them are long since gone, but with the incredible power of virtual reality they can be brought back to life. And this is what the VR Museum was created for.

There are many great inventions that are only known from drawings and blurry photos. And many of them are already 3D-modelled and scattered around the net. The idea behind the VR Museum is to locate them, refurb if necessery, and show here for everyone to see. Starting from airplanes, the Museum’s collection will grow to become more interdisciplinary in the future.

Read More: Best World War I Education Games.

VR Museum on Steam

Rise of Flight United

Rise of Flight United

now when i got this game i didn’t understand why it had mixed reviews, i watch videos on youtube and the flight simulator community eats this game up like a fresch cherry pie, they seem to love the hell out of it and talk so highly out of it, so when i saw the mixed reviews i was kind of suprised, and didn’t undersand and now I do… now before i get too that lets get too the Pros of the game.


the pros of this game are simple, if you are a avid flight simulator player like myself you will enjoy the higher graphics the game has to offer, clean, smooth, the game has VERY nice graphics and seem to be somewhat realistic in appearence on the aircraft, the cockpits also are nicely detailed with working gauges, instroments and controls, and just like any other flight simulator getting kill after kill is addicting. damage effects are pretty spectacular too watch, peaces of wing come off, fires spread rather than just rapidly burst, props break, holes develope on the aircraft pretty much where you hit your target, very very nice… skins for the aircraft are also relatively easy too mod aside from the fact you have to have a higher setting for your editor so your skins don’t look all pixely.

Real player with 640.1 hrs in game

Rise of Flight is a World War 1 flight sim that is a game made for flight sim enthusiast’s, thus the game tenders to a small audience and genre. The game upon start-up is a tad confusing for someone who has never really had a flight sim, but being a normal gamer I ventured into the unknown playing a quick match. After taking awhile to find the “Start Mission” button I was off.

The game is visually stunning, even for me with a relatively old gaming rig. The detail to the airplane is stunning and really helps capture the feel of playing in one of these vintage aircraft, from the seat to the gunsight everything seems authentic and comes alive as you fly around and if you have any interest in airplanes this game takes you right in.

Real player with 182.3 hrs in game

Rise of Flight United on Steam

Tactical Warfare Simulator

Tactical Warfare Simulator

I’ve only played in VR with a HOTAS. Beyond the fact that it’s wildly overpriced, this game needs a serious overhaul by someone who understands UX.

The menus are amateurish and bewildering, particularly in the campaign mode. There’s no way to recenter your view. It seems to be impossible to start a campaign game in VR, because you have to type in a name for your squadron, and it won’t accept keyboard input as typing. When I hit the F key I get some performance numbers. I had to restart in desktop mode, create the campaign, and then restart again in VR mode to play it.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

this game does not fell finished to me. at this time in VR you have hand tracking but can not interact with anything just ghost hands. that sucks would have loved to fly the planes with my VR hands. but im so far happy with what i got. the joysticks on the VR controls work. game brings me back to playing red baron long long ago. for that feeling i like the game. and for that i will give it a thumbs up. if you go into this expecting a full VR exp you will be a little upset. but the controls work the game plays and is fun. maybe wait for a sale if you are unsure.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Tactical Warfare Simulator on Steam