11-11 Memories Retold

11-11 Memories Retold


overall, it is not a bad pick for achievement-hunters: no bugged or glitched achievements, no grind, everything is tight and simple (and achievements themselves are vary in goals), but the whole hunting is tedious. without a thoughtful detailed guide you will replay the same stages again-and-again with unskippable cutscenes. also various collectibles are hard to see because of artsy graphics. so, in a nutshell, good hunting overall, but it will be more irritating than fun

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Story Rich Games.

For some reason, I decided to play both “11-11 Memories Retold” and “Call of Duty: WWII” simultaneously. Now, these games might be drastically different: one is a poetic tribute to the fallen of WWI, and the other is more of a straightforward, gritty representation of WWII. But in my playthroughs, I actually found out some odd similarities between them:

  • They make you control different characters interchangeably;

  • They both have rather unnecessary flying sections;

  • They both try to educate gamers about the wars with collectables;

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

11-11 Memories Retold on Steam

Toy Soldiers: HD

Toy Soldiers: HD

Le jeu est sympathique mais ne vaut clairement pas le prix de 25€. Il n’y a pas assez d’unité différentes ni d’améliorations. La difficulté est mal dosée car toutes les cartes sont difficiles au début puis il n’y a plus grand chose à faire à la fin à part regarder. De plus il n’y a pas beaucoup d’emplacements où positionner vos défenses du coup les choix deviennent rapidement triviaux. Vous disposez d’unités (char/avion) à utiliser durant le combat mais si vous les quittez pour améliorer vos défenses alors vous perdez l’unité. J’espérais pouvoir construire des barraquements et des aérodromes qui enverraient des unités au combat mais non. Il s’agit simplement de mettre des mitraillettes et des canons.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Strategy Games.

In brief - A brilliant WW1 diorama-styled tower defence game with weapon ballistics instead of DPS calculators, unpredictable AI pathing, destructible environments and the ability for the player to control turrets or vehicles.

If you only played the WW1 content in “Toy Soldiers Complete” you should know that ported content was a buggy mess and was NOT faithful to the original Toy Soldiers. If you’re on the fence about paying full price for this remake, the original game is cheaper and still well worth playing!

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Toy Soldiers: HD on Steam


This is the father of all naval games, yes it may be grindy but that’s all MMOs.


FANTASTIC ship customization(no custom paints or skins but you can fully customize your weapon load, ammo, etc)

Friendly graphics that are still appeasing but easy on low end PCs

Great sounds/music

Sim-cade gameplay (combines realistic and arcady style of play) You can choose if you want to set your gun angles by ourself instead of the auto aim function, along with things like belt armour, deck armour, etc.

Huge selection of ships in which some can be remodeled into more powerful or different ships of it’s class (ex: The Admiral Hipper CA can be remodeled to Prinz Eugen)

Real player with 217.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I PvE Games.

Do i enjoy the game? YES!

Old vet since start of the game and played nfeu later on. Now back thanks to steam.


  • arcade style battles (quick)

  • low demands on pc requirements (to low for todays standards)

  • diverse community

  • games 24/7 cause people from the whole world are in 1 server (does have lag when chinese play )

  • for old players its mostly the nostalgic value that counts.


  • The game is so old that you cant run fullscreen unless you force it through your monitor

  • alot of crashing (not for me personally)

Real player with 110.4 hrs in game


Trench Simulator

Trench Simulator

Welcome to the front Soldier!

Trench Simulator is a 50 vs 50 Online World War 1 Third Person Shooter simulator.

Packed with authentic weaponry, vehicles , beautifully designed trenches and stationary weapons, Trench Simulator aims to recreate the epic

charges across No Man’s Land in World War 1 in a large multiplayer setting on small-medium sized maps. No more running and gunning! No hiding in buildings ! Just open field, shell holes, artillery barrages, machine gun fire. Just like the Great War!

Trench Simulator on Steam



An interesting spin on the TD-fps genre. The gameplay will keep you on your toes, and the artstyle, effects, and theming are consistent and quite good. It’s definitely an indie game, and there are a few rough spots here and there, e.g. the controls, tower placement, metal beam in the HUD, etc. That being said, the game was fun.

Side note, the current build is near-impossible. The groups of big bois are brutal and the titans are broken. But I imagine the devs will balance the game shortly

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Play through here: https://youtu.be/an-O9XdFq5s

The Good Graphics are nice sound track is pretty sick and I like that they give you an active component with your builder. The bad Minions like killing your towers, you can’t be at two places at the same time and the default paths are a continent apart from each other, you have to actually physically pick up resources which despawn quickly so if your towers are killing things on the left while you’re on the right you’re getting half the resources at best, YOU HAVE TO BODY block to have any form of success, there’s not many tower choices and you can’t upgrades your towers, Minions LOVE killing your towers and some are thicc barely get frozen and are just blitzing so you have to lay sacrificial towers to appease their tower blood thirst, PLACING TOWERS IS HARD the area you can put them is very limited and you have to have a wide gap between your towers which is ANNOYING AS THE WORLD, you only have 30 very short seconds to lay towers while you try to fight with the build mode to even drop them AND THEN you have to run back to body block a path, there’s no wave counter that I noticed or any kind of stat to tell me how my towers are doing whatsoever, The Machine gun tower takes forever to start shooting like it will literally watch enemies run by then start shooting like 10-15 seconds later. Overall I think it’s a neat concept, but in my subjective opinion I can’t recommend it because I don’t think in it’s current state it’s worth the time investment to try and figure out how to win.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Bulkhead on Steam

Fadeout: Underground

Fadeout: Underground

A Diamond in the Rough

If you long for the days of old classic shooting and movement, Fadeout delivers with great potential for more. The game emphasizes movement and combat with technical skill you hardly find in modern shooters. Movement consists of basic roll-jumping and rocket jumping to more complex wall bounces and surfing with each character having their own mechanics. Weapons and health are collected on the ground emphasizing good map knowledge and rotation skills. It’s a hero shooter with the heart of Quake.

Real player with 208.1 hrs in game

The game’s in Early Access, it’s in testing and I’ve even helped playtest it so expect this review to change. Hell, comment on it if I forget to update it when the game’s released. The game is receiving updates regularly, with major improvements to gameplay, updates to maps and graphics.

Fadeout is incredibly fun with full teams. Movement is fun and satisfying; you can dodge-roll, and jumping out of this roll has you keep momentum mid-air allowing all characters to move fairly fast. The weapons feel good to use. I wasn’t sure at first if I’d like the mechanic of picking up weapons off the ground, but part of why it works is each character has enough uniqueness that they remain distinct in spite of the weapons they grab. In fact, a lot of them have weapons so tailored to their style that you will typically want to keep that weapon and pick up extra ones depending on your strategy.

Real player with 169.7 hrs in game

Fadeout: Underground on Steam



I love this game! For being made by 1 person It beats a lot of AAA games in creativity. I would really like to see more games like this in the future and I will be following the game’s development closely!

Real player with 123.7 hrs in game

I pirated this game from Google, but after playing it for a while I decided to just buy the game to support the developer bcs this game is just super fun, after just 40 hours of playing this game I can say I love it the designing of the hull and turret is simple but is still fun, I’ve already made about 20 tanks just from WW1, the only problem with this game is that it’s empty and lacking a lot of other features that I would like in the game, I understand that it’s only made by one person so I can wait for as long as possible so that he can improve this game a lot, so I’ma just list the problems I have with the game:

Real player with 50.3 hrs in game

Sprocket on Steam

AIR Battlefront

AIR Battlefront

I honestly like this game!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Cant say i had high hopes for AIR Battlefront but by lengths the worst arcade flight game ive ever come by. Horrible controls that are absolutely frustrating regardless of whether its done on keyboard or with a controller. No real missions or storymode besides of just shooting down whatever moves. Pretty confident that its an asset flip as well so even if you are a great fan of this genre i can only advice you to skip this title even if at a 90% discount. 1/10.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

AIR Battlefront on Steam

Badiya: Desert Survival

Badiya: Desert Survival

Only for the EA fans, I will say that.

I personally love these kind of games and have quite a few, but this setting… I just had to have it.

Something absolutely different than other games in the same genre. Those who have played Minecraft (or similar games) know that usually the hardest “world” to survive is the desert. This is all set in the desert, so I think has huge potential of being different and challenging! Also, although at the moment not implemented just yet, there’s going to be sea (and sailing on it), pearl diving, and if I can believe one of the trailers I’d say “Stranded Deep-esque” beaches.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

I reveived a key for free, keep that in mind when reading my review.

This review is for alpha 1.9, I will update as the game progresses. I am giving a thumbs up with the following caveats.

1. The game engine is still unstable, though not terribly so. It seems every NPC encountered increases the chance of crashing so make sure to save before visiting any point of interest (area with npc’s). When the game gets laggy save, quit to the main menu and reload.

2. Unfortunately, related to above, the mechanic to save requires building a lean-to. This is not horrible, you can carry the wood around with you, but I hope the devs read this and implement a temporary quick save function until the engine is more stable.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Badiya: Desert Survival on Steam