Trenches - World War 1 Horror Survival Game

Trenches - World War 1 Horror Survival Game

My sister loves horror and I love WW1, so I thought we’d try it out. We played for about an hour and a half and completed it with 3 or 4 attempts. The total game could probably be accomplished in around half in hour if you really knew what you were doing.


  • Awesome sound design. I love the ambiance as well as the spooky sounds that play whenever the monster (my sister calls him “the meat bag”) spots you. Something about it triggers the fight or flight response, makes the hair on the back of you neck stand up. Personally I could very clearly pinpoint the position of meat bag with the audio, some reviews say otherwise. I was surprised how good audio is as created by a single dev, especially on the Unity engine ;-)

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Horror Games.

Not incredibly far in (only just found the map but done crap tons of exploring) but I keep having to pause it since the atmosphere is terrifying. So far i have no problems, I am yet to be chased by anything but the hanging man scared me senseless. Devs please don’t patch this cuz it’s hilarious but if you look at your shadow and crouch you turn into a skeleton and I have found it very amusing. Keep up the good work, hoping for (dreading) plenty more scares :)

UPDATE: Too scary. got the wire cutters and quit after a jumpscare I didn’t see cuz I flinched back. Gonna get my brother to play it then give it another go. 20/10 play it if you have spare underwear and a chair that won’t stain.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Trenches - World War 1 Horror Survival Game on Steam