Disney The Princess and the Frog

Disney The Princess and the Frog

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Real player with 100.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Shooter Games.

This game is pretty bad.

The controls are very wonky and difficult. The cursor just doesn’t move right, the click detection fields are not where they should be based on the pointer of the cursor, and just generally controlling Tiana and figuring out what to do next is frustrating. The minigames are terrible and unclear, and they seem to just play themselves. Overall, only the music, art and voice acting are good, but the gameplay is ROUGH. My daughter couldn’t really enjoy this one, the controls just don’t work well and there’s too much reading required for such simple gameplay.

Real player with 72.9 hrs in game

Disney The Princess and the Frog on Steam

The Operational Art of War IV

The Operational Art of War IV

Grognards will love this game. Fans of easy gameplay and immersive graphics will not. Don’t expect to see cavalry charges and explosions. Think moving pieces on a chessboard, but with hundreds of unique pieces.

A grognard is a hard core wargamer who values accuracy over playability. Wargames started during the Napoleonic era. Miniatures, then cardboard counters, then computers used markers or counters which identify the unit and its attack and defense capabilities movement, morale and other factors all represented by numbers. When the attack is resolved the numbers on the combating counters change and the units advance or retreat into the next hex.

Real player with 3672.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Strategy Games.

This review includes suggestions for those new to the genre.

tl;dr: If you don’t want to put/have the time to learn, don’t like more abstract games, hate the graphics (as shown in screen shots) don’t like time limit and pressure, then you should pass. Otherwise, I recommend trying it out if there is a hunch that you might enjoy it–I’m glad I did.

I had not played games in this genre before (learned to read NATO counters to play). Starting out, I read the manual, referenced resources other players provided, and watched YouTube tutorials. I was then lost, confused, and put off. With persistence, I won my first scenario (Kasserine Pass) and, after that, felt I had the hang of it, after which the game has been more fun.

Real player with 195.9 hrs in game

The Operational Art of War IV on Steam

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Darkest Hour would merit an award not only for its terrific value but also for the care put into its playability and historical accuracy. Historical events will generally always occur but sometimes at a different moment than anticipated depending on a number of factors. It is generally impossible to avoid having Stalin’s purges as the Soviet player, or election results in France for instance. But in spite of this, outcomes may be very different from game to game because of all other factors that may come into play. It is a complex game that requires a lot of attention, but that is also very rewarding to play.

Real player with 2008.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Strategy Games.

I have 250-something hours in this game, and it is truly worth every cent i payed for it, i think it was like 2$ CAN. As Hoi4 can never hope to run on my system so this was my first hearts of iron game and i think its a good introduction for the series. It does have a steep learning curve and requires some mental capacity, but it is sorta simple when you look at it and its parts.

Some reviews say that the game is rather linear, that is sorta true at a glance depending on how you play. You can choose to play any nation at a variety of start dates and choose multiple paths to go down for your nation, (though not nearly as extensive as hoi4s foucus trees). there are options to go down alt-history in the base game, through the great number of events and decisions. they are limited though, it is impossible to have a communist USA for example, without the use of a little thing called console commands, which opens up alot of opportunities. make canada a fascist industrial powerhouse rivaling germany in might? you can do it, you can cheat your way through alot, but my advice is to use it only for developing minor nations or capitulating a already defeated enemy, or bypassing the script and creating your own scenarios.

Real player with 812.1 hrs in game

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game on Steam



I love this game! For being made by 1 person It beats a lot of AAA games in creativity. I would really like to see more games like this in the future and I will be following the game’s development closely!

Real player with 123.7 hrs in game

I pirated this game from Google, but after playing it for a while I decided to just buy the game to support the developer bcs this game is just super fun, after just 40 hours of playing this game I can say I love it the designing of the hull and turret is simple but is still fun, I’ve already made about 20 tanks just from WW1, the only problem with this game is that it’s empty and lacking a lot of other features that I would like in the game, I understand that it’s only made by one person so I can wait for as long as possible so that he can improve this game a lot, so I’ma just list the problems I have with the game:

Real player with 50.3 hrs in game

Sprocket on Steam

Toy Soldiers: Complete

Toy Soldiers: Complete



Unfortunately. A masterpiece is becoming the commonplace work by unnecessary decoration.I would like to play original ToySoldiers1 without a bug.

I am playing Toy Soldiers and Cold War by XBLA.

Finishing of a clearance of all the difficulty all the stages except DLC of unpurchased Cold War.

A recommended reason is in the expectation for Toy Soldiers1 and Steam Workshop which are probably mounted from now on.

Then, how is Cold War?

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game


  • Tower defence with fully 3D environments, creeps and weapon behaviors

  • Turrets are varied and use ballistics, as well as AI aiming, instead of automatic guaranteed damage outputs

  • Player can control fully fleshed out turrets or vehicles to take part in the defence, not just a gimmick

  • GI Joe/Cold War 1980s trimmings, with historical weapons and creeps and a good amount of tongue-in-cheek

  • Visuals and sound are excellent (for a game from 2011) Players can also joyfully destroy most level features, leaving levels looking war torn.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Toy Soldiers: Complete on Steam

Supreme Ruler Ultimate

Supreme Ruler Ultimate

if you enjoy tactical planning and engagement theory this game tops anything I’ve ever played in my life thus far…. I enjoyed games like command and conquer/age of empires etc. as a boy….. this game eclipses that level of gameplay by about a million times over……..in this games layout and playability it brings about 1000 manageable tasks to hand on a daily (game day) to be tended in order to effectively manage a country; as well as development of that country’s military armed forces which are specific to thier own unique ability’s, mobility, range, and fire power based upon real world specs of each unit as well. It’s an incredible format and if you have an extra hundred hours per week to invest into it then you can really take full advantage of what it has to offer in a complete sense of understanding……. it makes for an incredibly enjoyable experience that can easily account for a fake workday….. you can make a day of work from this game…..easily…….you simply will not recieve a real life paycheck from your work at the end of the week…..lol…..so make sure it’s a labor of love in doing it…….and as a simulator comparable to actual reality a fair one at that… I’ve noticed some flaws in the progression of difficulty on an economic scale that bother me at points…..for example I wanted to improve the difficulty of my economy after I got the gist of managing it on easy…. and it became harder by America destroying thier own economy by conquering Canada and Mexico and going into major debt which screwed the entire world market in time….. and no matter how good my country’s infrastructure became I could not profit from it because every country in the world eventually became broke….. and I could never really make a significant enough profit on anything to ever really get a ahead at any point and so after I militarilly defeated every major military force in the world I decided to cheat and gift myself a few trillion dollars so I could then have some fun with that…….. in reality they would just….print more money (the UN) and tell America to f*ck off….. lol…..America would never actually destroy itself in such a way….. then again…… well I would like to hope not anyway….. you can literally lock and manage every to do in the game, from economy to diplomacy, to research and development of societal techs along with military techs and in addition build a military force of land sea and air units to be deployed unit by unit by unit hand selected to your own desire and discretion…. that’s how I like to play…. because I’m 34/ currently unemployed and living with my Grandmother….. I am incredibly healthy and fit despite my game time I am regimented and decisive with my diet and excercise which is always my top priority….next would be keeping my bunker….I mean my bedroom clean and neat…… and lastly I spend what other free time I have in between enjoying this game as of late…..eh….. I’ve had some odd jobs come up over the past few months…… I’m also an avid reader… I have my laptop going and do real world research often while I am playing….. when you actually run the game at normal speed you will reach a point where you will encounter hours of down time…. if you have good infrastructure and enough money as well as strong alliances in and around your country you can literally issue a series of orders and let the game run untended for up to 2-3 hours at a time….. and it periodically autosaves so if you do that and end up coming back to a disaster you can re-load the game to a point prior to that particular happening….. I……….love……this game…..FANKYOU BATTLEPACK STUDIO! WE LOVE YOU! . -love, Chuck…. lol….Battlegoat studios….. they are incredible and I send them many many many sincere thankyou’s many times over. You guys kick ass.

Real player with 3588.6 hrs in game

Supreme Ruler Ultimate lets you supremely make the world your bitch. Play as any nation that existed in 1936, 1949, 2018 and beyond in a real time strategy game with so much depth you’re gonna to be drowning in militaristic decisions……such as Do I as 1936 Brazil want to buy Japanese ship designs, produce Soviet Tanks or buy outdated artillery pieces from the french?

[Military Units and Diversity]

Every major nation has a ludicrous selection of nation specific unit designs from tanks, artillery, motorized infantry, special forces, marines, planes, ships, submarines, carriers etc. However a lot of these become outdated or are by the start of the game but are still cool….. Maybe you as 2018 Germany want to rebuild the Bismark idk. Lets say you don’t want to play as the big fish in small pond Europe, the units don’t actually mater because you can just buy the designs from other nations. If you want to play as Portugal you can just buy German or Soviet tank designs to produce yourself (As both countries by 1940 typically have 40+ tank designs and specialized variants. If you ally with a country you can just buy their units directly and have them shipped off to your country. As Mexico if you ally with the United States you can just buy anything they have in reserve….. for a price (This includes nuclear bombs and missiles and ICMBs too).

Real player with 2000.7 hrs in game

Supreme Ruler Ultimate on Steam

Disney•Pixar Cars: Radiator Springs Adventures

Disney•Pixar Cars: Radiator Springs Adventures

I give this game a mixed review cause Steam doesn’t bother to add an Mixed option when reviewing a game.

Anyway,this game is not bad but not good either,just some types of minigames that you can find on browser games.

Yeah,I think that this game should had been a browser game.

I only recommend to play this if you are bored of the other games from your library.


Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

The game is not worth your money and the main part of the game can be completed in an evening, but if you want to pass the game 100% have to kill a lot of time

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar Cars: Radiator Springs Adventures on Steam