Time Commando

Time Commando


I was only 7 the last time I had ever touched this game, that was all the way back in 2009. I got frustrated with Time Commando because of how difficult it was, never being able to finish the game after already halfway through it and eventually gave up. I ended up losing the disc somehow and when I did decide to give it another try I never found it again nor could I find another copy anywhere else, so I gave up looking and eventually forgot the game even existed.

Then LO AND BEHOLD, 12 years later and I stumble across this game again on Steam. Words cannot express how absolutely THRILLED I was to be able to play Time Commando again!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Historical Games.

i own it on CDROM now I own it on SteamROM

if u want the DOSBox to be in windowed mode with higher resolution, you have to go to the steam folder you installed it, like “X:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Time Commando”, find “TC.conf” and change the window resolution to something like “windowresolution=1280x960” then either “fullscreen=false” or just Alt+Enter when it opens

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Time Commando on Steam

The Last Express Gold Edition

The Last Express Gold Edition

I think this may well be the greatest game ever made. Yes, the controls are clunky as all get out. Yes, for people used to today’s games the ultra-high-tech-for-1997-digital-rotoscoping technique looks extremely antiquated. Yes, you’re dropped into the game with no idea what to do, and you’re going to fail. A lot. But at the same time “The Last Express” includes:

  • Probably the best-developed characters in any adventure game I’ve yet played (the weakest is arguably Robert Cath, who the player controls, but even he has an intriguing and irritatingly-largely-unrevealed-due-to-lack-of-a-sequel backstory). By the end of the game you know what they want and what makes most of them tick, and since certain bad things are more or less guaranteed to happen to a number of them the result is the equivalent of an emotional shovel to the face.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best World War I Mystery Games.

Ahead of its time but stuck in the past

First read about this game way back when it came out, in a magazine I still have, where the reviewer was left in complete awe because of unique design for an adventure game. Ever since it occupied a small cluster of neurons in the back of my head, waiting for me to play it and its moment to shine. I should say I never played the original so my review will only address this 2013 port, with some inferior exceptions others have noticed.

It plays like Myst, from 1st person perspective with static scenes as you move around, but is set in realistic environment of an vintage luxury passenger train called Orient Express. The whole game takes place in the same 4-5 vagon carts with beautifully rendered backgrounds. You move by clicking edges of screen with mouse cursor that contextually changes functions to forward, backward and left or right turn, with interaction prompts for opening doors and object/NPC interaction.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The Last Express Gold Edition on Steam

VR Museum

VR Museum

A tremendous power lies in VR. Anything you imagine, anywhere you dream, any time you envision - it can get you there.

Have you ever wondered what the Handley-Page 42 looked like in real life? Or what size was a Messerschmitt Me-323 Gigant? Or Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria? All of them are long since gone, but with the incredible power of virtual reality they can be brought back to life. And this is what the VR Museum was created for.

There are many great inventions that are only known from drawings and blurry photos. And many of them are already 3D-modelled and scattered around the net. The idea behind the VR Museum is to locate them, refurb if necessery, and show here for everyone to see. Starting from airplanes, the Museum’s collection will grow to become more interdisciplinary in the future.

Read More: Best World War I VR Games.

VR Museum on Steam

Tiny Toy Tanks

Tiny Toy Tanks

It may be simple, but boy, is it fun. Missions 1-12 are easy and get you accustomed to the mechanics. Then, with mission 13, the real challenge begins. By mission 34, you’re taking on up to a dozen tanks at once and trying to weave through the hail of bullets. After that, the difficulty drops off, disappointingly.

I died a total of 120 times. The hardest missions were 23, 27, and 34.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

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⡇⣿⠹⣿⡇⡟⠛⣉⠁⠉⠉⠻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⡉⠂⠈⠙⢿⣿⣝⣿ It’s good








Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Tiny Toy Tanks on Steam