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Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

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Gestaltor on Steam

001 Game Creator

001 Game Creator

Especially for the money, I don’t think you’ll find a program more fun to use when putting together your games. I haven’t found a more flexible engine (Short of maybe Unity, which still requires extra licensing) to quickly piece together scenes and basic mechanics to sketch out game ideas without diving into a million menus. They don’t even have to be simple prototypes, as I am also able to implement complex mechanics in no time at all using easy drag and drop scripting. I have found that my only limitation so far has been my own terrible math skill.

Real player with 4553.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Web Publishing Education Games.

I’ve used 001 now for almost 15 years. I’m currently working for SoftWeir Inc. and have contributed to 001 in many ways. That being said, I originally purchased 001 years ago through their website as any other customer, and not just given a free copy as a team member. I’m not being paid to write this review.

001 is a very capable engine designed to bring your ideas to life, as quickly as possible. You can import assets, just plop them into a map or interface, tweak some triggers then start building a game. If you are familiar with the engine, and have the assets ready, you can quite literally prototype ideas in under an hour (Of course depending on how many existing systems and assets you can leverage, and what gameplay you are looking for)

Real player with 1955.3 hrs in game

001 Game Creator on Steam

AppGameKit Studio

AppGameKit Studio

9 Out Of 10 Stars!


Been using original “AppGameKit 2” (now called “Classic”) for a long time with great results.

I purchased “AppGameKit Studio” today.

First impressions are excellent.

I really love the new IDE and scene editor.

Definitely recommend this game creation software!

It’s missing some things that I hope are implemented soon:

(1) [DONE]HTML5/WebGL export with persistent data saving.

(2) “Steam Workshop” support.

(3) “Vulkan” rendering support for the other platforms.

Great game engine!

Real player with 1454.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Web Publishing Software Training Games.

AppGameKit Studio is the successor to the original AppGameKit and features several new improvements. However, if you are happy with the original AGK, there’s no urgent reason to upgrade - yet.

As for the software itself, although it was probably far from what the developers were hoping for, I wrote a visual novel with it called ‘Shark Dating Simulator’, available on Steam, which had a major boost when JackSepticEye reviewed it and sales were somewhat higher than I ever expected. As I was raised on the BASIC of old computers, AGK was not difficult to get into at all. AGK apps, for me on PC, run fast and smoothly and there are no watermarks or royalties to pay on your work - everything you make is yours. I would never have been able to make my game without AGK.

Real player with 672.6 hrs in game

AppGameKit Studio on Steam

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development

A little background:

I’m a professional developer schooled in C### and Java. I am however not schooled to create games, but I know how the mechanics work. 3D game development is more of a hobby/side-project. Please read my review as such, if you’re completely new to programming, my feeling about this product can greatly differ from your perspective. Most of my pros and cons are subjective. But true in my opinion. Also: I use this product only for 3D development, I have no interest in the 2D side.

Real player with 1305.3 hrs in game

I’ve changed my review. I thought about deleting it and posting a whole new review, but then I decided to keep it so TGC’s intentions to make AGK functional on Linux would be documented in the comments. If you would like to see the old review, so you’ll have some context if you read the comments, click here .

Okay, I’ve got better things to do with my time now that AGK on Linux has notably improved, and 2 lengthy reviews is 2 too many, so let’s get down to brass tacks.

Real player with 1279.9 hrs in game

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development on Steam

Pixel Game Maker MV

Pixel Game Maker MV

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m now ready to weigh in my thoughts on Pixel Game Maker MV. I’ve been using this software since early access back in 2018.


Pixel Game Maker MV is a great game development engine for those that are not programmers, and want to be able to create either side scrolling or top down action games. It’s got enough for a single person development operation to chew on here to create the game you want to create in the way you want it created; bearing in mind that you operate within the program’s limits. If programming/scripting is outside your reach (or if it’s something you can do), this is a great engine that has the potential to be amazing as long as the developers continue with updates & performance improvements. There are assets and DLC that is available at the time of writing for you to get a jump on a concept quickly, but there are no asset standards (outside of keeping things divisible by 2) to conform with.

Real player with 2587.5 hrs in game

I’ll begin this review with I’m 36, not 16. I have no illusions about making a game and distributing it for gain. This is a hobby for me and that is the perspective I write this review from. I have a day job. I moonlight as a hobby pixel artist, and that drives me to dev software to have fun with, and bring it to life.

I began with RPG Maker MV as my first dip into game dev software. I do not have a desire to learn to code so that software was more interesting to me compared to more advanced engines. After years in RMMV I felt the want for more control from the ground up, and not be boxed in by hard limitations from the software, and the need for plugins to break through those hard limitations. Pixel Game Maker MV grants me that feeling. I did not feel like the learning curve to get going on a project was difficult, even without a large database of video tutorial content on YouTube at the time.

Real player with 1866.7 hrs in game

Pixel Game Maker MV on Steam