Super Hiking  Simulator 2020

Super Hiking Simulator 2020

Up front: While I enjoyed it, you get what you pay for.

This game is not a technical marvel. It is not polished or fully-featured, or realistic, per se. In fact, it’s a little janky. Don’t expect AAA anything, or revolutionary anything. But you can probably figure that out from the description. You can probably also figure out that it has a sidequest (

! that, in fully-intended irony, eclipses the main trail in terms of content and interaction). I enjoyed the game because of its unique charm and atmosphere.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Flight Games.


Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Super Hiking Simulator 2020 on Steam



good idea i,m waiting for updates,i appreciate your work

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Action Games.

Graphics problem fixed!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Ordeal on Steam

Infiltration: Alone in Combat

Infiltration: Alone in Combat

Me gusta, son muy difícil de pasar las misiones, los gráficos son increíbles.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Action Games.

Maybe worth a buck for the beautiful forest.


The artwork is stunning the Forest is beautiful!


The game is a little too basic. I’ll try to make this constructive for the future updates.

-It is missing core things such as Crouch, or Lie down.

-It is missing the option to change the aim sensitivity and other basic settings.

-Their is currently no way to regain health.

-The enemy’s will continue to fire at you once they have seen you no matter how far away you get, even out of view.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Infiltration: Alone in Combat on Steam

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition

TL:DNR: A noble, but much flawed effort. Buy it very cheap ( us$1), or="" for="" the="" achievement="" 100%="" ( us$1.50) br="" Okay - so this is one of those games that the “comedians” of Steam just go on about either with brutal comments about it giving them cancer, or racist/sectist crap, or they do the lame sarcasm.

This isn’t one of those.

What I like about this game, is their intent. To make a Arabic/Northern African themed game of adventure and discovery. I like the characters most of the time, and would really like to see more games coming from Arab countries make it into the mainstream (Semaphore is a Saudi game studio), as I am intrigued to hear their cultural voice applied to gaming. The graphics are generally pretty good, though the ATV escape ‘chapter’ had some odd graphics quality, I think to mimic a sandstorm, but looked like a bug. The brother and sister team is a great idea too. /us$1),

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

“Oh look guys, it’s Timothy writing a review for that one game everyone on youtube makes fun of! I can’t wait until he tears it a new arsehole, because he’s a cynical bastard and that’s what cynical people do!”

If this was your reaction when you noticed this review, then I’m sorry to tell you that I will not write a funny 9/11 Allahu Akbar type of review. I respect the dev team, who put a lot of work and effort in this game, too much for that. Well yeah, this game is inspired by Uncharted, Tomb Raider, what not, they won’t deny that. But at least they are enthusiastic about it. What’s the last time you saw people this happy about making a game? Even if the game is buggy (and oh, trust me, it is, I’ll elaborate) I still had fun playing it simply because I know the devs had fun making it. They really want to make an amazing adventure series where you explore the arabic world and its many fascinating places (which it truly has, no doubt about that). The dev team knows that they’re not making GOTYAY material and doesn’t say they are. They try to stay positive while everyone on the internet’s too busy making fun of them and their “worst game ever” (a title that many other games I’ve played deserve more). They respond nicely to often assholish or ‘funny’ behaviour and criticism, which I think is something most developers can learn from. So yeah, kuddos for that, guys.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition on Steam

Death courier

Death courier

A brilliant take on Death Stranding but with a far more streamlined and coherent plot. A masterclass in story telling that puts Kojima’s comedy of concepts to bitter shame. If you look close enough, there’s beauty in monotony. Also, pleased to see the lack of obnoxious product placement.

Game sucks, no boobs. JK Fly AF LmAo

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Death courier on Steam

see you: a brief exile

see you: a brief exile

a teenager lived a normal life, was send to a strange lonely world by mystery power. is it possible to get back to where he came from?

search and discover:

speak with distinguished characters, gradually find out how this world work and how to get out of this place.

step by step mission:

catch up with one character, get more complicated mission.

recover mystery:

think and make decision, is what you must do for the sake of getting back.


various and lively interaction? once you manipulate well, no problem.

map design:

feel free to get to wherever you want, up to mountain, into forest or go underground, etc. if stuck, try to figure out right time or find corresponding key.

hidden factor:

collect scattered information fractions, which you can put together and get one touching story.

see you: a brief exile on Steam

Town Fall Zombie

Town Fall Zombie

I don’t like this game because once you take over you can’t do anything fun, and it’s not really realistic like turning people in like every movie zombies just need one bite and they keep doing it. Also they people are predictable so I would give this game a pass because it’s free, so do whatever you feel like. [ Update to my review. ] What the hell is wrong with these people it’s been a while and no update and now there making people pay that’s insane if anyone thinks oh well its only nine dollars I would say HELL NO they should pay you for playing that’s how bad the game is and they game crashes a lot thats the only reason I had 36 hours playing it, the game almost broke my computer.

Real player with 39.2 hrs in game

I coulden’t in good faith suggest this game to anyone in its current state. Give this one a miss.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Town Fall Zombie on Steam



The Award for the longest dialogs goes to…

The first impressions of the game were really good, nice character modeling and a kind of open world to walk and actually being able to walk freely and without any movement problems (because lot of games like this one throw the gameplay with absurd character movement).

The game actually presents like an apocalyptic alike game since you are looking for your parents in an dark and abandoned house with some strange elements like this one, and you can see how dark is the house when is like 2 p.m outside, but it turns in a more friendly space as much as you explore the environment (honestly I thought this was going to be a dark and scary game from the start)

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game


An enjoyable supernatural adventure game, still in development, which is currently held back by it’s mediocre combat system.




Lux visits her parents summer house in the woods only to find they have mysteriously disappeared. She uncovers a portal which takes her to a space station where She encounters members of the Redaction Council. They tell her that her parents are top agents of the council and have gone missing. Lux is convinced to go looking for them but before she leaves she has her DNA re-sequenced to give her special powers which will aid her in her quest.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game


VERGE:Lost chapter

VERGE:Lost chapter


Being a fan of horror games and someone who likes to support small developers - and also keeping in mind this game was made with GameGuru -, I really wanted to come here and recommend this game.

Unfortunately, I can’t.

The rain sound effect right at the beginning loops in such a way that you can tell when it loops, as there’s a fraction of a second where the sound pauses. The loading screens take WAY too long to load and it completely breaks the game’s immersion.

But the game’s biggest flaw is that it just… Lacks content. It’s incredibly short and it really has nothing to it. No compelling story, no challenge level, no puzzles, nothing. You really just find keys to doors, avoid some few and incredibly easy to avoid hazards and that’s it. Also, your actions don’t affect the ending, because you literally get to a part where it says “choose your end”.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Tags: 1PHWS - FIrst Person Horror Walking Simulator

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Gameguru. Short. Dead end narrative. Potential asset flip. Strongly recommended to avoid.

Review: WAY TOO LONG loading screens even on OP machine. Then game loads slow moving star wars text, this is no quality writing let me tell you. Basically just saying I used to be insane, I feel better, I got lost in the countryside. LOADING SCREEN. You are dumped on a fenced dirt road and go down the road. RUN RUN RUN RUN - RUN RUN - Game floats some text about things being SCARY or MADNESS. It makes no sense. So in your mind you replace those words with BORING: e.g. PROJECT 12 IS A GOVERNMENT PROGRAM THAT INJECTED PEOPLE TO INDUCE MADNESS = INJECT PEOPLE TO INDUCE BORING. Game makes a lot more sense after you do that. Anyways you open DOOR TO BUILDING = LOADING SCREEN. You go DOWN A SINGLE CORRIDOR = LOADING SCREEN. GO AROUND A DARK CORNER USE FLASHLIGHT OPEN DOOR = LOADING SCREEN.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

VERGE:Lost chapter on Steam

Unsolved Stories

Unsolved Stories

if you want to support the dev’s,you can buy it.As a project in the construction phase,the graphic quality is too high.Full review can not be done until gameplay and story modes are added

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Early Access Watcher Public Service Announcement

Game: Unsolved Stories

Version: Initial Release

Gameplay Footage:

Disclosure: This game copy was bought by the reviewer.

I understand what I was getting into before I paid for this one, but I wanted to at least see if there was going to be any substance outside a walking simulator to the current build. All you really get is a small area to walk around in that is semi accurate from what I can tell (why in the hell is W Division St an overpass). The few available landmarks are also barely represented, which means you will be looking at distribution buildings and parking lots 80% of the time (a side effect of the condensed size). There isn’t any descriptions for the locations either, so I couldn’t really call this a walking tour. This just feels like an ambitious project that claims to have a completed landscape with proper building designs, but until I can see a better representation of the final product, I can’t really recommend it.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Unsolved Stories on Steam