Imagined Leviathans

Imagined Leviathans

Immerse yourself in this starkly monochromatic survival adventure as you explore for fuel, take shelter from horrors, and negotiate with survivors.

A Scavenger Tale Set In Britain’s Arctic Future

You can feel the cold in your bones, and something lurks in the bright white void between trees. Scavenge for fuel. Build up that fire. Venture through the cold. Sacrifice everything. Alone, you must discover what lies beyond the forest, beyond the words, beyond the imagination.

_You’re frozen by fear!

You can’t hold out in that snow-buried campervan.

Come to the Steelhenge, just keep your head down and avoid the leviathans stalking the tundra.

Help me gather the other survivors and we’ll thaw out our truths by the fire. It’s time to forge something new.

  • Bill_

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.

Imagined Leviathans on Steam

Before Nightfall: Summertime

Before Nightfall: Summertime

Walking simulator with a twist: collecting wood so you can keep the fire burning.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Simulation Games.

no ice

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Before Nightfall: Summertime on Steam

Bonkey Trek Quimdung Edition

Bonkey Trek Quimdung Edition

So is it QUIMDUNG or QUICKDING? I can’t keep track.

It’s really nice to see super obscure games re-released on steam, especially with the death of flash.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.

bonkey perishes at your fist . . .

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Bonkey Trek Quimdung Edition on Steam

Don’t Be Afraid

Don’t Be Afraid

Trigger Warning: This game features violence against children. I know that seems obvious, but let’s be clear. You’re so obviously a child, and there are mentions to your age, the voice acting sounds like a child, and if you have any sensitivity to violence against children please be aware that this game may not be for you.

Secondly: If you are afraid of clowns, there is a fair amount of clown content. You’ve been warned.

True crime, horror, murder mysteries, I can usually handle them all. Yeah, I’ll scream sometimes, but usually that’s what I’m here for! The more twisted the more fun so long as there is a good reason for why I’m experiencing the horror. Give me story with my horror please. I want to an excuse to enjoy the darkness. That said, Don’t Be Afraid made me very afraid. It’s one game that, while I wasn’t afraid to traverse the actual levels as much the scares are reliant on jump scares (expect that one chase that…. oh God. Never again please!), the ever present fact that I am a child caused me enough psychological terror that it carried me through. Also I have a legit therapist wanted fear of clowns so that section of the game had me on edge quite a bit. I do recommend it overall for anyone looking for some good spooks and a little puzzles along the way, but will always throw out the warning that please be aware this is obviously violence against children and that may impact some of y’all in ways you don’t expect.

Real player with 52.3 hrs in game

The concept of the game is so delightful. For whatever reason I’ve never seen another game really go down this specific path and i’m dumbfounded as to why, its the perfect frame for a horror game. I really hope a universe/word is continued to be crafted out of this. As for the game I was only frustrated at one part and it was only because I missed a note I needed for a scripted sequence to happen. And I personally think the game wasn’t quite brutal enough. It could get so much more graphic and be enjoyable.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Don't Be Afraid on Steam

Soul Valley

Soul Valley

UPDATE: 12/28/19 I was finally able to go back in and play this game it seems most glitches have been fixed. The only one I ran into this time around is having to exit the fire to boil water a second time. I would say if you are looking for a short story, discovery game pick this one up. Even knowing the run through this time I played for a little over 2 hours. I still haven’t 100% it as I can not find the last flora paper.

Game seems okay, enjoying exploring. I had it on my wishlist so when I saw it went on sale today I bought it, Just played for 83 minutes felt a bit lost. Some campfires wouldn’t light, wouldn’t let me pick up a highlighted object that looked important (took a screenshot of that) I came across a few place where it would come up “place (E)” but there was nothing I could do at those places. Is there no inventory? Are we just collecting and not using or reading things such as a key, notes, and such? Also no way to restart?………. Update patch was put through that let me know there was a way to read notes and see the map after that things went crazy again and I was only able to complete the game by exiting and restarting every time I needed to light a fire or use an item. I never once saw the human forms that the story seems to be about, so I think it was all just a bit lost on me. I like to 100% my games but I tried many ways to pick up the green papers for the flora achievement but couldn’t pick them up.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

A pretty simple treasure hunt adventure. Wish the controls and settings were configurable, and maybe some hostile animals & enemies.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Soul Valley on Steam

Friend ReQuest - A Playable Teaser

Friend ReQuest - A Playable Teaser

Most of the game is pretty boring, so as to show how dull this person’s life really is. However, that doesn’t exactly make it enjoyable to play, and there’s barely any story for the first half of the game. Then, for the second half, there’s more story, but less to do in general.

I also have a habit of pressing esc to check my stats/ pause the game, and that exits this game. There is no save function, so I had to restart. They do tell you that there is no save function at the beginning of the game though.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

I’m sooooo excited for Amity Chain and this really sold it! Amity feels so real and all her conversations are so fleshed out I’m really looking forward to seeing more from her and other characters. Really neat spritework that I’m also excited to see more of!

Tip: stick around at the “end” of the game when the screen goes white!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Friend ReQuest - A Playable Teaser on Steam

Hot Air Balloon Simulator

Hot Air Balloon Simulator

You find yourself at 4 km altitude over the sea level in the middle of nowhere, in a hot air balloon. You have no food, no water, and the fuel supply is draining.

Can you survive in such situation? Will you have enough creativity to figure out what to do?

Immerse yourself into a beautiful and atmospheric trip

This game was highly inspired by Raft, which takes place in the middle of the sea.

In our game you are…well… in the middle of air.


-First ever hot air balloon pc game

-Detailed Survival elements. Air temperature, hunger, thirst, sleep.

-Beautiful graphics

-Ability to read books while you travel

-Detailed HAB control: control direction of the vessel, fuel input for height, bags can be disconnected to decrease weight and fly higher.

-Big open world with different biomes to explore

-Plot mode, survival mode, 80 days around the world challenge, casual customizable experience with flying over cities

-First and third person view

Hot Air Balloon Simulator on Steam

Lazy Postman

Lazy Postman

Stars received: 0.5/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.1] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0] Sound & Music

[0.2] Graphics

[0.1] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: 3D mail delivery platformer by LazyDev

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

lots of elements don’t work and game is a bit slow

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Lazy Postman on Steam

Mike goes on hike

Mike goes on hike

Have you ever been on a hike? As a child, Mike often went to the forest with his grandfather but now the work takes all his time. The only accident made the hero go back to the route…

So take your backpack and join Mike on his spectacular journey! Incredible views of wildlife, the romance of the forest trek and new discoveries are waiting for you. Go all the way to the end to feel the spirit of freedom again and fulfill the request of your beloved grandfather.

In Mike Goes on Hike you will see:

  • realistic landscapes and sounds that will make you dive - into the atmosphere of hiking

  • endless locations that you can explore for hours

  • multiple activities: installation of a tent, breeding of fire and other tasks

  • important life lessons that will guide you to the right path


Mike goes on hike on Steam

No Light

No Light

This game is full of jump scares it starts out real quick it gives you anxiety and all, however it becomes too repetitive and the jump scares starts to not scare you anymore.

Here’s a game play I did:

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

I tried twice and noped the heck out of this game. There isn’t a jump scare or audio jump scare this game doesn’t love and the overall effect is to make you jangly and jumpy. Good luck figuring out which demons can kill you in one hit and which are just quick frights.

Demons are jerks, overall, and love pouncing out of the darkness towards you in this game. And a few got me good enough that I tried hiding in the closets. Then I reminded myself I can wait until the devs make a version filled with cute kittens. Oh, were the cameras supposed to work? I couldn’t get 1 to 5 to do anything.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

No Light on Steam