I wake disoriented. Where am I? Looking out a window, I see the light reflected off the planet below. Clearly, I’m in orbit, but over a planet I don’t recognize. How did I get here? Why can’t I remember anything? Where is everyone?
Cradle-18 is a 3D walking simulator aboard an orbital space station. Explore from one compartment to the next to unravel the mystery of this deserted craft. What was the mission? And what has become of the crew? Am I truly alone?
No enemies. Seems there is nobody to fight with.
Search for clues and collect information to piece together the answers. But space is a harsh environment, and the systems on this craft are showing signs of stress. Survival is not guaranteed.
Notes of horror. It feels uncomfortable on the uninhabited station in space.
Space ambient music. Enjoy space views to the beautiful space music. While you can.
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.
I Am a Rock
Experience flying in the endless space of the universe and flying over the major planets. Perhaps you will have different ideas about life.
Game features:
1. Play as an asteroid.
2. Experience flying in the universe.
3. Meet the major planets of the solar system.
4. Face to face with true greatness.
5. You can customize the flight path.
Read More: Best Walking Simulator 3D Platformer Games.
In Marte - The First Moon
lol, i was compelled to change scripts of game to pass through pipes scenes, they are just broken, looks like if you rotated it wrong a lot, you will never solve the puzzle. Awful game, found it in similar games to my own one. Do i have any chance to contact with developer? want to discuss some details of game.
– Real player with 1.8 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.
I don’t think I even need to explain why this game is bad, the video speaks for itself.
I don’t understand why Valve allow these sorts of games to exist on this platform.
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
Exo One
The game itself is very simple. You’re an object that can change between a ball and a disk, using gravity tech to either increase/decrease gravity, making you gain speed very fast very quickly as long as you use slopes smartly as you would in a tony hawk game.
Once you get a bit of speed you store energy, that energy gets used to make you into a disk which you can use to fly around with. Depending on your angle you can use it to go even higher, get more speed, fly even faster and get a sense of speed that even Sonic himself could get jealous of. It’s all up to you how adrenaline-fueled you want to make your adventure.
– Real player with 12.0 hrs in game
I’m not sure how to proceed with this one…..bear with me and please hear me out. Exo One is a game I really liked but cannot recommend to you. You need to be of a certain ilk to get into this one and I really suggest watching a few bits of a playthrough and reading reviews on both sides of the fence.
I am giving Exo One the thumbs up because it definitely does not deserve a thumbs down. But this is not a thumbs up in the way that if you like a certain kind of game then you will enjoy this. More like I liked it, everyone else on here seems to be going gaga for it but I can’t help but feel a lot of the reviews here are part of the Kickstarter crowd or were at least following it. I honestly expected a Mixed or Positive average on Steam. Not an Overwhelmingly Positive for sure.
– Real player with 9.8 hrs in game
Virtual world Primus
Asset flip trash with no content.
It crashes. The mouse doesn’t lock or conceal.
It is an absolutely brazen asset flip.
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
Avoid at all costs. This is nothing but an empty city asset kit. Imagine a “developer” buying a $5 Asset kit, stripping all the life out of that asset kit in the $5 pack, then just flipping the asset map or city in this case and charging $19.99 for it.
No work done to said asset map. Nothing added. No life. No options. Not even an Exit option (ESC does nothing)
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
Lightyears from Home
Set in a solar system far from Earth, “Lightyears from Home” is a sci-fi game that puts the player in the shoes of an engineer following clues to an unknown galaxy in search of someone who had long gone missing. The story begins with the player exploring Glacier IV, a geothermal ice planet that was formerly explored by a major mining company before being abandoned due to unexplained casualties.
While a story-based metroidvania game at heart, “Lightyears from Home” will incorporate mechanics from various game genres, including survival, crafting, and RPG, to create a uniquely player-driven experience. The player faces not only the planet’s wildlife but also the environment itself, providing a constant challenge to the exploration of the game world.
Exo One: Prologue
It’s a demo/prologue. Runs/sessions are 7 1/2 minutes each maximum.
If you pause the game and restart the level before that time limit you can keep the game running forever.
Put your own music on with songs less than 7 1/2 minutes and restart after every song and you’ll be at it for a while.
Grab a wireless controller. Get up, move with the ball, qigong it. (somebody else mentioned smoke: Double Plus Recommend for Double Plus Good time)
I have actually played that many hours. (That could be the review itself.)
– Real player with 176.2 hrs in game
Easter egg alert:
! Press the F9 key in-game a couple times, wink wink.
Actual review:
The creativity and absolutely incredible graphics of this game are unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It’s one of those demo games you simply must try in order to understand their thrill and appeal. The scattered elements of an intriguing storyline give me hope for a deeper meaning to the game, apart from admirable beauty and fun mechanics. If you’re considering installing this art piece, go for it as soon as possible. I guarantee you, you will not regret it. Kudos to the developers for making such an eye-catching yet undemanding masterpiece, looking forward to the full version.
– Real player with 1.7 hrs in game
Deliver Us The Moon
Deliver Us the Moon
An atmospheric and impressive piece of work. The game is now complete and was thoroughly enjoyable.
81 ️⭐️⭐⭐️⭐️
Gameplay (No Spoilers)
I have just completed the final chapter and I must say it was worth the wait. It was exciting, emotional, compelling and provided a fitting ending to the story.
– Real player with 17.6 hrs in game
UPDATE (October 28th):
Look, I know no one is reading these updates; I’m just writing them for fun.
So, a week after the game release, a new patch came out that seemed to make graphic settings actually have an effect on the game (I know, revolutionary), and made the final minigame easier. Specifically, I think the crater inform of you is now in the shade, so the game is no longer killing itself trying to render it.
Anyways, I finished the game, and was going to gather all collectibles before finally giving it a positive review.
– Real player with 11.7 hrs in game
Neo Art Space
Neo Art Space VR is a wow-inspiring immersive art experience. Traveling through space and time, you emerge in a new universe as an explorer of dazzling moving colorful light art, planets, stars and galaxies. You explore over 30 experiences orchestrated with gorgeous music to help you move from the everyday 3D experience to a transcendent 5D consciousness.
You can create your own experience via teleporting wherever you want to go on pathways through glowing light caves, into planets, through vibrantly alive forests, inside zinging energy fields, or out into space observatory see an eclipse. The array of experience and the levels you can go are as boundless as the universe you are in. You can even create your very own interactive geometric art.
Sharing the experience with others only amplifies its effect. You can meet family and friends inside and experience the sense of awe and wonder in the Neo Art Space VR together, making unforgettable memories that are as unique as the environment you are in.