Decabristov Street

Decabristov Street

Take a walk through one of the courtyards of the city of Moscow on Dekabristov Street. Four houses surrounding the yard, a skating rink in the middle, a few garages and solitude…

There are no goals or objectives in the game.



Space - jump

Ctrl - croach

F-Drag and drop items

E - Opening doors

Read More: Best Walking Simulator 3D Games.

Decabristov Street on Steam

Ferris Wheel Simulator

Ferris Wheel Simulator

Ferris Wheel Simulator

Too afraid to go a ferris wheel in real life? Or maybe there are no ferris wheels in your town? Or maybe.. maybe to hell with all those maybies - you just want to buy this damn game. If so - well we are very lucky. We want to offer this masterpiece experience where you can… well, you probably already have an idea - be in a ferris wheel, however the name may hint that you will be actually the ferris wheel but no sorry if anyone understood it this way.

⚫Ride ferris wheel in first person perspective. Real life ferris wheels are too scary and you actually have to drive to them. With our virtual solution, you don’t have to drive anywhere. Just launch this game to enjoy this experience.

⚫2 Anime chans sitting near you. Because anime chans make every game a little bit better. Oh, they also have face animations.

⚫3d graphics


⚫Gamepad support

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Snow Games.

Ferris Wheel Simulator on Steam





Tldr: Dev grabbed a bunch of maps from the asset store, strung them together with no cohesion or quality control, and tried selling it for 25$

I’m going to put far more effort into this review then the dev put into their entire game which is basically a bunch of random reused assets maps that are strung together with no logic. The reason there aren’t many reviews for this game is probably because it is an indie dev game and also being their first game and also being early access and also being horror and also being TWENTY FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS! And yeah it’s as bad as you think.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Immersive Sim Games.

FindDark on Steam

On the Hunt

On the Hunt

On the Hunt is a first-person wild animal hunting simulator. A game with a fairly well-developed world of wildlife. Wild animals are very circumspect and careful, hunt down and develop your hunter skill!

Test your new weapon at the shooting range and go hunting for the beast in these beautiful places as soon as possible!

Hunting in various scenic regions is fun and exciting!

Have a good hunting !!!

On the Hunt on Steam

The Colossus Is Coming: The Interactive Experience

The Colossus Is Coming: The Interactive Experience



Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

One of the best super short free Horror games i’ve ever played. Amazing atmosphere. I wish the best to developer!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The Colossus Is Coming: The Interactive Experience on Steam

Before Nightfall: Summertime

Before Nightfall: Summertime

Walking simulator with a twist: collecting wood so you can keep the fire burning.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

no ice

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Before Nightfall: Summertime on Steam

China Simulator | 中國模擬器

China Simulator | 中國模擬器

In times of quarantine and inability of people to travel, we want to introduce digital tourism opportunity for people to experience a digital trip to a fantasy world China.

Visit the iconic Kowloon suburb of HK, walk at atmospheric Chinese street markets, immerse into a new culture and other people’s way of living.

Famous areas of Hong Kong and Shanghai, sky scrappers, capsule hotels, traditional Chinese food, Wushu. On border with futuristic cyberpunk scenes and traditional Dao Temples, China is a very beautiful diverse country being a home to over 100 cultures and showing it fully would be impossible, but we gathered all famous that is about China (all similarity with real world is coincidental), and compelled it into a short action packed videogame, making a tribute to the culture we love.


-A digital trip to virtual fantasy-world China.

-Familiarize yourself with general facts about Chinese culture

-High quality visuals & characters having face animations

-Atmospheric locations: Ancient Temples, Museums, City Streets & Markets, Sky Scrappers, Harbors, Night Clubs

-Learn local folklore and memes

-Ability to experience Night life of Hong Kong


We do not claim that the game is accurate to reality as it would be impossible to represent. Rather, it is a collection of collective image mixed with artistic vision, making it an entertainment product. All action is taking place in a fantasy world, and all similarity with real world is coincidental.

China Simulator | 中國模擬器 on Steam

Death On A Street Corner: Overdose Simulator

Death On A Street Corner: Overdose Simulator

Excellent. Buy it. Sit down for less than an hour of your busy life and enjoy it.

The decision to convey this message through a game, a format distinguished by the expectation to make decisions and influence circumstances, is a meaningful light to shine on the fallacy of “personal responsibility” in poverty and drug abuse. Moreover, Death on a Street Corner’s depiction of the working world’s co-option of family, as an institution, really conveys the inter-generational regime of fear, guilt and expectation that is created while we judge ourselves into submission and while naïve, rich kids and finance demi-gods look on, alienated and looking to be entertained.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

It is incredibly depressing.

I really love the way the story is put together.

I wish there was some more interaction. I don’t mean that I should have any choices, just a few more things to do.

Definitely worth the price tag and will stick with you for a while after you play.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Death On A Street Corner: Overdose Simulator on Steam

Explore Fushimi Inari

Explore Fushimi Inari

Non-VR Review: A Really Great Walking Simulator with a Well-Designed Environment

This review is for the non-VR version. The developer’s write-up for the game gave me the impression that he’s a casual hobbyist. There was nothing amateurish, however, about the final result. I noticed a lot of subtle details that added a sense of realism. Small variations here and there made it feel like an actual place. Rows upon rows of Shinto gates in a forest are inherently repetitive, but the developer managed to include enough points of interest to keep it from being boring. It was an enjoyable experience. It’s a dense forest, with a lot of vegetation to render. I’m worried that my Radeon RX 580 might struggle to display it in VR (it was averaging around 45 fps on my monitor). If someone tries it in VR with a similarly modest video card, I’d love to hear about your experience.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

The setting of this, on an almost surrealist landscape, seems like a parody of chinese or japanese culture. All those red gateways acting like tunnels over the paths. Every one seems like a clone. Is this real, or is this the level designer being lazy? Then you start to leave the path, to wander the woodlands and look at the scenery. The sun starts to be eclipsed by the trees, and the wind grows. Soon, you’re wandering the island and it’s getting dark and rainy, you’re hoping you can get to the exit before it gets locked for the night, you follow the lighted paths and watch the last few rays of sunlight setting through the trees… And you’ve forgotten this is a simulation. The thoughts of the unreality, the fakeness are gone. You start to see this for what it is, almost a self-made pastiche of its own culture, rendered real in the digital realm. This is what it looks like, this is what it’s like to wander the hillsides and watch the water churning over the rocks. This is Fushimi Inari, and it is… stunning.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Explore Fushimi Inari on Steam

Photo Studio

Photo Studio

At a Glance

| (Adult) Content | (F, FxM) Sexual content. |

| Censorship? | No. Woot! Woot! |

| Hours of Gameplay | One hour. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | Purchase as DLC. |

Photo Studio is a lewd sandbox game about posing models in a photo studio.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

I would recommend this video if you like me need instructions on how to play the game.

I like the game….But before I got it I was able to see and watch detailed walk through videos on how the game was played. Now that I got the game the only videos to see are the lighting and the very short walk through introduction of the game.

I’m haven second thoughts about this game because of this issue.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Photo Studio on Steam