Don’t Disturb
I bought this game after seeing it advertised on FB mobile, I instantly fell in love with the art style and soundtrack. It’s a lovely little game with a unique narrative about asian views of the afterlife, using text bubbles and atmosphere to tell the story. The music is a mix of modern and traditional sounding instruments, such as a piano with hints of a shamisen(?) playing in the background, and the composition adds to the atmosphere. The art style is absolutely gorgous, in the style of traditional asain watercolour, and if you look closely there’s a slight paper - like texture to the game, which I believe is a stroke of artistic genious.
– Real player with 6.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Choices Matter Games.
Sorry. I cannot recommend this game at all, at any price, if you do not speak and read Chinese, and are not aware of, and accustomed to Chinese culture. Yes, there is the option to have the game text in English, but the translations are poor, and the Chinese characters in the background art (signs and such) do not translate, and will have no meaning for English-only players, while they may convey some lore or story importance to those who speak and read Chinese. No way for me to know, I do not speak or read Chinese.
– Real player with 4.7 hrs in game
A Winding Path
A Winding Path is a charming and original experience, offering chilled out gameplay that provides just enough of a challenge. It’ll take 2-3 hours to complete but there is plenty of scope to spend longer in the game for those who want to explore in detail or become a master at the Artemis Archery Club! The beautiful combination of gameplay and styling give this title a unique and wholesome feel, it has the potential to appeal to a range of player preferences and I highly recommend it!
– Real player with 7.0 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.
Admittedly I did not like the first hour of the game, I was afraid it would turn into another stick guy game with generic puzzles, but it got a lot better toward the second half, mainly because the quests just became a lot more creative, and in general, the experience gave me a strong sense of escapism, granted it happened much later in the story. Also, I am questioning the use of WASD and 1234 in a game like this, I really feel like mouse UI would be a more relaxing option, I even got a finger cramp because there is a mechanic you need to constantly spam, if you are curious about hidden interactions anyway. Hunting for hidden achievements and optional trinkets is probably the strongest part of the experience, I think the side tasks for the collection were very enjoyable - and you can unlock some cosmetics hats too. As for the story, I was invested more in the second half of the narrative, for whatever reason I didn’t fully grasp the intended theme of the world, it’s not a familiar setting to me, but I will say that I loved the ending, it gave me a satisfying closure.
– Real player with 4.7 hrs in game
Moxie’s Lemon
Moxie’s Lemon is a short cinematic platformer about pettiness and frustration, in the style of 2000s-era Flash games. Using mouse, keyboard, or gamepad, help Moxie get her lemon and achieve ultimate satisfaction! The goal of this game is to surprise you, frustrate you, and make you laugh.
Constant dumb surprises: Every screen has unique controls and objectives
Unexpected musical sequences: Action and music blend together in a horrifying blend of cartoon agony
Frustratingly obtuse controls: Laugh with surprise and cry with frustration as you try to figure out what is happening
Short and sweet: 15 weird minutes of your life that you’ll never get back
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Rhythm Games.
Adventure Rush
Get ready for another incredible adventure, face spiders, monsters and goblins in a side scrolling system with Shoot ‘Em Up elements and try out numerous equipment with your hero.
But beware of the fearsome dragon!!
Adventure Rush is a game of easy introduction and difficult to master, combine skill and quick reflexes with strategy when selecting items during your journey, every life point is valuable and each gold coin can be decisive in your destiny!!
Play Control or Keyboard with full compatibility, just choose what is most comfortable and start your adventure.
The Main Features are the countless heroes, tons of items, pets, magic rings, enchanted books and accessories with various maps and biomes full of secrets and mysteries waiting to be unraveled.
Branches is a Unity Asset flip, what Valve calls a “fake game”. The “developer”, beans rolls, took the Branches Unity Store tutorial/demo/game asset pack from the real developers, SgLib Games, changed the name, and dumped the result onto Steam. They’re attempting to scam people into buying this, so they can get your money for someone else’s work.
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
Call of Fries
This is a really cute game with cool music and beautiful art style. Please note that the controls are extremely difficult and frustrating. It took my way too long to complete the game and I had to step away a few times so that I not destroy something out of frustration,. I might just be a noob though lol. Other than that a really cute game as always
– Real player with 6.6 hrs in game
A very hard to play game. Control is clunky and there are times it’s so frustrating.
Although the goal is simple, but due to the uncontrollable control, the gaming experience sucks.
I hope it would be relaxing but it was the opposite.
Not nice.
– Real player with 3.2 hrs in game
OXENFREE II: Lost Signals
Five years after the events of OXENFREE, Riley returns to her hometown of Camena to investigate mysterious radio signals. What she finds is more than she bargained for.
Doggo Dig Down
This game seems like a low effort student project. No sprite animations, text-to-voice narration, and simplistic & repetitive gameplay make this a very unpleasant experience. You will spend the entire game digging a path down, while continuously bringing the dirt back to the surface to build a path into the sky to get the necessary power-ups.
Doggo Dig Down is boring, and not worth $4.
– Real player with 15.3 hrs in game
Developer/Publisher Review:
The developer read my 2019 review of his game and took some of its feedback to include in later updates of the game. The developer has also been proactive.
Game Review [Outdated]:
As the store description states, it is a casual crafting game that is meant to provide a relaxing experience and allows you to kill some time creating some pixel art. It’s also an easy game for achievement hunters.
A lot of the game’s mechanics come from Roppy Chop Studios’s older games such as Bub Block, Super Markup Man, and Build ‘n Bump. There’s a potential from the game’s mechanics but it is supposed to be a casual game.
– Real player with 4.4 hrs in game
Star Sky
I swear I had reviewed this game months ago but well, no. There are no traces of a review of mine here so well, I don’t know, I played it really a lot in order to get all the achievements (which are all secret, but fortunately the developers themselves published an official walkthrough XD) ‘cos for some reasons I couldn’t manage to get some endings but we’ll be back to this in a short time.
I studied Japanese during my first academical degree, well that’s Katakana in the title and reads Buruumuun (I always loved to double the vocals, like instead of ō I didn’t write ō itself or “ou” like you often find but always “oo” and so on; in Japanese it’s very common to find those double vowels both in hiragana katakana or kanji scripts!).. which being Katakana of course renders in Japanese the English Blue (buruu) and Moon (muun).
– Real player with 8.3 hrs in game
Sky Star on PC / Steam
Score 8.0 / 10
Genre: Experiential / Experimental
Standing in an open meadow I am lulled by the gigantic moon and the fresh air; crickets speak to me and I press the only button that works; ‘right-arrow’. Advancing into the pastures I pick up the Red Rose, I spot a Woman; shall I start my Adventure here or shall I keep this Rose for Another? Walking up the knoll I am startled, I look up into the sky and I am blinded by a Kiss. Thank the Heavens it is not Raining or We would have spent the night Inside, or Twice. What if I had not picked up the Rose? [Purposeful overuse of capitals]
– Real player with 7.5 hrs in game
The Longest Road on Earth
I’m not sure if I should be writing this right after I finished the “game”. Part of me wonders if I should at least wait until the knot on my throat clears, but here goes my thoughts and feelings about it.
I tried to be rational about it, from the start, on my usual analytical approach on… everything.
I got past the first episode quite unscathed (or so I thought). It was all about daily life, little details, enjoying some good things of life here and there, a simple life mostly, despite being a lonely life.
– Real player with 5.1 hrs in game
The Longest Road on Earth: A Deeply Empathetic and Human Experience
It’s hard to really call The Longest Road on Earth a game, at least in the conventional sense. Relative to others, gameplay is pretty sparse, relegated to arrow keys to move from one location to another, and pressing spacebar at various intervals to advance the scene. It is hardly an active experience, but I think that was the point.
The Longest Road on Earth’s strength is in its introspective look into the daily lives of others, all set to a beautiful soundtrack by Beicoli. Spanning four chapters across various points in time, the game follows different characters as they go about their lives, told through the framing device of belongings at an antique store. Although it may sound banal, the game makes each vignette poignant, dealing with themes that leave you reflecting well after they end. It revels in its slow - nearly glacier - pace, and eschews dialogue or narration in favor of letting you come to your own conclusion about your experience.
– Real player with 3.2 hrs in game