VR Travelling towards World War III Scenario: Post Nuclear War Earth Fantasy

VR Travelling towards World War III Scenario: Post Nuclear War Earth Fantasy

If this would be WW3… where is everyone?

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Singleplayer Games.

Personally, I rather like this ‘Time Machine’ collection and the various things bundled with it. There are some really cool environments, visual effects and music - though the latter seems to bug out on some of the games, only playing during the menu. For those of us who’ve bought all these different games, it would be ideal if we could access just one menu giving access to every environment, rather than exiting to Steam every time one fancies a change in continent or century; also, smooth locomotion, since clicking the Oculus Touch controller sticks to teleport is a rather annoying way of getting around.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

VR Travelling towards World War III Scenario: Post Nuclear War Earth Fantasy on Steam



Um dos meus jogos favoritos!

Death Stranding é um jogo realmente especial, não há nada parecido com ele. Obviamente não é perfeito, mas as qualidades são tão grandes, que quase fazem esquecer os problemas.

O gameplay não vai agradar todo mundo, especialmente quem só gosta de jogos de alta ação, mas eu amei. Achei muito divertido e satisfatório ficar andando pelo mundo com um monte de tralha nas costas, enquanto tentava superar os obstáculos do terreno.

Se engana quem pensa que esse jogo é só andar. Há uma grande abundância de sistemas e mecânicas que deixam a experiência mais interessante. Você tem que gerenciar bem sua carga, manter o balanço do personagem, saber quais equipamentos levar, quais rotas tomar, se deve levar um veículo,, e o que fazer diante de certas adversidades.

Real player with 228.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Open World Games.

I just can’t do a simple summary of the good and bad things in this game, so it’s going to be a messy, lengthy account of my impressions.

I had never played a Kojima game before, nor did I follow Death Stranding release, and I didn’t know what to really expect. All I had, from just enough previews to not spoil myself, was the impression of a contemplative game with quite an intriguing sci-fi background to it, which was enough for me.

Honestly, I was confused for the first hour and a half, not knowing what the point of the game was, struggling to grasp its concepts and the “why” of everything, wasn’t sure if I would ask for a refund, but my curiosity kept me going. A good book usually involves the reader constantly wondering “and then what happened?”. In retrospect, that’s a feeling I quickly got, and I was hooked to the story (and the gameplay) until the end.

Real player with 202.7 hrs in game


Dark Survival

Dark Survival

Dark Survival is a horror survival game with a mix of the classic survival mechanics of find the items around the map to survive and the scary sounds and monsters of a horror game.

Key Features

  • Item Pickups – As you explore the island find items to help you survive including food, first aid and weapons to keep you safe.

  • Permadeath – When you die you start back at the shore.

  • Investigate – Find clues including notes and tapes from the last person to “survive” here.

  • Weather – Full weather system.

Future Features

  • Multiplayer – Join with friends to survive or fight foes to claim food and items.

  • Horde Mode – Pick up as much as you can and survive the horde of monsters.

  • More features being looked into.

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Action Games.

Dark Survival on Steam

The Light Remake

The Light Remake

I enjoyed this game. You start in an abandoned Russian facility that is in a state of crumbling disrepair. You explore the various floors and learn about what happened through a series of notes found along the way. Played from a first person perspective, part of the game is above ground and part is an especially dark maze-like underground bunker. You have the option of a flashlight and/or a lighter to guide you and your choice will have an effect on the ending you experience. The sound track enhances the feeling of being alone and, in the bunker, the sounds increased my sense of stress and panic as I kept circling in the dark.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Nice walking sim, with a much deeper story and message than expected.

Short, but at the price, it feels worth it tome. On sale? Yeah, grab it if you like walking sims with very good visuals, moody and appropriate music and game audio, and a few relatively easy puzzles.

Take screenshots, or notes, you have no way to review notes you already read to see the clues they may offer. Puzzle solutions are not so in-your-face that they are totally obvious, many ore in notes or on walls.

Ran well enough on my MSI GS75 Stealth laptop (i7 9750/2070 RTX MaxQ/ 16 GB DDR4), though it did make the fans run up a wee bit. I expect the game will run slightly better on my desktop. No major issues, just a few visual artifacts here and there (some clipping and visible seams if I tried to find them), and the claw game was a bit of a PITa trying to pick up the item that drops from it (pushed the item away from the game machine, and had to pause the game and continue from the main menu to get the game to let me pick it up). So a few minor issues, no major bugs or glitches in my first playthrough.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

The Light Remake on Steam

Cloud Climber

Cloud Climber

As many others note, this isn’t a game, but more of a very short walking sim. Very relaxing. Took me 23 minutes to wander through while listening to the narrator and reading the notes left behind by “game characters”. The scenery is hauntingly beautiful, and the creator must have put a lot of effort into making those hand-drawn graphics.

However, the backstory, or history, is very shallow. The game description on the store page gives you more information of what’s going on than what you learn in the game itself. Only the basics of the backstory are given to explain what led up to the point where you now find yourself. You must use your imagination to fill in the details of what happened.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Cloud Climber is a very short walking simulator, with nice hand drawn graphics, and a brief story about why the builder build the towers. The time I played gave me a taster that made me want to see a full blown game expanded from this idea as the end came abruptly. (not that I was expecting anything less {or more}. Because the developer is giving this simulator away for free you really cannot go wrong downloading and checking it out. I found that it was worth the 15 to 20 minutes of time it should take to complete the simulation. You can actually complete it much faster if you ignore the messages, but that would defeat the point of this developers project. It actually took me almost 45 minutes to finish, but I was dragging my feet looking at the views and taking screen captures etc.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Cloud Climber on Steam

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture


Prologue: I adore this game. I truly do. This is not simply a ‘Walking Simulator’, it is a Hiking Simulator! As noted in the description: “Featuring a beautiful, detailed open-world and a haunting soundtrack, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture is non-linear storytelling at its best.” Indeed, it is a haunting soundtrack, however, it is closer to a melancholy hymn than anything else. So, what about all the other aspects of this game? Well, read on, and I shall indulge you!

Gameplay-Slow, smooth, and serene, dying is just not possible here. So, don’t even bother trying. Instead, simply relax, take in all the scenery, and immerse yourself in the story-line. Who are you? It matters not, but for me, I was a nameless hiker, along the road and also the trail. Will you encounter any other people? In a manner of speaking, yesh. However, don’t expect to see them clearly, for they are nothing more than particles of light. What about creatures and critters? There are a few critters (Like birds) here and there, both dead and alive, so seeing them alive us a plus, at least. Plus, you can open doors, use light switches, radios, computers, and whatnot. Gameplay Score-8 out of 10.

Real player with 51.4 hrs in game

From the beginning everything about this game was promising. You have an interesting story, gorgeous graphics (Cryengine to boot at), touching orchestral music, and what else? Oh yeah, Santa Monica studios, who are better known these days for making God of War BOY! (I had to do that, sorry) working in collaboration with The Chinese room so what could have gone wrong?

I’ve played many narrative/exploration games before, and I liked many of them. I always mention The Vanishing of Ethan Carter first, a supernatural murder/mystery game I loved so much and even though the story was not perfect it went great with to the game world. You believed this could actually exist, not because of the graphics only but also because of the design, the way every object was placed in the world, you believed it could’ve been a real place. It was a pleasure to explore and see the story unfold. It didn’t go on for too long, just the right amount of time.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture on Steam

Мухосранск | Russian City Sim

Мухосранск | Russian City Sim

This was on my wishlist and i got it as soon as it went live on steam, I am not disappointed. Very chill experience of a soviet city.

I play listening to some sovietwave mixes (Our Dream Sovietwave on youtube is a good one).

i hope for some updates to interactivity in the game, an apartment in a block housing project would be pretty sweet too; maybe some hidden collectibles in the world too.

fun to explore and just feel the vibe. This feels like a great start, but it is good for what it is; only found a few buildings with no clip on.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

It’s a very simple game, where you walk slowly and take heavily motion-blurred looks around the landscape. I enjoy it, I enjoy the music, and if you’re in want of a game with no goal other than being alone in a pretty world then it’s a good choice for cheap.

Sidenotes: shift to run; in order to go up most stairs you need to run (and sometimes jump) while looking straight forward ‘cause if you look at your feet on stairs it pushes you backwards for some reason; as someone who can’t read Russian, I find that this game provides good practice for reading Cyrillic text, so I leave this game in Russian most times.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Мухосранск | Russian City Sim on Steam



“All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another person’s (or thing’s) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time’s relentless melt.” ― Susan Sontag

35MM is a story rich walking simulator in the guise of a survival horror - yet there isn’t much horrific about it. It’s a short unity game - bear with me, please - and the only game developed by Sergey Noskov so far. As all indie horror games, it has its downsides, but I’d say that the game is praiseworthy for quite a lot of things.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

35mm references the camera that you have at your disposal throughout the whole fairly dictated journey in this walking simulator/foreign film type of game which emphasis is mainly placed about a viral epidemic which has swept through the mother land and its overall effects. If your thinking that its your typical Zombie game, then you would be wrong as the virus eventually kills them, it does not keep them alive. If your thinking this is an open world game, then again you would be wrong as the levels only gives you that illusion, but travel in any direction for about 10-20 seconds you are bound to hit an invisible wall.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

35MM on Steam

Dear Future

Dear Future

I forced myself to finish it so you don’t have to.

TL:DR 8 hours of boring walking to uncover a lame story, and a non working multiplayer.

A walking simulator made for some college student art project, what could go wrong???

But the innovative sounding multiplayer component, plus the fact that it’s free, sucked me in. And the game, although minimalist, initially manages to feel well-designed and polished…

But notice how none of the reviewers seem to have played this for more than 30 minutes?

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Photos of future ruins

Dear Future (Dear Future Production Committee, 2021) is an asynchronous massively-multiplayer photography game about exploring an abandoned city. I have been trying to write about it for several weeks and have found myself incapable of doing with any organization or distance. What follow, instead, are orchestrated recollections and half-formed conclusions of my time with the game. A half-step towards the understanding I’m searching for. A version with photos is available here .

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Dear Future on Steam

Fugue in Void

Fugue in Void

Fugue in the Void

A very short and ambiguous trip through an industrial themed wasteland with little to do but wonder what is going on.


👍 Relaxing

👍 Some of the visuals and sound are interesting


👎 Far too short – 30 Mins.

👎 Nonsensical

👎 Walking sound is annoyingly loud

👎 Hardly any Interaction

👎 No saves.

First Impressions

This is an incredibly short game. Weighing in at just 30 minutes it would be difficult to recommend this game at full price.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

I recommend this “game”, BUT you should know what you’re getting into.

First off, it’s not a game, as many have mentioned, but rather a walking sim, which is totally fine and I knew this going into it, which helped me enjoy it, but it’s important to know this.

Next is the atmosphere. At times the various environments were cool, but sometimes they were a little anxiety inducing. Even though I knew this game had basically no interaction, I still got anxious because the visuals and audio were intense or noisy, and my gamer brain immediately got stressed that there was some hidden enemy (lol). That could very possibly be just my issue, but it’s something to keep in mind anyway.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Fugue in Void on Steam