I didn’t even play this game the right way and I am enjoying myself so far. You play as a gsd who is the best doggo ever, and therefore blessed by the gods with infinite run. You run across plains and through fields of ferns and flowers. You run along mountain ridges. You run.
This was honestly super relaxing! Also, there are mazes and actual gameplay to get to, but I just collected whatever I felt like along the way. I got it on sale for .49 cents USD, and I’m honestly happy to have taken a chance on this hidden gem.
– Real player with 2.6 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Third Person Games.
If you have half an hour and 79p to spare, this is a good adventure of discovery to go on
– Real player with 1.0 hrs in game
bridg is a game that when I first played, upset me greatly. But, as I played more and more, and singlehandedly created and maintained the speedrunning community for bridg, I learned that the game is a less of a game and more of a test. It is a test in resiliance, in human spirit, and in what in means to be alive. I dont reccomend you play this, as I dont think anyone has the power or spirit as I to handle it.
– Real player with 6.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator 3D Games.
This is the Demon Souls of kicking a rock across a bridg(e).
It glitches and it’s unfair but I can’t stop playing it.
– Real player with 2.6 hrs in game
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
This game was over hyped, over praised and given way too much exposure. It just barely lasts an hour and a half. You could probably boost an extra hour on to that if you want to find ties but that’s only if you really feel like you need to.
A lot of people say that this game is “laugh out loud hilarious” and while I understand that humor is subjective I didn’t find myself laughing like everyone else. Every now and then I’d crack a smile.
Something I hear being thrown around a lot by Octodad fans and journalists is that this game is just so “fresh”. The controls are “bad”. It’s hard to move Octodad, which of course as we all know it’s designed to be this way. Doing mundane tasks such as mowing the lawn or making coffee is now apparently “hilarious” because we can’t control our character. Don’t get me wrong, I like this idea too and it’s fun seeing Octodad flail all over the place but it gets stale fast. So, sure, Octodad is “fresh”, but that freshness lasts about as long as leaving a slice of bread on the counter (i.e not long).
– Real player with 53.9 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Comedy Games.
You are a family man, looking after your wife and kids, doing all sorts of every-day tasks such as mowing the lawn or going food shopping, and taking a trip to the aquarium. The only catch? you are an octopus. You can’t let anyone find out so you must act as human and casual as possible.
With fun and goofy controls to control Octodad’s tentacles to get by without anyone knowing is definitely great fun, and mixed with a fun storyline with some great dialog, it was a real treat to play. What makes this game even more fantastic is the ability to play co-op with 2 to 4 people with each person controlling a limb or two! This makes for a great couch co-op experience, and greatly adds to the challenge of the game. Hidden ties help you to constantly search and explore, and the wonderful achievements give some extra challenges along the way. A thoroughly enjoyable experience, especially with a partner.
– Real player with 20.6 hrs in game
SHADOW STEP is what looks a lot like a Unity asset flip from Smoke Criminals. It’s a minimalist/low poly endless “runner” where you step constantly forward and must steer left and right ponderously while swearing never to buy cheap game bundles ever again.
An important note: Smoke Criminals are known asset flippers and have previously taken other developers work and put it on Steam in an attempt to scam gamers into buying asset flips.
One example of Smoke Criminals doing this is Meatball, which is really the “Freeze X Mission ” asset, written by the actual developers, Andrew Oleynik.
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
Yuha’s Nightmares
Yuha’s Nightmares
This is a simulation game about the nightmares that our main character Yuha suffers from. The primary goal of the player is to explore the surrealistic world that is full of strange things and unexpected events. The deeper part of Yua’s consciousness is depicted through the «flip side» of the 3d world. You will frequently get stuck in textures, see through mesh and wander around at every level in «inappropriate» places. The glitches in the game are accordingly integrated to make for an intense and exciting gameplay experience. «Yuha’s Nightmares» is a balanced combination of thriller, drama and comedy.
Who is Yuha?
Yuha is the virtual counterpart of the game developer Yuliya Kozhemyako. Yuha creates games, takes part in modern art exhibitions and feminist movements but does have some bad habits. Her body and form sometimes look like a polygon mesh and change textures.
Episode one: The Catastrophe
In this episode, Yuha is in a hurry to collect all her belongings so as to leave her crumbling house. Perhaps, her house is not the only thing getting destroyed, but rather the whole world? Even so what if there is a safe and secure place somewhere out there?
Climb Fall Human Guys
How to get this one achievement???
– Real player with 1.9 hrs in game
This game could easily fool anyone as a Triple A title. With it’s extremely astonishing graphics, highly detailed characters, it’s so easy to get sucked up into this world of creativity and imagination. Let’s start off with the gameplay and controls ; the objective is simple , “Find pizza in the highest place”. You’re going to have to walk , jump , climb your way to victory to “Find the pizza in the highest place”. These controls are the least clunky I have ever seen , they are extremely smooth and easy to understand. Oh, and don’t get me started on this game’s soundtrack. It is a musical masterpiece , with it’s wide range of tracks, all of them are all lovable in their own ways. I rate this game a 10/10.
– Real player with 0.8 hrs in game
Exo One
The game itself is very simple. You’re an object that can change between a ball and a disk, using gravity tech to either increase/decrease gravity, making you gain speed very fast very quickly as long as you use slopes smartly as you would in a tony hawk game.
Once you get a bit of speed you store energy, that energy gets used to make you into a disk which you can use to fly around with. Depending on your angle you can use it to go even higher, get more speed, fly even faster and get a sense of speed that even Sonic himself could get jealous of. It’s all up to you how adrenaline-fueled you want to make your adventure.
– Real player with 12.0 hrs in game
I’m not sure how to proceed with this one…..bear with me and please hear me out. Exo One is a game I really liked but cannot recommend to you. You need to be of a certain ilk to get into this one and I really suggest watching a few bits of a playthrough and reading reviews on both sides of the fence.
I am giving Exo One the thumbs up because it definitely does not deserve a thumbs down. But this is not a thumbs up in the way that if you like a certain kind of game then you will enjoy this. More like I liked it, everyone else on here seems to be going gaga for it but I can’t help but feel a lot of the reviews here are part of the Kickstarter crowd or were at least following it. I honestly expected a Mixed or Positive average on Steam. Not an Overwhelmingly Positive for sure.
– Real player with 9.8 hrs in game
Ragdoll: Fall Simulator
A funny game, because here you can launch our character from any abyss, as well as everything is pretty well worked out.
The physics is good here, as well as the graphics are not bad
– Real player with 3.2 hrs in game
It’s hard to call it a game. It seems to me that it looks more like a blank, some kind of sketch, or something like that. This game cannot be played corny. Your character constantly falls into the walls, reacts strangely to the environment, and the controls work crookedly. I believe in the best and hope that the developer will fix everything.
– Real player with 3.2 hrs in game
Turbulence - Airplane Survival Simulator
Turbulence - Airplane Survival Simulator is a high altitude survival game where you have to prevent the catastrophe of a plane that’s deteriorating with every passing minute. Take matters in your hands, help the crew and the passengers, and survive a raging tempest.
Turbulence and thunder strikes can happen at any moment. With so many subsystems of your airplane endangered, a terrified crew and wounded passengers, you need to be the cool-headed person with initiative. React to a variety of emerging problems, both technical and emotional, and make sure the plane lands safely.
Would you rather help a passenger with a heart attack or try to fix the landing gear mechanism? Look for a tool or try to improvise something out of the objects at hand? Turbulence - Airplane Survival Simulator is full of difficult choices and moral questions that only you can answer.
Torrential rain and lightning. Powerful gushes of wind and clouds obscuring the view. If you’re extremely unlucky, even tornadoes. Fly right into the deadliest weather in the pale moonlight, and do your best to see the sunrise again.
One-in-a-kind survival challenge at 35,000 feet
An entire passenger jet to explore while it’s tearing apart right before your eyes.
Emergent gameplay with problems dominoeing with dynamic changes of the weather.
High degree of freedom regarding prioritizing and solving problems.
Interactions with passengers in different emotional states.
Survival horror-like atmosphere with fast and tense gameplay.
Stay frosty!
Vaccine Delivery Simulator
Recommended… but with cautions.
Well, it’s short and casual. Some nice light fluff to play between open-world games.
It’s an indie game. Support the indies!
It’s cheap: I paid about a buck per hour for its entertainment, and I’d say that’s about right.
It has some nice Russian flavor to it.
There’s a decent number of levels (30-odd?): it finishes just about when you’re sick of it and wishing it would end.
Achievement hunters can be confident all achievements work and can be obtained in 3 hours or less.
– Real player with 3.1 hrs in game
Edit of Review being: Is still a very good game some parts still make me want to die but atleast with time you get get through them all :D Is very good smol game ~
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game