Charge Game Studio presents a dark Sci-Fi first-person action thriller. Challenge yourself as a space colonist on a Russian ship lost so deep in the Universe that even the strongest com ties are torn. Experience the ruthlessness of cosmos, painful past, and extraordinary phenomena unfolding aboard the ship that all mix up into horror.
You are a former prisoner and the first victim of malfunctions on the ATRIA-1 spaceship. What’s it like to wake up after a year of criostasis and single-handedly fix up the ship with hundreds of unconscious people aboard? Eliminate a series of failures not only on board, but also in your own head: memory blackouts, recollection mirages, and strange visions. And don’t forget, all ship resources are running low: movement capability, air, energy, freedom, and common sense as well.
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Idler Games.
Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between
What do you see up there, when you consider the infinity around us? And as you wander on your own journey, who are the strange, unworldly others who probe those questions as they pass like ghosts through your travels? Were they ever really real?
Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between is about the thoughts that exist between destinations, the parts of journeys that dominate our time but not our attention, when our minds wander to parts of ourselves and our world normally left unexamined. On a late night highway drive, a quiet train car in the early hours, a walk through a moonlight park, or the endless wait in a deserted airport, we listen to weird music amid the ambient announcements of delays, and question our place in the universe.
Inspired by long travel and the stream of consciousness it fosters, Glitchhikers asks you to look inward. Find the answers to your questions, and question the answers you receive. Ruminate on life, the universe, our place and purpose in it. Voyage through a freeform narrative experience, converse with the endless inevitability, and explore the cosmic, hopeful world you find yourself in.
A follow up to the critically praised short game released in 2014, Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between is an expanded experience, reborn and reimagined.
No pressure, no failure, no optimal path, no journey exactly the same. Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between is an introspective freeform game where the player picks a journey, slips into that liminal space and has a unique experience travelling into their own thoughts, guided by the characters they meet along the way.
A late night drive, a deserted airport lounge, a moonlit walk through an empty park, a quiet carriage on an overnight train, a 24-hour convenience store. Never the ultimate destination, spending time in the inbetween creates a setting for contemplation and reflection, a mood that exists in these liminal spaces.
The hikers you meet on each journey will travel with you for a time, offering thought-provoking conversations, and questioning your place in the universe. Who will you meet? What will you talk about? Were they real or just a figment of your imagination?
An extensive original soundtrack full of chill grooves, upbeat wonder, dreamy synths controlled by your movement through space, and that one busker who makes you feel right at home: each journey has its own feel.
Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between both expands and dives deeper into the ideas behind the original Glitchhikers (released as a short conceptual game in 2014), to fully realise the concepts and present a polished and fleshed out experience to a new generation of players.
Silverstring Media are a vital and vibrant voice within narrative indie games, creating a string of short experimental titles and working as narrative guns for hire on indie darlings including Celeste, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, Manifold Garden and Wandersong.
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Stylized Games.
Life of Fly 2
I love indie games. They have atmosphere ;)
this is the shortest and sweetest review ever ;)
– Real player with 5.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Simulation Games.
Хорошая и очень приятная игрушка, играл без напряга, ламповость на высшем уровне.
– Real player with 4.5 hrs in game
I was absolutely, completely certain that I had already written a review about this game..
Every review talks about Kant, but I don’t even know who he is, so let’s get to the other aspects.. ahah
The game itself sells at 2,50€, at least in the Euro zone, and actually it’s quite a high price for such a short game. It can be long and a little bit frustrating if you want to achieve every ending and explore every dialogue, but nothing more than two hours overall.. from my achievements' page you can see that it took my around 80-90 minutes to get all the 10 achievements, which aren’t that easy to get actually.. and as before, I was 100% sure that I followed a Steam guide to get the last two achievements but there are no guides as of today O.o Anyways you can figure everything out and look for some threads in the forum or on the Internet :)
– Real player with 6.4 hrs in game
Party for Introverts developed this visual journey (they say before it starts that this is not a game experience but an ‘informative short story’) based upon the German Philosopher Immanuel Kant’s concept known as ‘Thing-in-Itself’.
What is the ‘Thing-in-Itself’? Kant theorised that material objects don’t exist in the way we see them, instead we use our own viewpoint to shape our perspective of the object.
The ‘journey’ starts off sharing this idea during a bedtime chat between Molly & Ted where Molly uses the theory to explain why they disliked the music at a party yet everyone else enjoyed it. What follows afterwards is shown from Ted’s perspectives.
– Real player with 6.2 hrs in game
Walden, a game
If you couldn’t tell by my playtime (24 hours at the time of this review), I love this game. It’s going multiple playthroughs, for one, to get all of the achievements, so, for a “completionist” like me, I appreciate that each playthrough brought a bit of a different experience. There are occasionally some issues with the graphics where layering is a little weird, or you’ll walk into something and Thoreau (your character) jumps 30 feet into the air (when he isn’t supposed to), but these were minor and didn’t impact my enjoyment of the game. This is more than a walking simulator. It’s really more of an RPG, where you’re immersing yourself in the life of Henry David Thoreau.
– Real player with 24.0 hrs in game
Walden, a game isn’t an action heavy game, neither a hardcore survival game.
If you like to wander around in a game, examine nature objects, animals or just chill out while fishing, all these in the form of a first-person RPG game while also solving some quests then you will probably enjoy Walden.
The survival elements of the game aren’t serious. You can’t die. No matter if you don’t have food at all during the winter, you will still survive. Fulfilling your needs influence only your tiredness. If your needs fulfilled then you can run longer and you get tired slower. That’s it.
– Real player with 22.6 hrs in game
So, tell us, Mr. Abysss, how is the game? Is it Intriguing? Is it mysterious? Engaging?
- Oh, so many questions! Yes, I can say that the story has intrigued me from the beginning, it’s pretty mysterious. If it wasn’t for the poor level design and some other major problems that affect the game…
Such as? Oh but tell us first more about the poor level design.
- Indeed, well, to begin with, there are large end empty boring halls, boring icy tunnels and generic current that takes you exactly where you need to go like some kind of an elevator. There is also some aquatic life here and there, but it’s not many species and it gets repetitive fast.
– Real player with 11.4 hrs in game
First off the game seemed interesting fromt he start. strange alien like rocks, unknown creatures and a plot that seemed to convey a corrupt corporation or perhaps some eosrt of rougue A.I or alien life form. Of course at the end of it all, none of what I thought was the case was the actuall case. Not only that bt I was able to beat this thing in only a day. NO JOKE….A DAY!!!! Yeah for a small dev team the game looked nice and the modeling and detail on the aquatic creatrues was something to behold but the story I felt mislead me thinking the game was heading into a more interesting, horror driven narritive. Sure being underwater is scary and yes oversized man eating worms make my skin crawl but what I got form the entire thing was a interesting adventure game that just so happens to have a message about psychological disfunction and what you could do to deal with it. As far as I’m concerned the game does have multiple endings the one i got was with Sonya still trapped, CHris dead, and Ryan going absolutly bat shit insane after being rescued. Not sure if there is an ending where I could save sonya or perhaps do something different but it seems the options are to either do what chris asks and thats it. Not sure if pickign to shut down the A.I. manager would have cahnged much.
– Real player with 5.9 hrs in game
Self-Checkout Unlimited
First of all SCU made me feel a bit nostalgic–the way your steps sound on different surfaces and in different areas, dim lights of the first part, vast, empty building you can explore–all of that reminded me of one of the old stealth series that I still keep playable on my PC. SCU feels like something completely new and very familiar at the same time. Visuals, music and, especially, sounds create overall atmosphere of the game that is well integrated with its plot.
Game play is also done well-though plot is linear in general, you’re able to choose your own pace and you don’t have to run around the whole area looking for triggers or items you need without any clues.
– Real player with 11.6 hrs in game
You know, all I ever play is Dota2 and visual novels. So, I’d never try Self-Checkout Unlimited if this game weren’t made by my fav devs. They created nice stories and then suddenly changed the genre, I just had to give it a try.
At first, I was deeply convinced it’s not my thing. It was so annoying not to know what to do, where to go. I play games mainly to relax, to enjoy reading in foreign for me English language. But here… Mainly, it’s a walking simulator. There’re some choices tho and you can choose in the settings if the voices gonna have the subtitles. So it WAS kind of reading xD
– Real player with 4.4 hrs in game
I almost only have negative things to say about this game.
First off, voice acting.
I disliked all the voice acting except for 2 characters, the character you play and the AI that gives you ‘missions’, they are the 2 main characters.
There is nothing more to say about that, bad voice acting is bad voice acting. It doesn’t feel engaging, it’s too obvious someone is just reading a script in a studio, not good at displaying emotion etc…
Story was just bad, didn’t seem very well thoughout.
I will admit though that the first 10 minutes made me feel hyped, the story seemed cool then, but it very quickly dropped off.
– Real player with 5.9 hrs in game
OKAY, here’s a review. I only write these when games are amazing or suck total ass. This one is the latter, unfortunately.
Some bullet points if you want to ignore my nonsense.
Promising story!
Interesting story development through clues around the levels
Solid music
Decent character development
So much excessive, unnecessary walking between stuff.
Unclear idea of directive, where things are, and sometimes even what to do
Much of the story left with loose ends, undeveloped, or ignored
– Real player with 5.5 hrs in game
Deep Abyss
Deep Abyss is composed of independent chapters, connected as one structure.
It has a unique Control that seems unfamiliar yet simple to get used to.
Explore the deep sea and space yourself as a diver. Swim through strange yet beautiful backgrounds and music. It will give you a new gaming experience that you have not felt in other games.
The story progresses in the form of poetry rather than a linear composition. It is a game resembling a small painting where you can achieve poetic and artistic sensibility.
Very story driven adventure with some simplified pixelart
Interactive objects (on top part) give you more details about the environment/storyline
Lots of areas to check & explore!
Funny little details & objects, story as well has it’s funny moments
Can’t really compare it to nowadays or big adventures games for sure it has a really old classic vibe,
which is nice if you are into that kind of games!
– Real player with 5.8 hrs in game
Imaginaria is a short game where you explore an antarctic science station. It combines walking simulator and point & click elements, but the game side of it is light as you only have a handful of choices to make. It’s more of a fun, interesting exploration of the dev’s experience.
– Real player with 1.7 hrs in game