Um dos meus jogos favoritos!
Death Stranding é um jogo realmente especial, não há nada parecido com ele. Obviamente não é perfeito, mas as qualidades são tão grandes, que quase fazem esquecer os problemas.
O gameplay não vai agradar todo mundo, especialmente quem só gosta de jogos de alta ação, mas eu amei. Achei muito divertido e satisfatório ficar andando pelo mundo com um monte de tralha nas costas, enquanto tentava superar os obstáculos do terreno.
Se engana quem pensa que esse jogo é só andar. Há uma grande abundância de sistemas e mecânicas que deixam a experiência mais interessante. Você tem que gerenciar bem sua carga, manter o balanço do personagem, saber quais equipamentos levar, quais rotas tomar, se deve levar um veículo,, e o que fazer diante de certas adversidades.
– Real player with 228.2 hrs in game
I just can’t do a simple summary of the good and bad things in this game, so it’s going to be a messy, lengthy account of my impressions.
I had never played a Kojima game before, nor did I follow Death Stranding release, and I didn’t know what to really expect. All I had, from just enough previews to not spoil myself, was the impression of a contemplative game with quite an intriguing sci-fi background to it, which was enough for me.
Honestly, I was confused for the first hour and a half, not knowing what the point of the game was, struggling to grasp its concepts and the “why” of everything, wasn’t sure if I would ask for a refund, but my curiosity kept me going. A good book usually involves the reader constantly wondering “and then what happened?”. In retrospect, that’s a feeling I quickly got, and I was hooked to the story (and the gameplay) until the end.
– Real player with 202.7 hrs in game
In this game, I liked that there is an open world as well as an interesting story.
A lot of sadness in the game is added at home - panels, which are all the same type and make you think about a lot …
– Real player with 4.0 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Realistic Games.
A game that brings up burning topics. It is both soulful and sad, atmospheric. It’s cool that there are in-game achievements. I would also like to point out a minus: the game has problems with optimization. My computer can barely handle it.
– Real player with 2.1 hrs in game
Callparin 2
Dear Developers!
If You read the reviews, PLEASE, make a control configuration option! I’m playing on PC, and I have to twist my hand using the standart WASD keys.
Oh, and the game is good. I enjoy it very much.
– Real player with 90.3 hrs in game
although fun little game not worth anything over 5$ theres just not much to do a couiple houres and you will done everthing butt still not a bad game
– Real player with 2.4 hrs in game
Resonant is an open, rhythm based experience. Explore a world that breathes with sound, choosing your musical path to discover all that the landscape has to reveal. The game allows you to construct your own soundscapes, creating a puzzle-like experience where different melodic combinations create different movements and pathways throughout the world. Your journey will reveal everything that a marriage between nature and sound has to offer.
Best Friend
Reconnect with your childhood best friend - a French Bulldog - as you experience a violently emotional story that explores love, growing up, and what dogs mean to humans. You will take control of both a human - a young man entering adulthood - and a French Bulldog - your childhood best friend - as you both explore a series of breathtaking dreams together. The items that you collect on the journey determine the fate of both you and your Best Friend.
Key Features:
For fans of experimental story-driven exploration games like Journey, Firewatch and the First Tree
Based on a personal, intimate story.
Not a dog simulator, but a rich, story-driven adventure developed by a one-man team.
A short, 30-60 minute game focused on revealing the story through light puzzle solving and platforming
Decabristov Street
Take a walk through one of the courtyards of the city of Moscow on Dekabristov Street. Four houses surrounding the yard, a skating rink in the middle, a few garages and solitude…
There are no goals or objectives in the game.
Space - jump
Ctrl - croach
F-Drag and drop items
E - Opening doors
– Real player with 11.5 hrs in game
The most beautiful game i ever played.
More like a relaxing trip to a rural Japanese town in the 1960s. Plus a train driving simulator.
It is difficult finding the right words. Right now there is only the Japanese version released, but an English translation is planned. So right now you definitely miss the best part of the game if you can’t read Japanese. The story mode is more than just a story, it is somewhere between poetry and memories of the past.
But even if you don’t speak Japanese and always dreamed to have a time machine and go to a small Japanese village in the 1960s this is the closest you’ll ever get.
– Real player with 7.0 hrs in game
Lost Nova
Lost during a vacation gone wrong, help Mia gather what she needs to fix her ship and get home. Use your trusty salvaging laser to harvest resources and earn currency for buying upgrades and unlocking new activities. Meet new friends and help each other get yourselves unlost.
Explore at your own pace. Take your time finding what’s around every corner and behind every boulder.
Craft the resources you gather into helpful upgrades for your equipment or exchange them for currency and buy items that will aid in your exploration.
Find secrets and hints of a larger mystery. Discover why so many seem to end up in this world and why it’s so hard to leave.
Meet others who are lost and also need help finding their way. Teach a ghost how to be scary, help a single parent with his many bear children, and help a robot work through their artistic burnout.
About This Game
Pleim is an adventure game with a focus on immersion in the atmosphere of the city of the same name. You can talk to the residents of the city, learn important details from the dialogues and investigate a high-profile case.
Open world
Controlling the character from the third and first person
Dynamic weather change
Interesting investigations and riddles
Dialogues with the inhabitants of the city, because of which the events taking place in the city can be influenced.\
You will want two things: your headphones, and to read the game’s manual before playing.
Even then, this isn’t for everyone. If it is for you, you’ll find a hypnotic soundscape worth exploring.
I would describe it as an audio-only walking simulator; there are minimal graphics (as you can see in the screenshots), but you can even turn them off completely and play only by sound. There are waypoints that you can hear, and you can walk from one to the next on a trance-like journey, finding strangely relaxing varied soundscapes. There aren’t many games like this; of those somewhat similar that I played, it reminded me most of Proteus – but the focus on audio is of course much higher here.
– Real player with 0.6 hrs in game
Errrrrm, okaym well the ‘game’ does what it says you walk around and noises occur. pressing buttons on the controller did stuff and if I;m honest I have no clue as to what I was doing.
One big thing missing currently for a game that the Visually Impaired can play is Text to Speech in the menus. I dug around with my maginfier in hand and found a list of random settings, but no real accessibility options page.
I got in game and walked around randomly heading towards some sounds. Arrived at a sound and nothing seemed to happen, is this sound a ‘breadcrumb’? it got louder and more annoying as I approached. Found a button on the controller that made a boing noise.
– Real player with 0.3 hrs in game