Inexplicable Deaths In Damipolis: Inner Thoughts
This game is in an unplayable, buggy state. It is my opinion that this game should not have been released in the state that it’s in. Some bugs that you’ll encounter:
-Does not appear to recognize controllers
-Both English and Espanol language options are labeled “Espanol.”
-“Notes” menu completely non-functional.
-Many inventory items are labeled “Placeholder” when trying to view.
-Getting trapped in menus is a common occurrence, causing user to have to force-shutdown game.
-Inventory items randomly disappear.
– Real player with 2.2 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Choose Your Own Adventure Games.
everybody dead, whodunnit? not only is this a question regarding the story of inexplicable deaths in damipolis, but it also applies to the game itself. everything is pretty much broken, and I guess people mentioned in the credits dunnit. they had one whole tester, which explains a lot, and I’m sure kickstarter backers are ecstatic about the result.
– Real player with 1.4 hrs in game
D.W. Dagger: Chapter One
A noir first-person murder mystery set in a gloomy 1947 Pacific Northwest city. Play as the renowned Detective D.W. Dagger to help solve his latest case. A violent murder, a possible suicide, and a handful of suspects.
Can you deduce what happened?
As the first case in the upcoming series, test your deductive reasoning skills to piece together the truth of a new violent crime.
Taking inspiration from video games like “Gone Home” and “What Remains of Edith Finch,” as well as the board game classic “Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective,” you follow the narrative told through evidence found within the crime scene. As the lead detective, you must find suspects, determine which evidence helps your case and which hurts it, and ultimately, determine who committed the gruesome act.
This is a small, first case to give players an idea of what the larger series entails. It takes around 30-45 minutes to finish, depending on your detective skills! There is no randomized evidence or alternate paths, so once you complete it, that’s it.
Original Soundtrack by Corey Teply
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Detective Games.
This is the Zodiac Speaking
First of all, I would like to congratulate the developers of the game for their work, because this is subject I am incredibly interested in.
I remember being 16 years old, and reading a magazine article about the Zodiac, and being equaly frightened and curious as I saw that drawing of the killer in his costume, as it was described by the surviving victim, Brian Hartnell. That, along with the letters and ciphers, is a case where what we expect could only happen in fiction became reality - someone was killing people, communicating with the public by sending letters to the press and challenging everyone to catch him (even making movie reviews, not kidding!). Since my youth, I have been acompanying the forums on the internet which discuss the Zodiac Killer case and all the recent news/info about it.
– Real player with 6.5 hrs in game
Meh. I wish there were a “Meh” button instead of whether I do or do not recommend. It depends.
I had this on my wishlist and anxiously awaited release, and when the first wave of reviews were mixed, and I read about issues with the stalker mode (and knowing my history f’ing HATING games where I’m trying to do puzzles while getting stalked/usually killed), decided to just play the story mode.
Wise choice. Was still spooky without constantly destroying my will to play by making me start over chapters when I would have been inevitably caught. For that, I thank the devs.
– Real player with 5.5 hrs in game
I Make Saints (Steam Edition)
This is one of the scariest games I’ve ever played. I am a horror junkie, I read horror stories, I watch horror movies, I play horror games, and 99% of the time, I’m still searching for that horror rush to be quenched.
This is that 1% where I was actually really on edge. The game does have some bugs, the card for the red lit area did not pop for me, but good lord. This game is unsettling as hell. If you REALLY like horror, you really need to play this.
– Real player with 1.0 hrs in game
Yea, I’m not sure what to say about this one. I did like the 80’s Graphics and the story seemed to be getting very interesting and disgustingly creepy. However, it seems to just go in circles then it just end with a little statement at the end. i thought this game would have more to offer but it was waaay too short and was a looped story line… I guess you can say that this game was “Somewhat” good.
– Real player with 0.7 hrs in game
Rosemary’s Fate Life Worth Living
I have been asked to play and review this game. I have to say I really enjoyed Rosemary’s fate. It is an audio-based game that has practically no visuals/graphics.
You really have to listen to what sounds you need to follow to reach your goal. You have to use your spatial awareness to sense where and what direction you need to go. I used headphones and I would recommend if you were to play this.
Like most games I did find Rosemary’s Fate quite challenging as it can be frustrating when you feel you have tried every avenue however when you finally find it there is a sense of accomplishment.
– Real player with 3.8 hrs in game
I bought out of curiosity how to play audio games. Surprised.
First, the atmosphere of the game. I did not expect that you can achieve so much with sounds. I even
forgive the creators for the voice actors. They could be better, but the other sounds and music are
really good.
Second, the story. At the beginning, mysterious voices, teleport and the like. But then the story gets
less and less obvious. I can already see several possible endings to this adventure. But I’m not sure
about any of them. And for that a big plus for the creators.
– Real player with 3.3 hrs in game
Thirty Flights of Loving
The Metascore for this game is very misleading. It isn’t even an appropriate score if you try to call this “game” artwork–it’s poorly made no matter how you look at it.
You can literally beat this in 20 minutes and there is no replayability. There are two “games” inside here, in reality both are more like mini-games. Gameplay is entirely linear, there are no secrets to find, no character development, plus unoriginal and boring gameplay elements. There is no redeeming factor to this game; it’s not even priced fairly.
– Real player with 1.9 hrs in game
This is quite possibly the worst excuse for a game I have ever encountered. The game consists of about 10 different rooms, each taking about a minute to get through and suddenly out of nowhere you’re hit with a The End sign and a bunch of walkthrough credits with comments about the great decisions they made and how they decided on them. These great decisions are along the lines of weird random jump cuts that change the entire scenario for no reason. There’s also a room with displays of a bunch the game models and animated GIF video timelapses of screenshots of their creation. How impressive is that?
– Real player with 1.7 hrs in game
7th Sector
A great side-scrolling sci-fi puzzle-adventure game, occasionally let down by some tedious elements.
Picture Playdead’s side-scrolling masterpieces, LIMBO and INSIDE, add some of Cyberpunk 2077 and Half-Life 2’s atmosphere, and what you get is essentially what 7th Sector is all about.
7th Sector is a visually striking side-scrolling story, occasionally interjected with puzzle elements, set in a dystopian city of the future, the likes of which strongly resemble the environments encountered in Half-Life 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.
– Real player with 21.9 hrs in game
Thank you to the lone developer and publisher,Носков Сергей, for creating and providing a good game for me to escape, explore, think and enjoy.
The 7th sector is simply put, a very good side scrolling puzzle game set in a beautiful cyberpunk dystopian future. I can name a half-dozen games where it is similar in aesthetic and story, but it is able to differentiate itself from others with a no hand holding approach to the puzzle/problem gameplay. This approach is welcome to puzzle adventurers but newcomers will find this difficult to frustrating and reading user reviews not surprising.
– Real player with 14.8 hrs in game
Best game on Steam for if you want to, for example: Be Ben.
I have played this game thoroughly and I have come to the conclusion that this game is indeed the best game on steam if
– Real player with 5.4 hrs in game
– Real player with 1.4 hrs in game
Special note : This Key was provided by the developer, and not for reviewing purposes but to see how the game runs on my PC laptop, I have an Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 1TB(5400rpm)HDD, NVIDIA OPTIMUS GeForce GT740m video card with in my lovely GIGABYTE laptop, and to be honest I did not think my laptop could even run this game.. SO therefore My Review is solely my choice, and NOT because of a " free key" OK. I just want to make this clear to all who read my review and rate it at will.
– Real player with 14.3 hrs in game
Bottle feels more like a bonus chapter of Drizzlepath: Genie rather than a standalone game, although playing Genie before Bottle is not at all required. For those that have previously played Genie, the setting will feel very familiar - you’ll be wandering on a similar path, even with a similar cave, only this time everything is covered in snow. Although the main feelings that the game generates remain: the calm, the stillness, the introspection, meditation, relaxation, there are quite a few notable differences from Genie.
– Real player with 5.2 hrs in game
Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1
Tales from Off-Peak City is the third game in Cosmo D’s series, after Off-Peak itself, and The Norwood Suite. While playing both of those games isn’t necessary to enjoy this one, it is recommended, as there will be references to the characters in the previous games. (And, y’know, Off-Peak’s free.) At its core, Tales is a walking-and-talking game, exploring the surreal locale of the corner of July Avenue and Yam Street. Make pizza, take pictures, get caught up in about three different conspiracies.
– Real player with 14.0 hrs in game
Tales from off-peak city is a third installment of the series of games that take place in the Cosmo D universe. Just like in the Cosmo D’s other games it features a colorful cast of characters that oftentimes verge on nonsensicality but it nevers goes too far and so retains some relatability and feeling that you can piece together what is actually happening in the city - that it’s not an Inland empire kind of unreachable avant-garde. This, i feel, motivates the player to explore this absurd, surreal and intriguing world.
– Real player with 5.3 hrs in game