First Response

First Response

Welcome to your new job at the Extreme Containment Security Company! You’ve been selected by Malcolm Monaghan himself as the first subject in their brand new learning initiative! Upon your arrival, K.A.R.A. will guide you through concepts relating to Cybersecurity and the important work you’ll be doing as a brand new SOC Analyst!

Featuring an extremely talented full voice cast, First Response is a blend of the concepts seen in the walking simulator genre with simulation elements modeled after real work done by SOC Analysts! And maybe, a few surprises along the way, but we can’t say much more than that!

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Female Protagonist Games.

First Response on Steam

Lost Brothers

Lost Brothers

Lost Brothers

Hesitantly recommended for the cave graphics only.

Mostly spoiler free review based on playing the entire game.

This is a walking Sim. You navigate by the usual WASD keys. There is a manual save option (thank you!), and a checkpoint auto-save. You can die (yes, we did hop off the mushrooms more than once), but you will restart where you were. The controller worked fine with it. Adjustments for audio/video are available. You have a map and a compass.

We think anyone who has played Firewatch will compare Lost Brothers to it; that sets a pretty high standard.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Emotional Games.

(Early Access Review, as an early access release, you may experience bugs, content, interface and optimization changes. If you are not excited to play the title in its current state & help to support the title to full release by reporting bugs and requesting additional content, you may want to wait for further development)

Two brothers, John & Sam, are headed out on a camping trip to the countryside for a weekend of fun. After parking, they carry their gear through the trails to their chosen camping area. After some idle chit chat, they finally get camp set up. They sit around the campfire enjoying their meal and conversation, after which they retire for the evening. Suddenly John awakens, noticing his younger brother is not sleeping beside him and goes out to see what he is doing. He calls out for him, “Sam, Sam, where are you” getting no reply. Unable to find him, the police are brought in to investigate, never finding a trace of his brother, Sam.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Lost Brothers on Steam

Mad Experiments: Escape Room

Mad Experiments: Escape Room

We played this for a Coronavirus stay-at-home team event, with 15 people in 3 rooms, and everyone had a great time! It is definitely challenging but generates lots of fun conversation. We ended up using Zoom to talk with each other, and used the Zoom “breakout room” feature to split into the 3 rooms. This worked well; however, things work much easier if you run Zoom on a different machine than the game (Zoom on a phone, for example). Great game! We are looking forward to Chapter 2!

[Update] We had another team event playing through Chapter 2, and it was also great fun! It’s harder than Chapter 1, so don’t feel bad about making more liberal use of the hints . . .

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Mystery Games.

A pretty good escape room experience, and I’m looking forward to the next chapter (coming out Nov 11!). If you have the cash to burn, I recommend it. After all, it’s cheaper than a real escape room session. Not for people who get extremely nauseated when playing 3d or first person games; I powered through the first chapter and had to take a break before moving on to the second. A friend and I played together and we had different opinions per chapter; she preferred the first, and I preferred the second. The game felt very polished, we did not run into any problems with objects disappearing or falling through the floor, as per older reviews. Mild spoilers/hints to follow.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Mad Experiments: Escape Room on Steam

The Beginner’s Guide

The Beginner’s Guide

This piece is a beautiful work of art. This is the first actual game to make me cry. The amount of depth and emotion that was put into this game was exceptional, and I didn’t expect it at all. Even when the game doesn’t make sense to you at some times, it still affects you. As the characters change, you change with them. You and the narrator’s view on everything surrounding this game changes entirely throughout the story. This game is worth the money, and much more and I feel like this is a game everyone should experience. 11/10

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

One of the few games that actually made me cry and question what is “trying to find yourself”. Game itself gives and includes a lot of psychological messages, not just to the creator of the game Davey but to the player aswell. It is really a deep game to understand and realise whats going on. Depression and finding yourself is a part of everyones life and it only gets better if you are able to know your worth. I dont even know if Coda is Davey, or if Coda is a real person. But i can assure than so many people can relate what “Coda”’s feeling and experiencing. Definitely recommending this masterpiece of a game. “Edit : made my mum play it, she cried…..”

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

The Beginner's Guide on Steam

The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

Stanley? What are you doing trapped in a steam review Stanley? Get out of there this instant! This is not a joke Stanley! You are ruining my story.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

god, an absolute classic to be sure. and getting the Don’t Play For 5 Years achievement legit feels amazing

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

The Stanley Parable on Steam

the office simulation

the office simulation

A pretty good game for a game jam, however there are some things that need to be pointed out.

What I like.

Environment- I honestly enjoyed the environment since it reminded me of those liminal space images you’d see online and the uncanniness of the graphics helps with that.

What needs to be worked on.

Movement- the movement feels too floaty and there is a slight choppiness with the camera.

Quality of life- some quality of life things are missing from the game currently such as the ability to mess with the options from the pause menu, other bits are minor such as the keyboard clipping through the table at the beginning.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Spacious room to move around and clear pathing make Office Simulator a solid platformer. With firm controls and the classic Mario Land style of air control, you’ll have no problem maneuvering the various obstacles strewn about.

Unfortunately however, there is no visible way to boot up Dallen Clicker on the office computer, so I can only recommend getting this during a sale.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

the office simulation on Steam

Bright Lights of Svetlov

Bright Lights of Svetlov

Виртуальные забавы отправляют нас в самые разные миры и очередной вояж на Марс едва ли вызовет какие-то особенные эмоции. А вот Огни Светлова - внезапно - отправили в мир детства, где все знакомое и родное. И это круто, это вызывает какие-то совершенно новые эмоции, непривычные для игр.

Очень приятно видеть экранизацию советской действительности в самом ее приземленном и обычном виде. Без клишированных камрадов, ушанок и вот этого всего. В общем, сеттинг удался.

И нарратив, кстати, тоже. За свои полтора часа игра успевает рассказать историю, причем делает это неплохо. Приемы подачи сюжета стандартны - но они работают. В какой-то момент ловишь себя на той мысли, что погрузился в это все и на самом деле интересно что будет дальше.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

this game is so well made! i love the vibe. i felt cozy half the game. and i love the sounds of the birds and the wind used outside. it sounds like outside my house. each country got its own local birds. you rarely hear european nature in games. it made the ambience even more wholesome. anyways…

what started happy and cheery ended in tragdedy and i was shocked. especially when i found out that this whole incident is based on a real event i have never known about before this game.

i hope vladimir cholokyan will make more games.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Bright Lights of Svetlov on Steam



Disclaimer: I helped out with testing the game and got the game as a free copy.

The game is mostly a “walking simulator”, so the gameplay is kept relatively simple and the focus lies more on the experience of entering the very different minds of two artists and exploring their memories and traumas. Some of these memories I kind of expected (e.g. pressure from parents) but there are also other memories, some of them even pleasant that I didn’t see coming. Personally, it felt like I got to know two people by discovering some of their key memories, which was interesting to me, because I don’t know much about the artist life. I would have liked to see the game explore the different ways the “brain recycling” technology plays out for people, like in an episode of “Black Mirror”.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Novice developers from Hong Kong were very kind to submit the game to my curator page and ask for my opinion.

I would thank developers with a positive review, but this is more kinda mixed review.

The game is in first person view and allows for free exploration of 3D environments. Incipit of story is very intriguing and original. You’re a young girl on probation for a new weird job at MindJob corporation. You’re a “forgetter”. Your mission is to clear the minds of famous deceased artists! Yes, at MindJob they recycle the minds of geniuses and artists and implant them in children brains! Families pay for their children to be next generation geniuses and artists! But artists and geniuses minds are affected by traumatic memories and deviant behavior, so you have to erase and clean them before the new implant! Do you want your son to be the next Van Gogh but with both the ears, without deviant behavior? Mindjob has the solution for you! :-)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Forgetter on Steam

Ruth’s Journey

Ruth’s Journey

Play as Ruth as she ventures into the forest in search of the famed Golden Finch.

Sitting in her office all day long, stamping papers, Ruth’s boss finally grants her a break and an opportunity to use her talents to save the company from financial ruin.

Explore the world and experience the beauty and wonders of the Canadian wilderness with Ruth as she embarks on this journey.

Ruth’s Journey is a free demo that introduces you to the characters and the world of The Long Way Home.


  • Experience the peace and tranquility of the forest

  • Beautiful low-poly aesthetic

  • Immersive First Person Controls

  • Capture breathtaking pictures with your camera

  • Glimpse into the history of ‘The Long Way Home’

  • 15 - 30 min of Narrative driven Gameplay

  • Detailed Cinematics

Ruth's Journey on Steam



Title_Pending is a story based exploration and adventure game. Become a playtester and explore the liminal spaces of a work in progress video game to unravel the mystery behind JMC Gaming Enterprises…


Hello, I’m Matthew Stanton, and I’m the lead developer at JMC Gaming Enterprises! You’ve been chosen from our list of applicants to play-test our new game (which as of now does not have a title).

Not only that, tech department said they made a breakthrough with a new device (they won’t clue me in but I hope it’s big). Apparently they’re going to ‘play-test’ their device the same day we play-test the game, which is strange, but whatever. Anyway, please contact me ASAP at this number: (061)219████, or you can reply to this email, and we will arrange a time for you.

Thank you!


Title_Pending on Steam