Revolution 60
If you have synesthesia, get some sunglasses before you play this game, and play it with care. It’s been about two hours since I stopped playing it and I still feel dizzy, disoriented, and nauseous.
I really like this game, but the colors, the lighting, the bloom, the motion blur– all these things put together make me feel as though I’ve been playing the game while sitting inside of a spinning dryer.
EDIT: Just completed it on Girlfriend mode.
Where to start. The Internet really wants you to make things seem worse than they are, but I refuse. Revolution 60 is a game where all the pieces are in place (nearly): there’s music, sound effects, graphics (though the anatomy, esp. the characters' heads, prevents anyone from really taking the drama seriously), and a control scheme, a movement scheme, a battle system, but all the parts are so disparate that they do not work well at all together.
– Real player with 20.4 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.
This game is a port of the original IOS release, and, generally-speaking, an improvement over the original game. The controls are more responsive and the framerate is extremely stable. Though the game has issues with certain GPUs according to some users, it is generally more functional and more competent than the original game, with a clear attempt made at addressing the laundry-list of technical problems the original game had. The framerate is fixed, the audio mixing woes are fixed, the synchronization errors are fixed, the model tearing is gone. The game looks smoother and moves better than ever before, and I’ll give Giant Spacekat Studio its props for getting this much done. New content was added, including new responses for Holiday, new animations, and new skins for all the characters. By all accounts, this is an outstanding achievement on Giant Spacekat’s part at fixing the game’s various outstanding issues, and it deserves respect for doing so.
– Real player with 10.4 hrs in game
Grass Simulator
In its current state, this game is not worth getting. There are several modes, but not really anything to do in most. You’ll be lucky to squeeze 1-2 hours out of it. The multiplayer mode is useless, as there are never any lobbies open. You can create one, but no one is ever online to play. Additionally, the performance is poor. Alone on a multiplayer map with graphics on ‘Fastest’ I get marginally better FPS than Battlefield 3 with 64 players on Intel graphics. The guns feel and sound weak, though they are vastly improved from the single player guns. The controls can be painfully awkward and are not rebindable. To quit multiplayer I have to Alt+Tab and close it as I cannot find an option to return to the menu or quit the game. Finally, the Grass Simulating mode has the worst graphics of any mode, featuring 2D ‘sprites’ rather than 3D models of grass (this is most noticeable with the green silhouette of corn.)
– Real player with 22.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Indie Games.
Although this game was very entertaining and very fun to play for ten minutes, all in all, based upon the content, it’s a waste of money. It doesn’t cost much, no, but you do have better games for the same price to spend your money on.
Classic Mode:
Has no objective at all. You walk around in a reasonably small world filled with a single cabin, grass, fences, trees and cows with buggy heads. Shooting the cows makes them explode but once you’ve seen that once and you’ve giggled - do you want to see it again?
– Real player with 7.4 hrs in game
Hiking Simulator 2017
If you played this game and liked it and there are hidden paths and you can actually DO something, let me know so I can go back and then rewrite the review. Otherwise…
Graphics are not quite as good as Turok from 1997 which I played recently and it runs worse than Turok on my machine which makes no sense as there are no animations other than a few animals (mostly stuck in walls) and no ambient sounds. The gray rocky walls in the first area reminded me of the graphics in the original Doom.
Hilly Landscape map was kind of a non-event. Then Mountain Top and I look at the mountains in the distance and think “Now that’s what I’m talking about!”. Oh, wait… All you can do is LOOK at the mountain tops and the actual map is about as interesting as Hilly Landscape. The pine grove could have been nice except for the impenetrable branches and I wound up coming out pretty much where I started. And in one spot I rotated 360 and saw 3 of one and 2 of another identical boulders so not much variety in the landscape.
– Real player with 14.2 hrs in game
Honestly it isn’t as bad as some reviews made me think. In some ways it’s worse, in some ways better. This game is a strange mix of making skies and the glass in the open farm shed super pretty, then stretching the landscapes. Keep in mind I bought it on sale for 49 cents USD and it’s honestly worth about that from the stupid ways to die factor.
If you could put a boat out on the lake or, I dunno, approach the animals without them running, it would be worth more. What saves it is the music. What dooms is is that it looked way prettier on the lowest graphic setting and the music volume bar is useless.
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game
The Culling 2
I never played the 1st Culling, have only watched my favorite streamer play it a lot, and bought it because they wanted to plan matches vs. subbies. I play PUBg casually, and it’s not my usual genre, but even so could immediately see the easy access to everything and overabundance of guns totally killed the original melee and crafting fun. The size of the map and lack of players, game machiniques are also a problem. I’m in Europe, never could get a game on EU server at all. I can understand why so many people are angry, but you can make it fun if you don’t take it too seriously, but for the price?
– Real player with 6.9 hrs in game
Ok… here we go…
I wrote a very long twitch thread to the developers regarding this title. The things that I can say that are positive:
I’m glad the announcer is back
The recoil control feels really, really good. It’s erratic in a good way.
The bad:
They missed the boat on the character customization aspect by a mile. They needed to be WAY more over-the-top with the outfits and craziiness that would be this type of a game show.
They missed out on the gameshow feel of the game completely. The only thing that even makes it feel remotely like a gameshow is the starting area. After that, you’re in a typical battle arena.
– Real player with 3.3 hrs in game
Ferris Wheel Simulator
Ferris Wheel Simulator
Too afraid to go a ferris wheel in real life? Or maybe there are no ferris wheels in your town? Or maybe.. maybe to hell with all those maybies - you just want to buy this damn game. If so - well we are very lucky. We want to offer this masterpiece experience where you can… well, you probably already have an idea - be in a ferris wheel, however the name may hint that you will be actually the ferris wheel but no sorry if anyone understood it this way.
⚫Ride ferris wheel in first person perspective. Real life ferris wheels are too scary and you actually have to drive to them. With our virtual solution, you don’t have to drive anywhere. Just launch this game to enjoy this experience.
⚫2 Anime chans sitting near you. Because anime chans make every game a little bit better. Oh, they also have face animations.
⚫3d graphics
⚫Gamepad support
Reading Simulator
It’s worth the dollar I got it for, and not much more. Not to put the dev on blast or anything, it’s certainly a good effort, (I know how particular unity development can get!) but it could use some additional polish. The book’s hitboxes are absolutely incredibly finnicky at best, and that motion blur honestly made me a bit sick. Really the biggest thing the game needs is an options menu, to disable motion blur, adjust the bloom of the lighting, turn off the music, that sort of thing! But hey, for a single dollar, it’s a pretty solid frontend to read project gutenberg books from. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you could even add some sort of interface to let the user pull in pdfs from their files on disk! Keep up the work, Reading Sim dev!
– Real player with 5.8 hrs in game
As a book lover, I really loved the ambience of this library and the selection of classics I could find! There is definitely room for improvement, so I’ll start with that.
It’s hard to find which books can actually be read. I ran around randomly clicking books I saw and only 20 of them were readable (even though there is at least 100). So maybe a shining or glowing function that happens when you hover over a readable book would cut down on that.
It’s hard to tell what books are available. A library catalogue that can be pulled up would help. When you select the book you want to find, an arrow could point at it until you read it.
– Real player with 0.9 hrs in game
The Backrooms Simulator
For what it’s marketed as, it really isn’t that bad. You just kinda walk around, which isn’t any more or less than what I was told it would be. My only gripe is that 4 of the available achievements, which are pretty much your only drive in this game, have no description, so I’m not sure how to unlock them. 11/10, definitely is walking.
– Real player with 3.8 hrs in game
I bought this after watching the creepypasta on youtube which was really interesting and spooky!
So i had somewhat high expectations for this game.
Sadly i can’t recommend this because I think there are some really important things missing compared to the creepypasta. If the devs were going to add a few certain things related to the original creepypasta and update it, it would really have the potential to be a neat and scary game. (which really shouldn’t be too difficult)
I also i got a headache everytime i started playing this game, so atleast that works and stays true to the creepypasta :D
– Real player with 2.0 hrs in game
The Graveyard
First of all:
Before buy this game, play the demo. The only diference from the complete version is that, in the complete version the old lady dies. And it is not a spoiler, it is told in game. So when you buy it (if you buy) you won’t feel cheated and you will know that you bought just for support indie and artistic games.
Probably, when you play The Graveyard you will say: Man! What the fuck is that?! - And, ironicly, that’s why I recomend this game.
Yeah… I said that too. However I played it several times wondering what Tale of Tales was trying to do when they made this, and I think I know the answer.
– Real player with 3.2 hrs in game
Tags: Adventure - WS - Walking Simulator
Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library
TLDR: Misguided wanna-be art barely interactive 5 minutes title
What the game wants to be:
A videogame rendition of the inescapable fatalism inherent with mortality. A look on the frailty of life in a classy black and white rendition of an old woman at the twilight of her existence accompanied with indie folk music from the eastern block
What the game actually is:
A cheap 3D models map with unconvincing tree sway to simulate wind in which you clumsily turtle an elderly person to a bench have them sit, sit through a song of dubious talent and choose to either exit ASAP or see the old woman die. The death was incredibly telegraphed. The song has no subtely whatsoever, tries to have to gritty edge by mentionning people dying of cancer or having lung problems and making vague references to acid on concrete. It is not even gritty enough to really feel morbid, nor is it actually well handled enough to make you feel connected to anything from the nihilistic school of philosophers. It really is just a crude, smack you across the face with references to death while you stare at a semi transparent shot of a bad 3D model of an old person.
– Real player with 0.5 hrs in game
Walking Simulator
This game, right here, would be the very one to change my entire life. Before i played this, i did not know how to walk. Every day of my life was a struggle for me, to the point where I could not find any reason to get out of bed, until I discovered this masterpiece. It had an amazing story line, which made me feel every single emotion known to man simultaneously. But most importantly, It taught me how to walk. The moment I pressed W on my keyboard, my life flashed before my eyes, and before I knew it, I had mastered the art of walking forward. This game has given me another reason to live, another chance at life when everything looked grim.
– Real player with 7.8 hrs in game
- -[ Audience: ] - - -
☐ Your Mom probably would enjoy this
☐ Kids
☑ Everyone
☐ Everyone except kids
☐ Casual players
☐ Pro players
☐ People who plan to take one game and make it their life
- [ Graphics/Animation: ] - - -
☐ I want to poor bleach in my eyes
☐ Bad, but playable.
☐ Decent
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☑ You forget what reality is
–-[ Price: ]–-
☐ Buy now
☐ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Do not buy it
– Real player with 4.0 hrs in game
Hiking Simulator 2018
Kind of pretty in spaces. You can play either seeing your character or with a first person view. At it’s dark heart this is a hiking sim filled with mountains to climb, trees to see, and cute little bunnies. Aw. Too bad the bears hate you. So do the wolves and boars. Most of the animals are dangerous, but it’s more that type of game.
I didn’t like that at first, but amazingly you can outrun charging bears and wolves. Ditto the boars, though those suckers will chase you. I hit the statue that shall hereafter be called Freyr’s temple and got chased.
– Real player with 4.0 hrs in game
AMAZING GAME……. 10/10 would buy. The wildlife blew my mind, the attention to detail is remarkable. the birds are kind of dicks tho, no need to ever go outside again this game has it all from giant brids to demonic burnt bacon like creatures. WISH I COULD HAVE PAID FULL PRICE! im buying it for my aunt as her dying wish…. its that good (sound track is top notch) the Aurora Borealis is worth the search it only took me 81 minutes. my girlfriend said she was going to leave me if i dont stop playing this game….. I CANT STOP SEND HELP… the snow crunch is supper realistic. overall a great time.
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game