Interregnum Chronicles: Signal
First advice: Read the game description closely :)
This plays like a “walking” simulator inside a satellite called “Harmony” that accommodates one person, so you’re floating in microgravity with ways to grab onto things and push yourself around. The core of the game is to tweak signal processing using human interfacing terminals, and that mysterious signal of unknown origin and requires decoding to find out what it is/says/does. At first the system doesn’t have the capacity to process the entire signal so an Operator (you) needs to approve lots of AI upgrades. See where this is going?
– Real player with 26.9 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Artificial Intelligence Games.
So I have played this game a fair bit and tried to “get into it” but honestly, it’s pretty awful. I’m writing this review with steam saying that I have had 11 hours playtime, but really it’s more like 5 or 6 because I would leave the game on to “idle” in order to farm the necessary resources to progress the story.
And that is pretty much the game in a nutshell. Leaving it running to obtain an ever increasing targeted number of resources that are basically just numbers on one of several terminal screen’s. There are Networking, Data Processing and Memory “resources” that you need to increase in order to upgrade the stations AI and each resource is tied to the others with glass ceilings that you need to break by obtaining more of one of the other resources. There are ways to expedite the process such as using up to 4 batteries on a terminal but honestly, that just gets annoying. The batteries will explode if you overcharge them (or at least damage the stations electrics) and when you do use them they don’t last long at all. I haven’t timed them but I would be shocked if they actually last more than a minute or two at most. When you do have to recharge them as well, you can only carry one at a time and so you have to take each one from where you need it back to the garden where the charging ports are. Obviously you can’t plug one in and leave it charging whilst you fetch another as it will likely overcharge and short out the electrics so you end up floating along carrying one for a 2nd, dropping it to pick up another, dropping it to pick up a 3rd and so on until you get them where you need to go. Obviously you are in space with no gravity and so they drift…. a lot. Yeah, lets just say that gets old. Fast.
– Real player with 11.6 hrs in game
I did more in-game than irl the past year
– Real player with 118.3 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Choose Your Own Adventure Games.
This game plays brilliantly with the concept of time. You play as Shade, a little guy created by the King to be a servant of his underground kingdom with only 2 tasks: waking him up after his 400 days hibernation and to not leave the caves.
The 400 days countdown starts when you first open the game and is tracked in real-time, even when you exit the game. One thing to know though, is that just like in real life, time goes faster when you occupy yourself so you don’t have to literally wait for 400 days to see the end of the game.
– Real player with 80.7 hrs in game
Charge Game Studio presents a dark Sci-Fi first-person action thriller. Challenge yourself as a space colonist on a Russian ship lost so deep in the Universe that even the strongest com ties are torn. Experience the ruthlessness of cosmos, painful past, and extraordinary phenomena unfolding aboard the ship that all mix up into horror.
You are a former prisoner and the first victim of malfunctions on the ATRIA-1 spaceship. What’s it like to wake up after a year of criostasis and single-handedly fix up the ship with hundreds of unconscious people aboard? Eliminate a series of failures not only on board, but also in your own head: memory blackouts, recollection mirages, and strange visions. And don’t forget, all ship resources are running low: movement capability, air, energy, freedom, and common sense as well.
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Philosophical Games.
I Am a Rock
Experience flying in the endless space of the universe and flying over the major planets. Perhaps you will have different ideas about life.
Game features:
1. Play as an asteroid.
2. Experience flying in the universe.
3. Meet the major planets of the solar system.
4. Face to face with true greatness.
5. You can customize the flight path.
Langton’s Ant
good game
– Real player with 41.7 hrs in game
So really good game,just one bad thing; When I up the step size by a LOT,it crashes the game. Idk if it’s my computer.Overall though,good game.
– Real player with 35.5 hrs in game
Now you can’t see me
Cool puzzle(!) game with unique set of gameplay mechanics. After completing the game you can play again in speedrun mode with world leaderboard. Thinking out a faster way to complete a level reveals the possibilites of the game a little more and is also pretty fun.
– Real player with 9.0 hrs in game
On one hand super interesting, on the other hand you have to read tips from the menu screen constantly to understand just the controls, and aiming while blinking is just ridiculous. Maybe if I simply point at someone with a gun it works, rather than pointing at the gun while I’m blinking and if I mess it up have to spend 5 more minutes trying the same thing despite knowing how to solve the puzzle.
– Real player with 0.9 hrs in game
PhotoWorld: Smooth Сorners
Easily one of the best games ive ever played. Photoworld smooth corners is a modern masterpiece and will be for many generations to some. This game has truly reinvented gaming as we know it. 10/10, would rate it higher if i could.
– Real player with 165.4 hrs in game
Would maybe an ok games for achievement hunters, because the only thing you do, is making photos of specific objects in the random generated, but boring, landscape. The problem, the price is to high and one, maybe two, achievements are broken.
– Real player with 0.8 hrs in game
The mystery of the planet venus
Picked this up on a whim and genuinely enjoyed it.
It’s very much an indie game, it has a couple bugs and quirks but nothing game breaking. Got myself stuck in a wall at one point but all I had to do was reload the save.
The story and atmosphere were extremely interesting. I really hope the dev continues the story, but if not I’m excited to see what else they come out with.
– Real player with 2.2 hrs in game
How to describe Kanso? Well, you play with your mouse, and you have to draw a line around a shape! Sounds pretty simple right?
This is one of those relaxing, zen like games, where you think everything is all easy and simple, but quickly you realise that things take some skill. This is a “line following” game. Everything is very bright and colourful and really is a joy to play.
As you draw around the shapes, there are “Koi like Daemons”, they kind of look like giant sperms, or perhaps tadpoles, they are on their own little journey, come into contact with them and you will have to start again. As you draw your line, you cannot go backwards, only forwards, but you can speed up or slow down, or even stop, that will allow you to avoid the Daemons, and finish the shape. As you progress through the levels, the shapes become more interesting and there are more Daemons to avoid, some will try to follow you, some will avoid you, some do not care about you. But you must always care about all of them if you want to progress.
– Real player with 0.8 hrs in game
MY FOX - Desktop Wild Pet
Pretty boring when it comes to a game about taking care of a fox. There’s nothing you can even do 50% of the time as you watch your fox walk down a path.
– Real player with 22.1 hrs in game
This is a nice background which gives a good atmosphere for your desktop. It’s also pretty well optimised, putting about 10-15% load on my otherwise idle 9600K and 10-15% load on my 2060 Super. Pretty good for rendering a fairly large scene.
I cannot however recommend this background in its current state because there are several outstanding problems. There is no way to control the camera or the fox, so you are left being able to “interact” with your fox by calling them over to you, throwing a ball or telling them to go somewhere, to which the fox promptly returns to walking the world again.
– Real player with 16.5 hrs in game