Hunt Down The Freeman
Hunt Down the Freeman.
Is it as bad as people say it is? Unfortunately, yes. The majority of this game is not great at all, and that’s with me playing the whole thing after the updates and going in with the mindset that people were probably just hating on it and that I’d like it.
This game is split into four parts. Prologue, Acts I-III, and the Epilogue. Part by part, here’s how I felt. (No spoilers)
Prologue- Actually decent. It has issues like certain things being too loud or too quiet, but I never had a tough time or got lost, at least not for very long at all.
– Real player with 11.4 hrs in game
Dear potential buyer,
Good job for scrolling down to the reviews rather than trusting the developers.
First of all, the trailer doesn’t show actual gameplay footage, it was made in sfm and it’s supposed to show how would the game play out.
If they actually cared to finish it
On launch day, the game was unplayable, full of missing textures, no cutscenes at all and with a massive list of gamebreaking bugs (varying from losing your weapons in between the loading zones, randomly teleporting and sometimes invisible enemies to just straight up crasing for no reason).
– Real player with 9.9 hrs in game
Treasure Islands
Treasure Islands is a budget price first-person adventure by Mark J. Lovegrove, for Screen 7.
A Tale From Triassic Zoo…
_Nick and Pippa have inherited Uncle’s assets and among them, an old abandoned museum! To see it re-opened they will need a new selection of exhibits, artefacts & curiosities!
The search will stretch to far away islands, each with their own character, quirks and treasures to be found! But beware - they are not the only opportunists out there…
Mysterious caves, curious locals and strange events - with YOUR help the treasure hunting team will keep their wits about them as they search for that all important centre-piece!
But what are the shady scientists up to? Is Uncle still out there? Will Triassic Zoo keep turning in your absence? And what other mysteries await?_ Find out in Treasure Islands - Soon !!
Pieces Of Fate…
**» Explore 7+ islands in a light-hearted single-player adventure story
» Quirky characters & creatures to meet with full English voice acting + subtitles
» 60+ minutes of engaging music & atmospheric sound + achievements & secrets
Treasure Islands contains infrequent cartoon violence and is suitable for most ages.
More from this developer: **
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.
Mr. Maze
AWESOME Game!! For the record I’m fairly new to gaming and do make use of guides and tips, and I definitely needed help in some parts. That said, the game itself ran smoothly for me–no bugs, no glitches–and had a story that pulled me in and kept me going. I didn’t like the dark parts (and there are many–literally you are blind in the dark)–but trial and error got me through. I’m claustrophobic too and that made some parts really tough, but again, I persevered and made it through. I thought the SIM people were creepy but oh well. This game reminds me (in a dark twisted way) of Eastshade (my very favorite game!)…the scenery, the day/night cycles–even a certain character’s voice (Andrew)…but I digress. The only thing I wish was different is the save option: the game saves when you complete a level/chapter but there were times when I needed to leave and thus lost a lot of progress. An automatic save or save slots would be really appreciated! This was a wonderful game that kept me enthralled for 15 hours–and I was able to finish it! Bravo to the developer and team and I look forward to more from them!!
– Real player with 15.4 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.
The game consists mostly of escaping mazes created by the maze-meister in his strange maze universe and activating runes which unlock the maze exit, also has some fetch quests.
Has a story-line that’s reasonably well presented in game.
Has voice acting.
Is humorous.
Developer has clearly made a good effort.
Lots of different and interesting locations.
Lots of NPCs with dialogues.
Zero in-game purchases, Zero loot boxes, Zero DLCs, no season pass etc.
Bargain price.
– Real player with 9.7 hrs in game
is a single player exploration/adventure game set in a partially submerged city, the remnants of an undisclosed apocalyptic event. You play as a nameless older sister trying to save the life of your younger brother who has suffered a grievous wound that has caused him to slip into a coma. What happens in this submerged city will decide the fate of both you and your brother.
The story in Submerged is quite interesting in its presentation. Rather than relying on dialogue, notes, or anything coming close to resembling that, it relies solely on actual exploration which triggers events and unlocks hieroglyphic frames that in turn unveil a riveting and yet somewhat indistinct tale.
– Real player with 26.4 hrs in game
I think the biggest flaw of this game is that it fails to surprise you in any way.
I was initially going to recommend this game after playing it briefly because the premise is amazing. Exploring the ruins of a half-sunken city to find a cure for your sick brother? Strange, infected creatures? A story told without words?
And for a while, it totally is. The environment is amazing; the first time you climb a tall building, you are blown away. You notice movement behind the corner and you half-expect an ambush. A huge orca swims through the wide canals, so you take the narrow ones to keep out of danger. You avoid the green puddles with plants growing from the sea like the plague. And you’re very careful whenever you climb to avoid falling. And all of this build-up goes nowhere.
– Real player with 8.7 hrs in game
renderB is a free Tech demo. It worked on my HTC Vive system, looked ok, played soso, sounded ? No instructions. Not much to do here. You can cycle through the rendered 3D VR maps that the devs provided.
CONS; Vive controls are not set correctly, no movement mode in VR. Could turn or move up or down. Menu button not set.
Try it, but not worth the download.
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
While this game is tiny (the trailer honestly shows you most of the game) it’s stunningly pretty in a way you can’t quite define. Like other walking sims from the dev we are outside, this time in winter. Kind of like Bottle, but with a more upbeat tone and fresher graphics. It is short, especially if you use your right mouse button to act as a sort of heads up display and track down flowers and platforms quickly.
But there’s also a lot more to explore once you’ve checked all the achievements off your list. Honestly, yes, it’s short. I clocked in at 45 minutes, and I got terribly lost too. But it is also like Bottle in that you can make your own fun. Go back in and take a lovely walk in the gorgeous landscape. Let your worries go and just be.
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game
In a similar vein to “Pluviophile”, it’s a nice looking environment, but with a number of strange design choices that mar its potential to be a nice peaceful walk.
To start, there are still, for some reason, flowers that you need to pick up and take to stone circles to open the path forward. There isn’t anything inherently interesting about the mechanic, so it just detracts from the experience by arbitrating certain places where you must go, making you less inclined to explore elsewhere on your own.
– Real player with 1.5 hrs in game
Lovely Animal Stories
Not even if it was free.
Some of the animations in here are seriously questionable for a “family friendly” game.
The actual puzzles are designed for a child, but the relationships between the animals seem a bit beyond “child” to me.
And then there are some absolute “filler” levels, like just clicking for a slow turtle to crawl across one side of the screen to the other. Only cheap purchase I’ve ever refunded.
– Real player with 0.8 hrs in game
Ruth’s Journey
Play as Ruth as she ventures into the forest in search of the famed Golden Finch.
Sitting in her office all day long, stamping papers, Ruth’s boss finally grants her a break and an opportunity to use her talents to save the company from financial ruin.
Explore the world and experience the beauty and wonders of the Canadian wilderness with Ruth as she embarks on this journey.
Ruth’s Journey is a free demo that introduces you to the characters and the world of The Long Way Home.
Experience the peace and tranquility of the forest
Beautiful low-poly aesthetic
Immersive First Person Controls
Capture breathtaking pictures with your camera
Glimpse into the history of ‘The Long Way Home’
15 - 30 min of Narrative driven Gameplay
Detailed Cinematics
An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs
I am a ‘dog person’ so this game looked intriguing. I had it on my wish list and picked it up, on sale. Having spent many hours in airports run by dogs, I have very mixed feelings. It is a silly, somewhat mindless game with the biggest challenge being to find specific characters, objects and gates in each of 6 airports. Woven into this is a love story about a long distance relationship between you and Krista (the last two humans left on the planet). Your busy lives intersect at airports and it is sweet to watch the relationship unfold through many brief encounters. Although each airport has very different geography, there is a lot of repetition (the same shops, the same vendors, and much of the same dialog).
– Real player with 19.0 hrs in game
Hilariously it was my girlfriend who got me this game, we are long distance, and neither of us actually knew much about the game. I just kinda wishlisted it long ago cause haha cute dogs and alien airports, and she got it cause just frick it we get gifts for each other so sue us (please dont, legal action scares me). Well, 13 hours later and I am all misty eyed over what was supposed to be a silly little game. Even now typin this out I am gettin all teary eyed. Not gonna get too into detail cause I ain’t wanna spoil stuff but heck, this game is gonna last in my brain head for a long while. 10/10, Recommend it forever
– Real player with 14.4 hrs in game
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
This game was over hyped, over praised and given way too much exposure. It just barely lasts an hour and a half. You could probably boost an extra hour on to that if you want to find ties but that’s only if you really feel like you need to.
A lot of people say that this game is “laugh out loud hilarious” and while I understand that humor is subjective I didn’t find myself laughing like everyone else. Every now and then I’d crack a smile.
Something I hear being thrown around a lot by Octodad fans and journalists is that this game is just so “fresh”. The controls are “bad”. It’s hard to move Octodad, which of course as we all know it’s designed to be this way. Doing mundane tasks such as mowing the lawn or making coffee is now apparently “hilarious” because we can’t control our character. Don’t get me wrong, I like this idea too and it’s fun seeing Octodad flail all over the place but it gets stale fast. So, sure, Octodad is “fresh”, but that freshness lasts about as long as leaving a slice of bread on the counter (i.e not long).
– Real player with 53.9 hrs in game
You are a family man, looking after your wife and kids, doing all sorts of every-day tasks such as mowing the lawn or going food shopping, and taking a trip to the aquarium. The only catch? you are an octopus. You can’t let anyone find out so you must act as human and casual as possible.
With fun and goofy controls to control Octodad’s tentacles to get by without anyone knowing is definitely great fun, and mixed with a fun storyline with some great dialog, it was a real treat to play. What makes this game even more fantastic is the ability to play co-op with 2 to 4 people with each person controlling a limb or two! This makes for a great couch co-op experience, and greatly adds to the challenge of the game. Hidden ties help you to constantly search and explore, and the wonderful achievements give some extra challenges along the way. A thoroughly enjoyable experience, especially with a partner.
– Real player with 20.6 hrs in game