Secrets Of Soil
This almost gets a thumbs-up. However, I have to give it a thumbs-down due to the absurdly sanctimonious narrative.
This is amazing for 80% of the game. It’s like an interactive simulation that a prominent Natural History Museum might have on display. Go into this as sober or as high as you like, and take flight through psychedelic soil, while learning the science behind how it produces almost all of the food we eat. Amazing. It almost pains me to not be able to recommend it.
Why can’t I? The end of the game has such a ridiculously pessimistic view of things like global warming, and plowing the f♥♥♥ing soil, that you’d think the world was guaranteed to end before 2022. Then they throw in ridiculous “don’t get me wrong” moments, such as: “don’t get me wrong, chemicals used to grow crops in infertile areas did save tens of millions of human lives, and entire races of people would have otherwise collectively died slow and painful deaths by mass starvation, BUT!!! Chemicals are still pure evil, because…”
– Real player with 17.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Colorful Games.
If you want a good alternative to LSD, this is for you :D
But in all seriousness, this game is a really fun way to look at and educate about soil, and the effects agriculture has on it. Very well explained and definitely recommended for everyone who wants to learn more about ways to save our planet.
Nice work.
– Real player with 0.6 hrs in game
First Response
Welcome to your new job at the Extreme Containment Security Company! You’ve been selected by Malcolm Monaghan himself as the first subject in their brand new learning initiative! Upon your arrival, K.A.R.A. will guide you through concepts relating to Cybersecurity and the important work you’ll be doing as a brand new SOC Analyst!
Featuring an extremely talented full voice cast, First Response is a blend of the concepts seen in the walking simulator genre with simulation elements modeled after real work done by SOC Analysts! And maybe, a few surprises along the way, but we can’t say much more than that!
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Narration Games.
Reading Simulator
It’s worth the dollar I got it for, and not much more. Not to put the dev on blast or anything, it’s certainly a good effort, (I know how particular unity development can get!) but it could use some additional polish. The book’s hitboxes are absolutely incredibly finnicky at best, and that motion blur honestly made me a bit sick. Really the biggest thing the game needs is an options menu, to disable motion blur, adjust the bloom of the lighting, turn off the music, that sort of thing! But hey, for a single dollar, it’s a pretty solid frontend to read project gutenberg books from. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you could even add some sort of interface to let the user pull in pdfs from their files on disk! Keep up the work, Reading Sim dev!
– Real player with 5.8 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Memes Games.
As a book lover, I really loved the ambience of this library and the selection of classics I could find! There is definitely room for improvement, so I’ll start with that.
It’s hard to find which books can actually be read. I ran around randomly clicking books I saw and only 20 of them were readable (even though there is at least 100). So maybe a shining or glowing function that happens when you hover over a readable book would cut down on that.
It’s hard to tell what books are available. A library catalogue that can be pulled up would help. When you select the book you want to find, an arrow could point at it until you read it.
– Real player with 0.9 hrs in game
VR Nara Park
Having been to the real Nara Park in Japan in the past I kind of knew what I was respecting here and for the most part, it does kind of deliver what it needs to. This is a very small experience in which you can teleport around a small area of a virtual recreation of the real-world park. There is no movement turning here whatsoever and just teleport movement. So you will have to play in a swivel chair or play standing up. It looks OK I guess especially as you can play about with the time of day, but there is nothing here to justify the £7.19. You can’t interact with anything and there is only a small amount of educational material telling you all about the park. Some might find this relaxing I suppose, but I just found it a little overpriced and a little bit pointless. While I have given it a thumbs down if I could give it a neutral rating I would have.
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game
The environment isn’t big
The game didn’t perform well with random bits of slowdown
Its teleport only with no turning buttons of any kind
I’ve seen at least one of the character models in other games
But I wont lie it was relaxing
It did have gorgeous views and audio
I enjoyed having NPCs and deer walking around
and it wasn’t expensive at all
VR Nara Park has issues and feels like an early access title in some ways
the grass for one looks horrible up close
I hope that the studio behind this can add smooth locomotion and smooth turning
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game
What’s Your Gender?
This is a lovely, wholesome, informative and short game about gender identity.
The player walks through some kind of museum or art exhibition. As you explore, you come across various terms related to gender identity and expression. From time to time, a pleasant voice will ask questions, like: How do I know what gender I am? Or: What makes me feel euphoric? There is a room, where you can try out different pronouns for youself to experience how you feel when they are used for you.
I recommend playing this game. It’s sweet, fun, wholesome… but also, I recommend forwarding it for educational purposes. I think you can safely recommend it to your friends and family. To people who might have mentioned they’d like to learn more about gender identity.
– Real player with 1.8 hrs in game
I’m a genderqueer YouTuber and I highly approve of this game!! This is an amazing first-person experience exploring gender, gender expression, and sexuality. The concepts are really interesting, definitions are clear, and overall the space makes you feel the experience. I played this on my channel, DaintyTank, for Trans Awareness Week as this game is a perfect way to get an introduction to different concepts in gender.
Definitely think it’s worth spending the $2 to support the developers and for you to play this yourself! You can see my playthrough below but this game is much more impactful to play yourself. Love you all and your feelings are valid!
– Real player with 0.9 hrs in game
Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed®: Ancient Egypt
I totally love this game. It lets you freely explore the entire world of Assassin’s Creed Origins at your own pace. The environments are very diverse, breathtakingly beautiful and totally immersive. There’s a huge number of very well made learning routes focusing on different topics or areas but you can just as well explore anything and everything by yourself. It’s easy to forget about time and just enjoy the experience.
You can walk, climb, swim, ride a hourse, sail a boat, or to experience the vast open world from the air using the eagle. You can also use a torch in dark areas. At any time, you can choose your avatar from a long list of characters appearing in the original game. You can quickly switch between day and night and see the same location at totally different lighting conditions.
– Real player with 65.8 hrs in game
If you’re like me, you’re not a fan of the historical mockery Assassin’s Creed typically makes of its games. But you’re envious at the huge amount of work and research the devs obviously put into their worlds, in order to create settings that are believable (if not 100% accurate). If that’s you, look no further than this game. It is simply the open world of Assassin’s Creed Origins, in free roam mode with all combat disabled. What you’re left with is a beautiful rendition of Ptolemaic Egypt as it might appear in the days of Cleopatra, complete with a gorgeous day/night cycle, a satisfying photo mode to make screenshots wallpaper-worthy, and educational tours scattered across the map for you to walk through at your leisure. The map is so huge, it took me 60+ hours to explore every tidbit and hidden villa (going at a leisurely pace, to be sure).
– Real player with 65.5 hrs in game
Fluff labs
I actually tied out this game genuinely and the instructions in the tutorial can be slightly confusing, and the Transformer table is not labeled like the rest of the equipment which is a tad confusing.
The real main issue is though that when you submit the products at the end of the tutorial or the end of the first level the level end screen is completely bugged and doesn’t work, even on the tutorial.
Otherwise for a free game I was actually kind of digging the basic concept and somewhat silly story. Shame I couldn’t try the harder levels
– Real player with 1.2 hrs in game
– Real player with 0.3 hrs in game
I believe this to be a work in progress at this time.
Played with the HTC Vive and XBox Controller,
Vive controllers are useless at this point in time.
Very Relaxing and Meditative Journey through a beautiful landscape.
Options to turn off and on the dialog and I recommend the dialog, I did love the sounds of the running water and the animals. The movement of the plants in the wind is very well done. Make sure to look around so you do not miss any of the animals. Selections for time of day are very nice and my preference was morning which I really enjoyed.
– Real player with 0.5 hrs in game
Runs at 30fps without locomotion and looks awful.
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
Britannic: Patroness of the Mediterranean
Overall I say the game is rather good and is worth the time. Graphics are nice, and experiencing the sinking is mostly pleasant.
Though there are some quality of life changes that I’d only hope are implemented in future updates. For example, the narrator Robin has a feature to toggle his dialogue. With all interiors that you can go through requiring you to return to the main menu, you need to toggle Robin every single time if you want to hear him. A way to save the settings for him and keep them as selected would be beneficial. Some text had some serious overlapping issues, and there’s some grammatical errors dotted around, and that could use another editor’s pass.
– Real player with 21.5 hrs in game
I recommend this game but with a few caveats. I believe it’s worth noting that I don’t have VR at all.
I’m a huge Britannic nerd. I love the story of her construction, career, and her sinking. This game was a must buy for me so I was thrilled to pick it up and explore the ship. The thrill is still here for me months later and I know I’m going to just walk around even more in the future.
- Exterior exploration is spectacular. The numberous information points have helped me learn new things about the ship and the overall visuals are very pleasing. Both the RMS and HMHS models of the ship look stunning. During the sinking, things get a bit more interesting, especially when there’s another deck above which really gives a feeling of being trapped. That said, I mainly stay in the bridge.
– Real player with 19.8 hrs in game
Experienced on the Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers.
Full roomscale setup is recommended. Wish I could have tested this out with Vive Trackers to see if the feet move well with those.
So these are real dance lessons where you learn some salsa basics and then more advanced moves. You start out almost painfully slow. The tutorial is just you marching and then testing your balance. You can choose an avatar as well as his or her clothes. You have lots of options, in fact, I kept clicking randomly and never saw a repeat. The instructors change outfits with each lesson.
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game
looks like it should be a room in VRchat not good enough to be its own game. great idea and you can probably learn something from it but the execution is very bad. It’s not just the sloppy amateur looking graphics. Even the lessons are painful to sit through because the interface is clunky and lacking features.
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game