Cafe Simulator
Destruc-Build-Design the best cafe in the world!
Cafe Simulator is an cafe business simulation game. There are many activities and people you can interact with in the city. You must satisfy your customers. You should buy more elegant and quality furniture. You can also buy decorative products. You can develop your cafe with a lot of build option. You can also build a stage and taking the rival cafe musician. But be careful, the price can be very heavy…All management and planning will be in your hands. Watch out and don’t bankrupt!
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Simulation Games.
We Are Open
The game concept is interesting but
it’s a little too messy with multiple people with the shopping lists around all at once, gets a little overwhelming tbh
those people move around a lot so even after you get the item, they have moved to the other floor and you have to go find them again lol, a little annoying ngl
the AI obviously knows where all the stuff are so it’s like impossible to try and compete with it at all really
each item for each person can only be fulfilled once by you or the bot so it’s kinda frustrating that you scramble to find the item only to return and see that the bot had already gave it to the person lol
– Real player with 0.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Early Access Games.
Restaurant Empire II
I’ve played Restaurant Empire II off and on over many years (counting that the first game is included in II). When buying REII you get the full original RE game included.
The graphics are basic, the AI of customers and staff very limited, and the interface clunky in that you have to do a lot manually and one by one - for example you have to add recipes individually to the restaurant menu. But. I find it strangely compelling to try to get my chef up to 100% skill levels in as many recipes as possible, moving him between cuisines to round off his skills.
– Real player with 238.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Management Games.
As a fan of the first Restaurant Empire game, at first I was disappointed with this one. A lot of the animations are the same, and this game adds coffee and dessert shops, so you have customers eating sandwiches and cookeis with forks and knives. Also, all the customers are talking on cell phones and using laptops now, which is annoying when you’re waiting for a chance to click on them. I actually quit the game for a long time because of these irritations.
However, I recently came back to it and I’m glad I did. It’s a lot of fun as a strategy game, and still fun just to tinker around with the restaurants and watch the chefs cook. The first game lacked female chefs, aside from Delia, but this time there are plenty of them, and that’s a welcome change too. The game isn’t very difficult, but it has some challenge to it, and it’s hard to find challenging strategy games these days.
– Real player with 107.9 hrs in game
Rento Fortune VR
The game is great but it has 1-2 minor glitches.
I like how it moves you in jail (literally), but you can walk oof of it.
Overall the game is great, even in Early Access. I recommend it
– Real player with 4.2 hrs in game
A few control issues with building up housing banks, and jumping around on teleport can be difficult. A center reset wouldn’t be difficult, and would solve the issue.
Not an all in VR port, everything is done with clicks. That’ll disapoint the purists, but keeps it simple for those that can’t get to grips with the complexity of Table Top Sim’s controls.
The game is nicely scaled, big bright board. A good selection of custome options, and has full multiplayer cross platform play with mobile devices leaving you with no shortage of games.
– Real player with 1.9 hrs in game
Gamer Shop Simulator
Nowadays, especially in this global crisis, everything is very busy, we are looking for immediate results, short-term rewards.
We spent a good part of these last years at home, enjoying what is available and that catches attention at STEAM.
Promotions, early access, free games. but nobody realizes that behind the scenes someone is developing something to please us, and sometimes the demand is so great and the deadline is so short that most of the time “the food is served practically raw”, and we can’t even apologize for the poorly prepared, we are negated, canceled by people too demanding to realize that in a hidden room there is someone striving to deliver something desirable, even if it is with some flaws. This Gamer Shop Simulator game is a gift that is being offered by someone who develops it himself, a job he does on his own… Thanks Arthur.. ☺☺
– Real player with 108.4 hrs in game
for what it is, its pretty good. game play is fun and i would totally recommend this to my friends. i think it would be fun to watch it develop. there are a few things i’ve noticed that are small issues.
1. when you save the game and and reload your rating is set back to 0
2. random appearing shelf and keyboards when you load in after a save and exit
3. random shelves disappearing from the store when loading in
it doesn’t take away the fun of the game, just annoying
other than that, i’m totally enjoying the game, and can’t wait to see what gets added to it
– Real player with 25.9 hrs in game
Internet Cafe Simulator
It was fun and addictive however you reach the endgame pretty quickly. It’s a cool idea in practice but it really doesn’t translate well into a game. There isn’t really any replayability other than to adapt to the many bugs that this game bears, strategically moving and placing your setups, arcade machines and bitcoin miners based on the mechanics of the game in the way the automated customers move to offer yourself a smoother experience. Once you’ve got it down running pretty smoothly with only a couple of annoyances (such as desks being broken/moved after you quit and restart the game, customers being stuck on the stairs/walls/arcade machines, rubbish you can’t get to without moving things) and you’ve used your 200 iq brain to spam buy as many bitcoin miners from the dodgy dealer as you can (buy loads then use sales gun, go back and cancel all the sales.. Watch the miners pile up neatly outside.) then what’s left to do? other than stack up bitcoins, use excess money to buy more when the price is low and then just wait for that big payday? even if there was more to do - the core mechanics would need a lot of work. I’m not sure it’s really worth it. I would only recommend this game if it was free. I had fun playing it, but it wasn’t worth the money.
– Real player with 13.9 hrs in game
Played 7 hours. The idea is pretty great, i personally like to setup the whole cafe, buy tech stuff for customers and setup everything.
But :
There are glitches (Can’t post poster on some wall for example, tp back when using computer,…)
Sometime when you spawn after loading your game, the props that you already placed somehow clip in the wall and stuff so it messed up the PC table for example
The NPC very often stuck to the wall/push away props/drop mouse, keyboard, pc stuff so they say that WE forced them to get out (lol?)
– Real player with 12.3 hrs in game
Craft Beer Tycoon
In Craft Beer Tycoon you are an enthusiastic beer manufacturer. Lager, Stout, Amber, Honey, Citric, are the principal beer you can produce in your warehouse. Resource administration is the key to progress and quickly impulses not always are the best option.
Reputation system.
Recipes and abilities research.
Bar customization.
More than ten beers to make.
Thirsty clients.
What are you waiting for? Those beers are not going to serve themselves!
King of Retail
TL; DR: A great concept that has been executed pretty damn well. There are a few bugs and complaints, which I detail below. But, I don’t think there’s any issue that should prevent you from enjoying this game if you like simulation-type games.
The devs, or dev, has put a significant amount of sweat equity into making this game. It’s not a AAA game, its an indie dev. This goes to show you that even with a limited budget, games such as this are possible to make and we’re all the better for it.
– Real player with 108.8 hrs in game
Okay, 101 hours in and I thought I should leave a review as this game deserves it. It’s been a while since any game has captured my attention as much as King of Retail has and always gives me that urge to really want to play it at every opportunity. My niece has been watching me play and now has a store of her own too, she’s only 10 and has understood everything really well. I really need a second PC now! lol
It’s currently in Early Access but has plenty of playability and I really look forward to future updates. The next one apparently brings a ton of new female clothing.
– Real player with 104.5 hrs in game
Tank Mechanic Simulator
So let’s start off by saying that yes. I do play this game a lot. I’ve played it quite a bit in fact. But can I recommend it? Ehhhhh…. no.
See, the developers have made a great system for this sort of game. I wish more games would use it. It’s a bit unrealistic, but that’s honestly okay, it plays well with it. I have to give them props for that.
What I can’t give them props for is quality assurance, general professionalism(There was a major content delay because they forgot to fork their build. FORGOT. And overwrote their work), and what appears to be a roadmap designed for maximizing profit, rather than fixing the countless issues that still persist with the game.
– Real player with 106.6 hrs in game
I really, really, really like the game. BUT, I just wanna take a little walk through and talk about what’s going on in the game.
They’re doing good work, making updates regularly and keeping people up to date with what’s happening in the development cycle. The thing that really sets me off with the current game is that they’re already trying to push DLC. I understand that they want to make money, but at the same time the base game needs to be in a more acceptable state before they should try to push for DLC’s. There are a lot of issues within the base game that need to be addressed such as, Performance within the garage itself can get pretty rough, especially if you have multiple project vehicles in at the same time(Keep in mind my computer isn’t a slouch by any means, AMD 5800x processor, 16gigs of Crucial Ballistix’s 3600Mhz ram, and an rtx2060, granted not the highest end pc in the world.), the menus are pretty clunky and need to be reworked into a more user friendly state. Tank extractions can be frustrating between not being able to find the vehicle through the basic means the game starts you off with and occasionally you aren’t able to extract the vehicle at all. The maintenance system has gotten better, but it needs a lot of work, the system needs to be streamlined and ease of access while putting tanks together needs to be more comfortable to work with instead of awkwardly clicking around on the screen trying to access certain parts. Some tank models being reworked have been worked on for what feels like months without any update to them in the live version of the game, but they’re working on new models instead.
– Real player with 48.5 hrs in game
Monastery Builder
Monastery Builder is a simulator of life in a medieval monastery. Take up a monk’s way of life and see if you can handle the daily challenges that come with it.
Ora et labora - pray and work. These are the main rules that guide the way for each monk. Only so much and so many. If you think it’s nothing, then you’re in for quite a surprise. Each day is subject to strict organization and there’s no time to get bored in your monastery. Complete all tasks in line with this motto, gain new experiences, and become an important ‘somebody’ in the monastic hierarchy.
Arrange a proper agricultural base. You have to plant cereals that you can use to bake bread and distribute among the poor. It is also important to take proper care of vegetables, fruits, and herbs growing in the monastic gardens. Without them, you won’t be able to prepare potions for the sick, or wine for trade. There are plenty of similar challenges ahead.
Grow your monastery. Expand it with more buildings and develop the infrastructure. Medieval monasteries were famous for having exceptionally rich hospitals and educational facilities. They also served as sanctuaries for weary travelers and played a vital role in supplying nearby residential settlements with products. You have to build it all by yourself, so you better get to work!