This Is Crying

This Is Crying

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Surreal Games.

This Is Crying on Steam

On the Hunt

On the Hunt

On the Hunt is a first-person wild animal hunting simulator. A game with a fairly well-developed world of wildlife. Wild animals are very circumspect and careful, hunt down and develop your hunter skill!

Test your new weapon at the shooting range and go hunting for the beast in these beautiful places as soon as possible!

Hunting in various scenic regions is fun and exciting!

Have a good hunting !!!

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Simulation Games.

On the Hunt on Steam



BURNT ASHES is actually a pretty darn good scary game for the price you’re paying! I did get scared quite a few times! You start out in a prison cell and now have to navigate around the prison in order to find a tool. This tool is key to move onto the next area. But beware, since there is someone roaming around with you….

Although their is only one monster in the game that can kill you, it is at times pretty scary. It is a pretty short game, although you will have spent more time looking for the items than anything. I don’t know if there is an actual story besides escaping the prison and island, so there’s that. The mechanics are pretty good, the graphics are alright, nothing too major but nothing too bad. All in all if you’re looking for a pretty short, fun, and sometimes scary game, I’d recommend this for the price! I did a full game playthrough of this game if you want to check it out. Thank you and have a blessed and awesome day! :)

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Action Games.

Decent game, good atmosphere the only thing I’ll say is you can get lost real easy. And this might be a spoiler so stop reading if you don’t want to see this. The creature on the second part needs some tweaking, you can’t out run it. And when trying to get the items you need if you stop to grab them you just die. That could use some work. But over all a decent game.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game


Insect: Bombardier beetle

Insect: Bombardier beetle

This is certainly a game that exists.

Not a game that’s worth $16, or really worth money at all, but it does technically have all the features to qualify as a game.

You play as a bug that spits at other bugs until they die. That’s it.

The other bugs walk at you extremely slowly so most of the game is spent walking backwards and clicking your mouse a lot, because the other bugs have a decent amount of health and respawn too many times. I’m not sure how anyone thought this would be enjoyable enough to release, let alone charge money for, but it’s here.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Insect: Bombardier beetle on Steam

The Deepest

The Deepest


  • feels and looks awful as it is

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

yeah i’m getting myself into a rabbit hole aren’t i

alright. don’t buy this game. the only time i died was by softlocking by clipping into walls, you have to restart the game every time you die because trying to start a new game will cause the game to forget to spawn your character, and the answer to the question of “It is not known how far the end of these caves is, or if there is any,” is that there isn’t, because in trying to find more mechanics than “fly” and “shoot,” i discovered that the N key teleports you to the next level, and that you can mash that button for a real long time without getting anywhere.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

The Deepest on Steam

Uninvited Guest

Uninvited Guest

I really like this game, but there is a part in level 4 that is literally impossible. I did exactly what walkthroughs showed to do, and has other people even try it, and no one could get passed ringing the bell. I tried restarting the game, I tried using a different controller, I’m at a complete loss, and that sucks because that’s basically the end of the game that I miss out on.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

This game was AMAZING! I was very apprehensive at first, but glad i gave it a go with my community.

Lot’s of jump scares, story line was awesome, it has 5 levels with all different scenery..

Would 100% recommend this and the price is worth it.

Below is my game play.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Uninvited Guest on Steam



“What we would do if the stars only came out once every thousand years? No one would sleep that night, of course. The world would create new religions overnight. We would be ecstatic, delirious, made rapturous by the glory of a Higher Power. Instead, the stars come out every night and we watch television and play interactive entertainment. "

“The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us.”

“Looking at these stars suddenly dwarfed my own troubles and all the gravities of terrestrial life. I thought of their unfathomable distance, and the slow inevitable drift of their movements out of the unknown past into the unknown future.”

Real player with 292.0 hrs in game

THE GREY MAN was a wonderful game of discovery, strategy and capturing-ocity from start to end.

The visuals are amazing… it’s a delicious throwback to old-school! You have captivating (multi-leveled parallaxed) landscapes that (in a very subtle way) gives the game so much depth and immerses you in the world THE GREY MAN is stalking around in. You have AMAZING foreground elements (animated & static) that has to be some of the best pixel-art I have seen in quite some time (and i’m an artist SIR/MADAM so i know what I am talking about!!)… and let’s not forget all the characters/animals/items you interact with – so craftily designed. Each element in this game was made with the love that only a fan of games could make. I was clicking on anything and everything.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game




Who will photograph, pet, and tell these dogs they’re good boys and girls if you don’t?? The world NEEDS you in Pupperazzi, the dog photography game!

  • First person photographer action. Discover all new dogs and activities as you run, jump, and interact with the world… And dogs! (Yes, you CAN pet them!)

  • SO. MANY. DOGS. Shibas, terriers, labs, pugs, and all kinds of breeds. You want ‘em, WE GOT EM!

  • Have fun with dogs! Play fetch, dress them up in different hats, terrorize them with vacuum cleaners (you monster), and start dance parties. Normal dog things. Questionable dog things. Suspiciously human things.

  • Take the best photos. Upgrade your gear to get the best dog pics. Zoom, filters, slow-mo, lenses, and so much more!

  • A world populated entirely by dogs. Explore the lighthouse cove, take a sunset stroll on the boardwalk, zoom around the city of Muttropolis, and more! Either way, it’ll be filled with dogs. It’s rumored humans exist, but who cares?

  • Share your galleries. If you took a picture and didn’t aggressively share it with several of your friends, did you even take it?? Science says no! Share your best snapshots online!

Welcome To Your Life As A Freelance Pupperazzo!

Snap photos of dogs while maintaining your social media presence. Will you hound for stardom in public, or would you rather be taken seriously as an artist? Perhaps you just want to show your friends the cute dog you saw while you were out. It’s your choice which direction your career goes - just don’t forget to pet the dogs along the way.

Dodge between people and obstacles as you try to capture canine beauty on everlasting digital photos. Double jump across buildings to get that lucrative shot of a local dog celebrity just trying to live their life. Slow motion zooming helps capture mid-air moments that actually make you feel something.

It’s a ruff world out there and it’s up to you to document it!


Bark bark bark licks bark bark woof HOOOOOOWL. Sniff Sniff sniff wfff.

Woof woof…. Bark? Head tilt



Pupperazzi on Steam

Paradise Marsh

Paradise Marsh

Every single star fell down from the sky into Paradise Marsh, a perfect endless wetland crawling with wildlife.

Wander around equipped with your trusty bug net and find a way to replenish the empty night sky.

Along the way, pick wild flowers, discover lost poems and meet intriguing and colorful characters who need your help…


  • Scout the diverses biomes of an endless wetland and observe harmonious and unique procedurally generated landscapes

  • Catch small creatures with your net and document your findings in your adventure journal

  • Restore fallen stars in the empty night sky and interact with intriguing and colorful characters

  • Collect long lost poems floating adrift

  • Take you time to enjoy nature Eat wild berries, skip stones on water or sit on a nice soggy log for as long as you like…

  • Beautiful Sound Design by Disasterpeace! (FEZ)

Paradise Marsh on Steam