We Are Open
The game concept is interesting but
it’s a little too messy with multiple people with the shopping lists around all at once, gets a little overwhelming tbh
those people move around a lot so even after you get the item, they have moved to the other floor and you have to go find them again lol, a little annoying ngl
the AI obviously knows where all the stuff are so it’s like impossible to try and compete with it at all really
each item for each person can only be fulfilled once by you or the bot so it’s kinda frustrating that you scramble to find the item only to return and see that the bot had already gave it to the person lol
– Real player with 0.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Early Access Games.
Social Distancing
Bangin' soundtrack, funny, and pretty dang-ole cool
– Real player with 0.5 hrs in game
Funny story with a cool concept for a game that matches the theme of the year 2020 really well. Levels are a little long especially if you fail them. Ran into zero glitches and the game runs really smooth and well. All money goes to charity. Takes a good 30 minutes to finish the game.
– Real player with 0.4 hrs in game
Callparin 2
Dear Developers!
If You read the reviews, PLEASE, make a control configuration option! I’m playing on PC, and I have to twist my hand using the standart WASD keys.
Oh, and the game is good. I enjoy it very much.
– Real player with 90.3 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Open World Games.
although fun little game not worth anything over 5$ theres just not much to do a couiple houres and you will done everthing butt still not a bad game
– Real player with 2.4 hrs in game
Death Game+
Death Game+ has a simplistic artstyle that’s incredibly easy to pickup and play around in.
However, the game provides very little challenge, dying is incredibly easy and the campaign is relatively short and beat very quickly. The character acceleration is also insane and makes yourself hard to control so exploring a level is actually more difficult than dying in one.
if you’ve got money to burn and want do play something silly this is definetly the game for you.
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game
Really bad
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game
In the game you have to earn money. You can play on a crypto exchange, or just collect bottles on the street.
Money is an integral part of the gameplay; it is used to buy food, alcohol, cigarettes and other at a local small shop, as well as various things on the Internet’s shops.
All this is necessary to maintain the physical condition of the main hero at the proper level. You can no longer sit at the computer carefree, addictions interfere with this, and money is needed to quench them.
Your only friend is a white rat. Stroking it fur lifts your spirits a little.
Mechanics and features
A operating system on your pc
Trading on the gaming exchange
Collectiong of glass botles on the street to sell it on collection point
Food cooking
Ability to buy junk on the Internet and furnish a room with it
Music player in your phone, with an excellent selection of Russian post-rock
The Wanderer
All Skins endings and achievements w/time stamps in playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAFtZ4pMPIc6j2eCEhzkYWl3Bleuny-yN
Overall so far this game has been an absolute masterpiece the puzzles are engaging, but not unfair. The sound track is a banger and Walter took me on a feels trip I did not expect. I absolutely love the visuals and am going to purchase the soundtrack to support the creator it’s most definitely worth $3.99. My TWO complaints are one I got 12/21 achievements and did so much in the game and still only had bad end options at the end of my first play through which was a bit disappointing after doing so much and the Arcade game Pink Style it’s absolutely the devil it feels unfair and took the luck of the gods for me to beat it once and I believe I’m going to have beat it again since I was missing 3 chips to get all the endings. The Hit box of the jelly and the mouths of those little evil turd devils IS AWFUL especially when you have to do it with a swiftness that would make The Flash Gawk in wonder at your precision and speed. Literally my least favorite mini game ever I think and the fact that’s the most disdainful memory of the game I have after having to do 3-4 of those shifty block puzzles is a feat, because I hate those two I can deal with that though if I don’t have to feed those ingrateful turd devils.
– Real player with 11.5 hrs in game
the art style seems ambitious but lazy, puzzles are not difficult.
quite alright for a free game.
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game
All Our Asias
The game was quite surreal. I have gained some insight within the Asian community and addresses true feelings and doubts toward those who are mixed in race from Asia to America. Floating around the atmosphere felt interesting and intriguing, with an old PlayStation One style graphic to help set off the oddity. It’s a free too, so id day give it a try. There are a few things that could make the experience better but doesn’t set off the mood so I’d give it a 7/10.
The graphics are obviously supposed to be unintelligible but in a way gives the player a sense of what it’s supposed to be, as what PSX style is supposed to be. The environment is great, from simplistic looking geometry to image based texture. There are some places that are un-textured, but doesn’t ruin the experience and not that obvious to others who aren’t familiar with engines. I like the empty space, but I would like a bit more on the environment.
– Real player with 3.2 hrs in game
Aside from the price, I was intrigued by the title and the visuals. What would this free PS1-style title about multiple Asias be about?
Truth is, after reaching the end I’m still not entirely sure.
Don’t get me wrong, there is a premise and it’s a good one, but I’m not sure I get all the plot in the middle. I found this didn’t matter though as the script was a pleasure to read; it was good quality prose and there was just about the right amount of it.
I wouldn’t say the visuals suit, but I think in “All Our Asias”, the visuals aren’t that important. This is a game where the ethereal whistle of the soundtrack can be recalled many hours later and, I don’t the have the words for it, but the mood and tempo of the game is both melodic and melancholic at the same time.
– Real player with 2.5 hrs in game
Craft Beer Tycoon
In Craft Beer Tycoon you are an enthusiastic beer manufacturer. Lager, Stout, Amber, Honey, Citric, are the principal beer you can produce in your warehouse. Resource administration is the key to progress and quickly impulses not always are the best option.
Reputation system.
Recipes and abilities research.
Bar customization.
More than ten beers to make.
Thirsty clients.
What are you waiting for? Those beers are not going to serve themselves!
First Response
Welcome to your new job at the Extreme Containment Security Company! You’ve been selected by Malcolm Monaghan himself as the first subject in their brand new learning initiative! Upon your arrival, K.A.R.A. will guide you through concepts relating to Cybersecurity and the important work you’ll be doing as a brand new SOC Analyst!
Featuring an extremely talented full voice cast, First Response is a blend of the concepts seen in the walking simulator genre with simulation elements modeled after real work done by SOC Analysts! And maybe, a few surprises along the way, but we can’t say much more than that!
Nuts is a fantastic little game with fantastic art and sound design. I played the demo when it was released and immediately fell in love with the look and feel of the game. The best way I can think to explain the extreme appeal of this game to ME is that it feels like you are occupying a liminal space. Like you are on the threshold of two planes of existence. From the desolate bus stop that you initially arrive at to the wide empty forests with these strange little squirrels being the only living things besides yourself… it’s strange, perhaps even a bit eerie in later chapters, but overall peaceful.
– Real player with 4.2 hrs in game
I feel like I am the perfect audience for this game—I love Firewatch, Gone Home and almost all first-person adventures / walking simulators. Recently I’ve enjoyed Call of the Sea and Old Gods Rising, despite their flaws. But Nuts left me very unsatisfied.
The success of a game like this rests on three things: The game world, the puzzle mechanic, and the story. Ideally, all three would be great, but usually one of them is weaker. So, Firewatch has an incredible game world and characters, but weak puzzles. The Witness has an incredible game world and puzzles, but no real story. Sadly, Nuts has an incredible game world, but the puzzle mechanic and plot just did not work for me.
– Real player with 4.0 hrs in game