9/10 so far so good only the main character emo tall guy sasuke look a like needs a cool voice acting DEVS if you read this please add cool voice acting for the main character adn also please put in the map where the main character is at like GTA and other gmaes that specifies where your characters at it gave me a lot of damage “that’s a lot of damage” to my brain and eyes playing for hours looking where my character in the map at :D just kidding this good game needs a sequel. Now first guys I will give you a hint

! dont pick the black butterfly first or you’ll regret it. First I thought this isn’t a horror f@%ing game cause it became so crazy when I pick the black butterfly all you need to do is dont get hit and killed or you’ll wake up and never finish that story tips always save the game and load it whenever you wake up. Gameplay mechanics is good like your character interacts with things and people other than that it lacks speech where the main emo tall guy sasuke look alike or eren look a like lacks speech Devs please add cool voice acting speech of the main character when he interacts with people and stuff not just some subtitles. Now about the game: It is a series of events where you solve errands of girls, first pick the gold butterfly, next is the blue and last but not the least the black one or else you’ll end up like me with a heart pulsating over 9000 such an insane mode for this game requires a lot of knowledge memorising places and where to hide in them such thrilling event in the game just dont get hit or else you’ll wake up and regret you will never finish the rich girl’s story. I never finish it yet but I’m almost done with the black butterfly, while the blue butterfly seems peaceful but i’ll try to now if it is, because it is a mystery game after all. So thank you so much everbody for watching and as always I will see you in the next vi… joke ahahhahaha I’m not mark just some random dude I hope Markiplier plays it. And also the main character indeed was the black angel. :D

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.

This is an interesting, very creepy, and (at times) frustrating exploratory adventure. You play from a 3rd person perspective, controlling a tall man in black. In separate chapters, he encounters different girls who have been the victims of a family tragedy. He unravels their story (by finding notes and objects in the environment), resolves their ‘unfinished business,’ and then guides them to ‘follow the light.’ Each chapter is set in a unique and complex environment. Two areas (the Sanitarium and Ophelia’s House) are multi-floored buildings with dozens of doors and halls. A map is provided but it is still tricky to develop a feel for the floor plans and move about without getting lost. This is compounded by doors locking and unlocking and hallways becoming blocked during the course of the story.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game


The Door

The Door

THE DOOR is a unique story-puzzle with teleportation.

Travel through stunning landscapes with your confused robot friend, Cell44, and help her escape “the Big Thing in the Sky.”


Upon discovering and going through a secret digital door, you find yourself trapped in an alternate world together with a slightly needy, flying robot.

Guided by the robot, you must find your way home through a series of doors and puzzles leading to the legendary exit in the sky.

But, something is amiss: The omnipresent structure floating in the sky seems aware of your presence.

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.

The Door on Steam

Before I Forget

Before I Forget

Goddamn. It’s been a while since a game made me cry. Before I Forget managed to pull that off. I guess it’s personal on some level. I have lost a dear family member to Alzheimers and I work security in a hospital, so I encounter many patients with dementia.

As a game, it’s not all that much. It’s barely even a walking simulator. As an hour long experience, I totally recommend it for the price point! It carries it self very gracefully and portrays the subject matter in a painfully beautiful way. If you have any interest in the subject matter, there are basically no better ways to spend an hour and five euros than playing this game.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Indie Games.

Short, but worthwhile experience.

Sad with moments of joy.

A very deeply touching game for me, having watched several family members over the decades affected by Alzheimers or Dementia, wondering what they were seeing, feeling, remembering, forgetting.

The voice acting was so good.

The narrative was so good.

The way the game threw you from one location and memory to another was a bit jarring and confusing, but that was the point.

The way the rooms became colorized and revealed details was clever and stylish.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Before I Forget on Steam

Blind Souls

Blind Souls

I like this game and the atmosphere in it.

This is what you need after a hard day’s work!

She soothes and the whole game process is like a meditation.


  • Graphics. Traced details of delights me, it is so magical and beautiful, as if you are really on nature. Grass, water, trees, stunning views that one after another can be put on the desktop.* Music. It relaxing, but at the same time keeps you awake. The sounds of nature are really real and not sharp.* Gameplay. Very pleased that the game will not hurry you and you can enjoy as much as you want the surrounding nature. There is a fairly simple gameplay and maybe not everyone will appreciate it. However, drawing pictures while listening to the story and exploring the surroundings is very interesting and relaxing.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Player Bases.

☐ Kids.

☑ Everyone.

☐ Mature.

☐ Casual Players.

☐ Pro players.


☐ Potato.

☐ Really Bad.

☐ Bad.

☐ OK.

☐ Good.

☑ Beautiful.

☐ Masterpiece.


☐ Full Price.

☐ Wait For Sale.

☑ Refund It If You Can.

☐ Don’t Buy It.

☐ Free.


☐ Minimum.

☐ Medium.

☑ Fast.

☐ High End.

☐ Super Computer.


☑ Easy.

☐ Medium.

☐ Hard.

☐ Very Hard.

☐ Death March.

☐ Dark Souls.

Game length.

☑ Really Short. ( 0 - 2 hours)

☐ Short. ( 2 - 8 hours)

☐ Medium. ( 8 - 16 hours)

☐ Long. ( 16+ hours)

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Blind Souls on Steam

Blind Spot

Blind Spot

Blind Spot is an excellent first person puzzle/exploration game. I enjoyed the scenery and the diversity of the puzzles. The story is told through text descriptions of objects and rooms, as well as ongoing text messaging with an ‘unknown number.’ It is a story about family - loss and forgiveness. For me, it was a bit hard to put all the pieces together to have a clear picture of the narrative details but I came away with a general sense of what had happened.

I struggled a bit with manipulating objects using the ‘E’ key and/or the mouse and continuously dropped things when I was carrying them by accident or attempting a specific placement. I think this is a function of the engine and not the actual game (or my own lack of coordination). It would have been nice to have a ‘run’ option but this is not a deal breaker because the game requires little or no backtracking.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

For the Most Part, this puzzle game made sense and you had a clear idea of What To Do OR What To Solve.

A few times, something as simple as a HIDDEN HOT SPOT broke the continuity of play.

At times, however, it wasn’t clear what to do next….even after looking at a walkthrough I said to myself: “How would ANYONE know this unless they just TRIED, TRIED, and TRIED everything they could think of which quickly=”" makes="" a="" game,="" adventure,="" or="" puzzle,="" lose="" it’s="" grip. br="" Anyway, that said, the graphics are wonderful and the background music and sounds feel and fit the situations. /which

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Blind Spot on Steam



My favourite game, it’s very sad that there are not others like this on Steam.Has beautiful graphics but isn’t difficult for mosst computers to run. Would strongly recommend.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

This game is beautiful in so many ways it has amazing game play an amazing story line amazing music and fantastic visuals i highly recommend this game to anyone looking to buy it its definitely worth your money

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Eastshade on Steam

Before Nightfall: Summertime

Before Nightfall: Summertime

Walking simulator with a twist: collecting wood so you can keep the fire burning.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

no ice

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Before Nightfall: Summertime on Steam



this game, is absolutely incredible. i cannot explain it. on my first journey my friend showed me where all of the cape things were, all of the pictures on the walls, everything. they saved me from the dragons in more ways than one, even after i flew right into the back of one of them, my friend came back and showed me a safer way to get through. they showed me how to speedrun the 4th or 5th level by spamming bing bongs and flying up, this is the only game ive ever felt compelled to write a review for. i thought we messed up when we froze, heartbreaking stuff. 10/10 will bing-bong with a stranger on the internet again

Real player with 80.9 hrs in game

I met small fren, then I met many small fren, then met some bigger fren, then some not fren. In the end though i met A true friend in struggle. We helped each other. This game made me feel more bonded to anyone then any other game I have ever played. 10/10, 100/100. I cried myself to sleep. I got into this thinking, “Probably just an over-hyped game.” When I first started walking I noticed that the sound quality on the walking wasn’t good. Not of that mattered in the end, because art isn’t perfect, but for goodness sake’s if this game dose not come close to it.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Journey on Steam

Mýrdalssandur, Iceland

Mýrdalssandur, Iceland

Gorgeous, enchanting, haunting, intriguing, mysterious. Spend enough time in this amazingly spooky environment with your headphones on, and you start to wonder if you’re not alone. You truly have entered the uncanny valley, where you can be merrily traipsing through some very CG-looking grass, turn a corner and be faced by a lava rock field that is so realistic you forget you’re in a SIM for a moment.

I’ve been playing this for the last few days with the kids, and they love it. We don’t have a VR setup, just mouse and keyboard, but they love walking through the scenery and enjoying the ambience.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here:

I played the free to play non-VR version and knew that I had to buy the VR DLC. This is an absolutely gorgeous experience in VR. It is so calm, relaxing, and serene. One of the best relaxation apps for VR even though it’s not really a relaxation app.

This game really makes Iceland look like the most beautiful place on Earth to visit. There are so many scenic vistas. The graphics are not the best in VR that I have ever seen, but it’s pretty close to it. Really makes you feel like you are actually in Iceland. I now want to visit just to see if it is really this gorgeous there.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Mýrdalssandur, Iceland on Steam



I can’t get out of the first area.

There isn’t anything to in said first area.

The landscape is pretty and the music is very meditative.

Definitely can’t recommend it in its current state.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Position on Steam