

I hate when there is no options for key bindings. Don’t like playing with arrow keys on pc. Both Em-A-Li games can be navigated by mouse, that’s good but you have to press enter key to enter doors or use items, which ruins it.There is a non stop static noise in bg from start which is annoying for me. The story is not that good and the voice narration lags behind the words narration so I end up reading faster and skip which ruins the fun.No options for narration format so no choice. Game is small and doesn’t eat up time. If i play it continuously it will finish within 35 mins i guess. Still not worth the time for me. Ended up watching youtube while playing lol.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Thriller Games.

Another of those games where the overall rating is probably neutral, but there’s no such option on Steam, so I’ll err on the positive side because I did enjoy my short time with it (my playtime is quite a bit longer than what you need, I started in a different computer and then I tried to be very thorough).

The game is almost a visual novel/walking simulator in terms of how limited interaction is. There’s a few hotspots along the way which you can interact for more flavour text which can be mixed, but the main narrative has a grand total of one meaningful “choice” in it, which really only skips you some small amount of content if you take the more “obvious” (at least if you are generally genre savvy) option. I saved at this supposed fork in the road and when I came back to see what happened and was relatively unimpressed with what was there.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Em-A-Li on Steam

Interregnum Chronicles: Signal

Interregnum Chronicles: Signal

First advice: Read the game description closely :)

This plays like a “walking” simulator inside a satellite called “Harmony” that accommodates one person, so you’re floating in microgravity with ways to grab onto things and push yourself around. The core of the game is to tweak signal processing using human interfacing terminals, and that mysterious signal of unknown origin and requires decoding to find out what it is/says/does. At first the system doesn’t have the capacity to process the entire signal so an Operator (you) needs to approve lots of AI upgrades. See where this is going?

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Idler Games.

So I have played this game a fair bit and tried to “get into it” but honestly, it’s pretty awful. I’m writing this review with steam saying that I have had 11 hours playtime, but really it’s more like 5 or 6 because I would leave the game on to “idle” in order to farm the necessary resources to progress the story.

And that is pretty much the game in a nutshell. Leaving it running to obtain an ever increasing targeted number of resources that are basically just numbers on one of several terminal screen’s. There are Networking, Data Processing and Memory “resources” that you need to increase in order to upgrade the stations AI and each resource is tied to the others with glass ceilings that you need to break by obtaining more of one of the other resources. There are ways to expedite the process such as using up to 4 batteries on a terminal but honestly, that just gets annoying. The batteries will explode if you overcharge them (or at least damage the stations electrics) and when you do use them they don’t last long at all. I haven’t timed them but I would be shocked if they actually last more than a minute or two at most. When you do have to recharge them as well, you can only carry one at a time and so you have to take each one from where you need it back to the garden where the charging ports are. Obviously you can’t plug one in and leave it charging whilst you fetch another as it will likely overcharge and short out the electrics so you end up floating along carrying one for a 2nd, dropping it to pick up another, dropping it to pick up a 3rd and so on until you get them where you need to go. Obviously you are in space with no gravity and so they drift…. a lot. Yeah, lets just say that gets old. Fast.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Interregnum Chronicles: Signal on Steam

We Are Open

We Are Open

The game concept is interesting but

  1. it’s a little too messy with multiple people with the shopping lists around all at once, gets a little overwhelming tbh

  2. those people move around a lot so even after you get the item, they have moved to the other floor and you have to go find them again lol, a little annoying ngl

  3. the AI obviously knows where all the stuff are so it’s like impossible to try and compete with it at all really

  4. each item for each person can only be fulfilled once by you or the bot so it’s kinda frustrating that you scramble to find the item only to return and see that the bot had already gave it to the person lol

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Early Access Games.

We Are Open on Steam

Cinema Simulator

Cinema Simulator

This game gives you exactly what you would expect, which is perfect

the movies dont lose much quality when on the big screen, and overall, the game does its job well.

there are a few things i think could benefit the game, such as more options for height, clothing and food/drink

other than those few minor thoughts, i recommend this for sure

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

I love the concept so much I don’t regret buying but this desperately needs VR support and maybe a mini movie arcade to increase immersion.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Cinema Simulator on Steam



This game has been in my wishlist, waiting for the release. I bought and downloaded this game, almost as soon as it was in my notifications, and played it straight away. I wasn’t disappointed. It’s funny, in a weird way. It’s quite minimalist, which isn’t a bad thing for this kind of game.

You really need to focus on what you see, or don’t see? I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.

There’s steam achievements to collect along the way, as you get further into the labyrinth of puzzles to solve.

I also love the music that accompanies the game, it’s not annoying like some game music can be.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Decent optical illusion based puzzle game with good relaxing music.

I liked it and I can see it having more replay ability than other puzzle games but I would make a few changes to it.

First, it would be nice to see what level you’re on and also to have some added complexity or even obstacles in higher levels.

And I’m not sure what the point of the AI messages are as it adds nothing to the actual game play but I don’t exactly hate it either.

Overall a pretty good game for the price.


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game


The Search For Fran

The Search For Fran

After putting more time than any man should put into this game i have not only completed the main quest line of talking to all the people but i have also found all 50 of the yellow orbs. I feel like i have transcended beyond human kind, I no longer require oxygen to breath, my heart pumps 4 times harder, my life span is now a century, i can move things with my mind and kill people with a single thought from across the world. I no longer need any other game in my steam library for entertainment. I don’t even play this game for entertainment it is now considered a religion for me and i shall follow in it to gain more powers. thank you Archor games for giving me this world altering experience to finally transcend my mortal life into a new and forming me into a god.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Yes! I did it. I know people will say it isn’t possible but I got all 50 glorbs! you heard me! all 50! no cheat codes! this game not only was fun but makes you think about the more important questions of life. why are we here? just to suffer? i wanna glorb all over tonight

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

The Search For Fran on Steam



Good time waster with some good ole fashion jump scares, watch out for Karen though she’s a sneaky one

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Facility on Steam

On the Hunt

On the Hunt

On the Hunt is a first-person wild animal hunting simulator. A game with a fairly well-developed world of wildlife. Wild animals are very circumspect and careful, hunt down and develop your hunter skill!

Test your new weapon at the shooting range and go hunting for the beast in these beautiful places as soon as possible!

Hunting in various scenic regions is fun and exciting!

Have a good hunting !!!

On the Hunt on Steam

Lunacy: Saint Rhodes

Lunacy: Saint Rhodes

Explore your dark family history in Lunacy: Saint Rhodes, a first-person survival horror game in which you’re never truly safe, as the game watches your every move and adapts to your playing style.

What truly happened in Saint Rhodes?

Lunacy: Saint Rhodes is a first-person survival horror game in which you seek the truth behind your family’s horrific murder. Investigate the history behind your ancestral home and the town of Saint Rhodes, while fighting to survive what haunts it. Uncover your family’s troubled past as you descend further and further into insanity.

The Author AI is always watching you

Introducing The Author: an advanced artificial intelligence that observes how you play and adapts to your every move, making sure you are never really safe. In Lunacy: Saint Rhodes, you never know what’s waiting around the corner.

Expect the unexpected

Lunacy: Saint Rhodes is a truly terrifying experience, featuring a detailed world that tells the story of what happened in the haunted town of Saint Rhodes. Frightening creatures roam the town, guided by the Author, as you explore Saint Rhodes in search of clues to help you survive. No single visit to the town will be the same, with multiple non-linear paths that lead to different outcomes.

Key features

  • An advanced AI watches your every move and makes sure you never really feel safe

  • True atmospheric horror achieved by the beautifully crafted environments of Saint Rhodes

  • Haunting story involving a family with a dark past

  • Terrifying enemies that all require a different approach

  • Multiple paths to take and outcomes to experience

Lunacy: Saint Rhodes on Steam

Commander ‘85

Commander ‘85

I had very high hopes for Commander 85, unfortunately after many, many hours of trying to figure it out, I can’t recommend it in its current state. The game is buggy and either crashes or simply… stops working in the most random places. Objects get stuck in my character’s hand, I can’t select dialogue options…

Bugs aside, the game is incredibly confusing and chaotic. I spent hours trying to understand how it works, due to a lack of clear instructions to anyone who isn’t familiar with how computer programming/hacking works. It’s hours of trying to memorize the commands, figuring out which one to use, how to input it, how everything I do affects the game… by the time I understood HOW to play, I had died several times, without really understanding why.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

This is a game that offers little to no hand holding. I’ve learned most of what I figured out by trial and error. If you’re stuck you can take a look at the top secret file that contains hints/tricks for beating the game. I feel a lot of the negative reviews are people who didn’t like the style of the game or didn’t understand how to play. You must be patient and keep at it. I recommend this game but only to those who like a game that leaves a lot to the user to figure out.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Commander '85 on Steam