After the first station

After the first station

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After the first station follows the coming of age journey of a girl named YingSing. As she leaves her comfortable and perfect life to venture into the unknown territory of adulthood. Just like the rites of passage everyone goes through, where she is captivated by the idea of having freedom, breaking free and living the life she always wanted. Then reality hits and she begins to have doubts of everything, herself, her decisions, her life.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.


Walking sim + music/atmosphere - controls = An ok exploration game that some would enjoy. Adventure in various areas with some small puzzles. Trying to turn the camera was a pain and slow.

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Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

After the first station on Steam

Selene’s Nightmare

Selene’s Nightmare

Charming indie horror game, but sometimes a bit boring. Handling and music are good, visuals are a bit simple. Just watch my video of the first two levels and decide for yourself.

Gameplay video:

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.

Selene's Nightmare on Steam

The Culling 2

The Culling 2

I never played the 1st Culling, have only watched my favorite streamer play it a lot, and bought it because they wanted to plan matches vs. subbies. I play PUBg casually, and it’s not my usual genre, but even so could immediately see the easy access to everything and overabundance of guns totally killed the original melee and crafting fun. The size of the map and lack of players, game machiniques are also a problem. I’m in Europe, never could get a game on EU server at all. I can understand why so many people are angry, but you can make it fun if you don’t take it too seriously, but for the price?

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Memes Games.

Ok… here we go…

I wrote a very long twitch thread to the developers regarding this title. The things that I can say that are positive:

  1. I’m glad the announcer is back

  2. The recoil control feels really, really good. It’s erratic in a good way.

The bad:

  1. They missed the boat on the character customization aspect by a mile. They needed to be WAY more over-the-top with the outfits and craziiness that would be this type of a game show.

  2. They missed out on the gameshow feel of the game completely. The only thing that even makes it feel remotely like a gameshow is the starting area. After that, you’re in a typical battle arena.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

The Culling 2 on Steam

The Dream is Coming…

The Dream is Coming…

“The Dream is Coming…” is a vibrant walking simulator that has you explore an empty Schoolyard and its various building as you find notes, diary entries and clues to follow.

The notes contain little bits of lore surrounding your character and his group of friends. Your character will also have memories revealed when he enters rooms or comes close to certain objects. A text to speech voice will read a sentence or 2 about some mundane thing he remembers about Chemistry class or the first time he met a friend. I honestly didn’t mind the text to speech voice, it’s actually not a bad sounding text to speech program. The main issue is the translation, it’s not translated the greatest. It’s hard to understand the relationship between certain characters when all you have to go on is little bits of choppy lore translated poorly. You are able to get a grasp of the overall story but the little details get lost and with a game like this, that is kind of important. A game like this is nothing but story and visuals (which isn’t a bad thing) but you’re really only left with the visuals as a completed piece. The bits of story you can gather tell a simple tale of a group friends and their after school club. The various memories of simple times and the struggles some face, it fits the atmosphere well.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

I was intrigued by the description as I wanted to know how in depth this indie game would go into the lives, thoughts and struggles of students. But I was left most disappointed.


→ The music is beautiful.

→ Half of the graphics were unexpectedly brilliant for an indie game; the sky, the breezy grass, the pavement and some items indoors, especially the signs and writing.

→ The afternoon setting sun set the tone perfectly.

→ Songbird ambience in the schoolyard was very relaxing.


→ ‘Interesting stories’ in the description is misleading.

! For example; at one point we pass a bicycle in the schoolyard and the ‘story’ is legit: “My father’s bike. After he drank, he stopped using it.” And that’s all we get. It’s more like random facts being spewed out that has no meaning to the story at all (?).

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

The Dream is Coming... on Steam

Kabukicho Story

Kabukicho Story

It’s okay. A melancolic little story told using the RPG medium. There are a a couple game sequences. The whole thing is short, maybe a couple hours at most.

(follow my curator page GenXPlayers for more retro and indie reviews)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Great game. The atmosphere is really soothing and the story is awesome.

I am just gonna point out a few things here. This game is somewhat held in the 12th century irl. Although this is a fantasy game, modern language is not really that suitable. But overall, great game. I recommend playing it.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Kabukicho Story on Steam

Rainy Season

Rainy Season

This Game is Truly something, as someone who really Loves Japan and Anime and just the general Culture of the Country and recently have found out how beautiful it looks in the Rain i was quick to buy this and for only 2 Pounds it is a Must try in my opinion, you can pick how long the day lasts ranging from 20 mins to 1 Hour and there is different Day Dreams you can expierence. This Game is also amazing for wallpapers or Photos as it has amazing scenery, even in the small Map. I really Reccomend you give this a Try if you like Anime or Just Japan in General and it is really Cheap. There are a few Bugs here and there and i do think that the Avatar can be a bit glitchey Sometimes and it keeps opening Steam VR so i am not sure if there is a VR version which i am going to Try now as of the Time of this Review but Overall i really do reccomend this Game.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

For 4 dollars I can’t really argue. It’s got a nice atmosphere, art, and music while you get to explore around a Japanese house during the rain. Not too much else to say than that. It’s cute, but it’s only about an hour long of an experience. The game does have a lot of detail in that one house, with various events, lots of objects to pick up and doors/drawers to open.

It does have issues, though. There’s a general sense of jank here. Items can often refuse to want to be picked up or moved around, if you look downward you can see the weirdness of your player model, crouching/sitting is especially jank looking, the text sometimes scrolls twice despite you only pressing the button once, the cutscenes are a bit unpolished in places, etc. That said, I did spend a good bit of time attempting to get out of bounds just to explore, which I was successful in doing. That part was definitely fun and made me appreciate the game’s development.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Rainy Season on Steam



So you’ve read the description and now you’re down in the comments looking for answers. Check out my video on the game to see the gameplay and get a feel for if this game is for you.

Warning I played this game in English, playing the game in it’s original language (Russian) may yield a different opinion.

I am not sure what DVOREC means or stands for, but I can tell you what I got from it. Loading up the game to the title screen makes it look like some sort of Russian Soap opera, then the images change to police and swat teams arresting people and marching in the street. So there’s that, also the English localization of the game is really bad so you’ll have to read and reread sentences to understand what is trying to be conveyed. Plus there are plenty of words that didn’t get translated so I had no clue what’s being said or where I need to go. The game crashed on me several times, I was fortunate it only crashed once during the recording of my video. It’s a typical RPG game with random battle fights, narrative driven missions and tongue in cheek dialogue. If know Russian or really love Russian culture; then this is the game for you. At a price point of $1(US), you can try the game out for yourself but I cannot recommend it as there are better options for that money.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Amazing game

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

DVOREC on Steam

Get Rich or Die Gaming

Get Rich or Die Gaming

I got this game in a bundle before, so I was not as irritated as some people who paid full price.

It has a number of bugs in it - one causes the game to crash. It is pretty short (under 10 minutes), art is okay, the whole thing is kind of something you would have seen on Newgrounds before.

The best part of the game was the business dude conversations which ended up making me laugh.

I don’t recommend buying it, instead just go watch the 5 min let’s play of it.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Let me walk u through the game. Ur dad kicks u out got not making a butterfly game. u meet a guy named adickle he gives u 10 dollars. use 10 dollars to buy food for baker. sell food to baker and crash game 40 times before you figure out trick. that is u have to exit the baker fast before crash. get robbed of money u made trade your clothes to a hobo for his. With new clothes drug dealer will sell you drugs. get pie from baker . take pie and drugs to food place wher ex racer food guy will make drug pie. take drug pie to baker get 4000 bux. get another pie from baker becuase the game doesnt realize u already did the invent pie quest and will let u repeat it ad infinium. That is all ive been able to do i made like 60 thousand selling pies to the baker but nothing else happens. and i also talked to the guy up the elevator. so ya this game is poop

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Get Rich or Die Gaming on Steam

The Graveyard

The Graveyard

First of all:

Before buy this game, play the demo. The only diference from the complete version is that, in the complete version the old lady dies. And it is not a spoiler, it is told in game. So when you buy it (if you buy) you won’t feel cheated and you will know that you bought just for support indie and artistic games.

Probably, when you play The Graveyard you will say: Man! What the fuck is that?! - And, ironicly, that’s why I recomend this game.

Yeah… I said that too. However I played it several times wondering what Tale of Tales was trying to do when they made this, and I think I know the answer.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Tags: Adventure - WS - Walking Simulator

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Misguided wanna-be art barely interactive 5 minutes title


What the game wants to be:

A videogame rendition of the inescapable fatalism inherent with mortality. A look on the frailty of life in a classy black and white rendition of an old woman at the twilight of her existence accompanied with indie folk music from the eastern block

What the game actually is:

A cheap 3D models map with unconvincing tree sway to simulate wind in which you clumsily turtle an elderly person to a bench have them sit, sit through a song of dubious talent and choose to either exit ASAP or see the old woman die. The death was incredibly telegraphed. The song has no subtely whatsoever, tries to have to gritty edge by mentionning people dying of cancer or having lung problems and making vague references to acid on concrete. It is not even gritty enough to really feel morbid, nor is it actually well handled enough to make you feel connected to anything from the nihilistic school of philosophers. It really is just a crude, smack you across the face with references to death while you stare at a semi transparent shot of a bad 3D model of an old person.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Graveyard on Steam

Revolution 60

Revolution 60

If you have synesthesia, get some sunglasses before you play this game, and play it with care. It’s been about two hours since I stopped playing it and I still feel dizzy, disoriented, and nauseous.

I really like this game, but the colors, the lighting, the bloom, the motion blur– all these things put together make me feel as though I’ve been playing the game while sitting inside of a spinning dryer.

EDIT: Just completed it on Girlfriend mode.

Where to start. The Internet really wants you to make things seem worse than they are, but I refuse. Revolution 60 is a game where all the pieces are in place (nearly): there’s music, sound effects, graphics (though the anatomy, esp. the characters' heads, prevents anyone from really taking the drama seriously), and a control scheme, a movement scheme, a battle system, but all the parts are so disparate that they do not work well at all together.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

This game is a port of the original IOS release, and, generally-speaking, an improvement over the original game. The controls are more responsive and the framerate is extremely stable. Though the game has issues with certain GPUs according to some users, it is generally more functional and more competent than the original game, with a clear attempt made at addressing the laundry-list of technical problems the original game had. The framerate is fixed, the audio mixing woes are fixed, the synchronization errors are fixed, the model tearing is gone. The game looks smoother and moves better than ever before, and I’ll give Giant Spacekat Studio its props for getting this much done. New content was added, including new responses for Holiday, new animations, and new skins for all the characters. By all accounts, this is an outstanding achievement on Giant Spacekat’s part at fixing the game’s various outstanding issues, and it deserves respect for doing so.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Revolution 60 on Steam