Octodad: Dadliest Catch
This game was over hyped, over praised and given way too much exposure. It just barely lasts an hour and a half. You could probably boost an extra hour on to that if you want to find ties but that’s only if you really feel like you need to.
A lot of people say that this game is “laugh out loud hilarious” and while I understand that humor is subjective I didn’t find myself laughing like everyone else. Every now and then I’d crack a smile.
Something I hear being thrown around a lot by Octodad fans and journalists is that this game is just so “fresh”. The controls are “bad”. It’s hard to move Octodad, which of course as we all know it’s designed to be this way. Doing mundane tasks such as mowing the lawn or making coffee is now apparently “hilarious” because we can’t control our character. Don’t get me wrong, I like this idea too and it’s fun seeing Octodad flail all over the place but it gets stale fast. So, sure, Octodad is “fresh”, but that freshness lasts about as long as leaving a slice of bread on the counter (i.e not long).
– Real player with 53.9 hrs in game
Read More: Best Walking Simulator Comedy Games.
You are a family man, looking after your wife and kids, doing all sorts of every-day tasks such as mowing the lawn or going food shopping, and taking a trip to the aquarium. The only catch? you are an octopus. You can’t let anyone find out so you must act as human and casual as possible.
With fun and goofy controls to control Octodad’s tentacles to get by without anyone knowing is definitely great fun, and mixed with a fun storyline with some great dialog, it was a real treat to play. What makes this game even more fantastic is the ability to play co-op with 2 to 4 people with each person controlling a limb or two! This makes for a great couch co-op experience, and greatly adds to the challenge of the game. Hidden ties help you to constantly search and explore, and the wonderful achievements give some extra challenges along the way. A thoroughly enjoyable experience, especially with a partner.
– Real player with 20.6 hrs in game