This can either be a simplistic, moody walking simulator or a maddening descent into esoteric analysis.

You’re thrust into a hallway. You could almost feel P.T. vibes if not for the low-poly environment. There are no real jumpscares though, just a foreboding desolation. You deliver tapes by knocking on specific doors. What are on these tapes? Why are people afraid to leave their apartments? Why is the world a Silent Hill-like version of Eraserhead’s industrial wasteland? You, probably, will not find an answer to this. There is a lore, but it’s sparse. Everything is built around that feeling of hopelessness and the confusing hints at something bigger going on. The small dialogues paint a picture of a world full of derealization, cosmic horror, and some corporate espionage. It seems easily taken in, but then you ask why you passed up the man usually found smoking in the hallway when you drove on an empty street. You make tapes for the residents and wonder what seemingly mind-altering messages or sounds are on them. Why are things so deafeningly quiet, besides the buzzing behind you?

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Surreal Games.

You’re basically a deliveryman in a post-apocalyptic and eerily quiet world in NIGHTSLINK. Not much context needed because of this game’s brevity and about 30 minutes of gameplay if you play through it twice. As someone who regularly has surreal dreams, and those bordering on nightmares are only so because of this impossible feeling of intense anxiety and dread. NIGHTSLINK is a little like that; a lot of uncertainty and a sprinkling of dread, and lovecraftian horror.

I think NIGHTSLINK’s strength is prevalent in its sound design, because some parts of it genuinely live up to the phrase “piercing silence”. Quite literally. And because I’m a sucker for retro/PSx styles in modern indie games, I have to praise that too. Just the right amount of unsettling and darkness, and the sound design helps sell the disconcerting atmosphere. I won’t try to pretend there’s any story, or at least that there’s any need to try and decipher the hypothetical story to make this game “better”, I think it’s good as-is and the lack of context just makes it all the more harrowing. Don’t get me wrong though, it does a terrific job hinting at its worldbuilding, which I absolutely love.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game




This is less of a game and more of a ground to find feelings. Personally I’ve experienced multiple emotions from this game, everything ranging from sadness, longing, nostalgia, unease, and dread. I love games like this, games that play off of Liminal Spaces and forgotten memories; feelings that can only be described during a state of loneliness so absolute, that you get this feeling as if the ground underneath you could split open and swallow you at any moment and no one would ever know.

While i don’t recommend this game to everyone I found it as a relaxing and Beautiful reflection of feeling.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Procedural Generation Games.

Played on HP Reverb G2

Although WMR isn’t officially supported, I was feeling too lazy to hook up another headset, so I gave it a try. The Oculus control scheme matched the Reverb G2 perfectly. The application is exactly what it says- a virtual art installation and a walking simulator. The environment was interesting, artistic, and well designed. A lot of the elements were repetitive, but there was enough variation to keep my interest. It also had plenty of in-game menu options to tweak controls, audio, video, etc. If you enjoy casual VR experiences, this is worth the download.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game


Best Friend

Best Friend

Reconnect with your childhood best friend - a French Bulldog - as you experience a violently emotional story that explores love, growing up, and what dogs mean to humans. You will take control of both a human - a young man entering adulthood - and a French Bulldog - your childhood best friend - as you both explore a series of breathtaking dreams together. The items that you collect on the journey determine the fate of both you and your Best Friend.

Key Features:

  • For fans of experimental story-driven exploration games like Journey, Firewatch and the First Tree

  • Based on a personal, intimate story.

  • Not a dog simulator, but a rich, story-driven adventure developed by a one-man team.

  • A short, 30-60 minute game focused on revealing the story through light puzzle solving and platforming

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Open World Games.

Best Friend on Steam



bridg is a game that when I first played, upset me greatly. But, as I played more and more, and singlehandedly created and maintained the speedrunning community for bridg, I learned that the game is a less of a game and more of a test. It is a test in resiliance, in human spirit, and in what in means to be alive. I dont reccomend you play this, as I dont think anyone has the power or spirit as I to handle it.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

This is the Demon Souls of kicking a rock across a bridg(e).

It glitches and it’s unfair but I can’t stop playing it.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

bridg on Steam

Decabristov Street

Decabristov Street

Take a walk through one of the courtyards of the city of Moscow on Dekabristov Street. Four houses surrounding the yard, a skating rink in the middle, a few garages and solitude…

There are no goals or objectives in the game.



Space - jump

Ctrl - croach

F-Drag and drop items

E - Opening doors

Decabristov Street on Steam

Digital Zoo Gallery

This is a pretty amazing concept for an art gallery. There are three sections: the dinosaurs, the aquarium and the art gallery. The dinosaur exhibit was awesome, like Jurassic Park, only with added art. The jungle was lush, the dino animations were pretty cool, and it’s tied with the aquarium as my favorite.

The aquarium starts you off in a smallish exhibit room with some animated and static artworks. You can then explore the aquarium room and tunnel to your heart’s content. Honestly, this looks amazing and better than some diving games I’ve played.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Beautiful, relaxing and uplifting.

I thoroughly enjoyed spending 30 minutes exploring the 3 different areas today.

My only criticism at this stage - please add some more music for each environment; although the tracks are a very good fit, because they are short they quickly become repetitive, and even in my short visit today were starting to become irritating which really detracts from the experience. Adding just a few more tracks to each area would solve that.

I hope that you continue to expand the art and areas.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Digital Zoo Gallery on Steam

Find the cubs

Find the cubs


Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Unfortunately NO!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Find the cubs on Steam



[6th of November 2020]

I ran in a circle for 8 hours. Might be doing this a bit more because why not?

[17th of december 2020]

This is getting out of hand… My play time raised to over 2 hours per day. Also I’m neglecting my social life.. Something about it is just… enchanting.

Real player with 59.9 hrs in game

Loop is a waste of time, and that’s the whole point. The problem is that wasting time without content doesn’t make for interesting gameplay or a good message about the games medium. The entire point seems to be that video games and trying to unlock Easter Eggs are a waste of time.

Gameplay is exactly what you see in the trailer. You walk in a circle until the 60 minute clock on the wall ticks down to 0. Each time you complete a loop, the narrator pipes in. Sometimes the narrator drops an object.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Loop on Steam

Ruth’s Journey

Ruth’s Journey

Play as Ruth as she ventures into the forest in search of the famed Golden Finch.

Sitting in her office all day long, stamping papers, Ruth’s boss finally grants her a break and an opportunity to use her talents to save the company from financial ruin.

Explore the world and experience the beauty and wonders of the Canadian wilderness with Ruth as she embarks on this journey.

Ruth’s Journey is a free demo that introduces you to the characters and the world of The Long Way Home.


  • Experience the peace and tranquility of the forest

  • Beautiful low-poly aesthetic

  • Immersive First Person Controls

  • Capture breathtaking pictures with your camera

  • Glimpse into the history of ‘The Long Way Home’

  • 15 - 30 min of Narrative driven Gameplay

  • Detailed Cinematics

Ruth's Journey on Steam



Rest is a walking simulator with a dark and beautiful aesthetic where the environment tells the story. Travel to a monochrome world where you will experience an impactful narrative about guilt and loss.


Selective Color Scheme - Rest features a selective color scheme, where the entire world is monochrome, with objects of interest being colored red.

Compelling Narrative - Uncover the tragic story of a grief stricken soul

Rest on Steam