VR Travelling back to our childhoods: VR 1980s

VR Travelling back to our childhoods: VR 1980s

How I wish, all the past 30+ years, were just my dreams. And inside that warm bedroom, my granny is still home.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Singleplayer Games.

Personally, I rather like this ‘Time Machine’ collection and the various things bundled with it. There are some really cool environments, visual effects and music - though the latter seems to bug out on some of the games, only playing during the menu. For those of us who’ve bought all these different games, it would be ideal if we could access just one menu giving access to every environment, rather than exiting to Steam every time one fancies a change in continent or century; also, smooth locomotion, since clicking the Oculus Touch controller sticks to teleport is a rather annoying way of getting around.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

VR Travelling back to our childhoods: VR 1980s on Steam

Ryte - The Eye of Atlantis

Ryte - The Eye of Atlantis

The game probably has not been well tested. Every time I have problems with random items, I find something, I try to pick it up and put it in the bag and … the item disappears, it is neither in the bag nor in the game. Restarting the game helps miraculously and the item reappears in the game. This is the game’s biggest problem (not the only one). It’s hard to feel the story when you lose a key item every time and you need to restart. Oculus version.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.

Ryte - The Eye Of Atlantis - These guys went all out to create a “point and click” adventure that is similar to older point and click adventures like Myst but in the great new world of VR.

So just how are the puzzles? This game lives up to the hype of creating an experience similar to MYST of old school days. These are not simple and straight forward easy puzzles. The puzzles start easy enough but quickly they get into quite complicated out-of-the-box thinking to progress. It is an enjoyable and fun reminder of games that use to be.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Ryte - The Eye of Atlantis on Steam

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1


You have fallen into a surreal and haunted underground neighborhood. Discover its origins and escape with your life - and sanity - intact.


Remember that hallway you found at your workplace or school? The one you didn’t realize was there before. Nobody ever goes there, it has no windows, and it seemingly has no purpose. The lights might be on, the floor is usually clean, but it exists for nobody.

This transitional place is the lifeblood of Anemoiapolis: a world with no sunlight and no humanity, buzzing with fluorescent apathy. It does not care about you, yet it watches intently.


Experience the dungeon-like malls, pools, hallways, and basements of Anemoiapolis in first person. Utilize platforming and puzzle solving to navigate the barren commercial catacombs. If you start to feel complacent, you might not be ready for what’s around the corner.


Anemoiapolis reflects the experiences of a developer who grew up among empty buildings in Midwest USA, and who is currently processing our world of empty buildings brought on by COVID-19.

Expect critiques on mindless consumerism, feelings of impending doom, and eerie “mallcore” aesthetics.

Soundtrack by JORDANN and 4REST

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Experimental Games.

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1 on Steam

Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake

I must say, I like this a lot. It has one of the best scenes I ever saw in an fps creator game. I really appreciate the effort the developer has put into this! The Levels are looking great and the game got me good on some spots lol… I was actually scared. The game could also use some more ambient music tho, it would thicken the atmosphere even more!

Didnt play through yet, because I got stuck, but I will try again very soon.

Great Job Dev!


Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Emerald Lake is the best overall FPSC game I have ever seen.

It manages to include dynamic and interactive environments on a scale never before seen in an FPSC game within the dire limitations of the engine. Its visually extremely well crafted and manages to keep you interested with enough variation on the “find the key” mechanic and enough well made scripted encounters to fill its run time. If you enjoy these hobbyist horror adventure games, this one is certainly among the better ones. For an FPSC game, this is just legendary.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Emerald Lake on Steam



Can’t wait for POFN 2! Ending was CRAZY! Loved the little easter egg in the attic! Do as the creator says and… Go The Exit.

HH brother,

Scary Game Bros

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

This game is an embarrassment to the horror industry… The gameplay is like wiping your ass with sandpaper.. It is absoulutly shockingly bad… I would say it’s a fat SCAM. Thanks for ruining my day :)

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game




Awesome little Indie Game with some Firewatch Elements. I love the atmosphere and all the little Infos about the Finnish Mythology. Really well made even if it’s a little short. Apart from all the nice textures and Finnish Landscapes I have to say that even with the slithest sense of an adventurer you get out of bounds really easily. If you just play the game the intended way it’s already fun but exploring the outer worlds is really interesting too ;)

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

It’s a short and funky game about Finnish folklore.

Honestly, it’s worth playing for the old Nokia with a camera magically strapped to it alone.

It’s free, you learn some Finnish words and folklore and get to read some colourful heartfelt writing about what seems to be a common topic to reminisce about if you’ve grown up in the area.

Also, it has some janky interactions due to Unity, don’t go out of your way to try and break the game, just enjoy it :)

(the game can be finished in under an hour, me breaking it made me lose time lol, heed my advice)

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Runo on Steam



Worst outcome from the entire affair is the more I look into them and play them, less tolerance I have for walking simulators as such. Which is a shame because Virginia is honestly quite a good one. High production values all-around and obvious effort went into this project. It’s also a walking simulator seemingly hellbent on setting your pace and putting its intentionally jumbled narrative ahead of everything else it may have had to offer.

So, what’s cooking? We step into the shoes of one Anne Tarver, fresh FBI graduate who just got her first case assignment. Paired up with a more experienced partner the two embark to a fictional town of Kingdom where they are to investigate a missing child case. Twist is Anne’s superior instructs her to keep a close eye on her new partner, Maria Halperin. She may have some secrets of her own. That’s the premise and what we have to work with for a while, but as the game itself quickly reveals, there’s more underway and you can’t tell WHEN a lot of it is happening. So don’t let anyone tell you there’s no story in Virginia because there sure is. It’s simply told in this fragmented fashion where everything will only click towards the finale as you get context for game’s multiple events.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

As much as I’m an old school action, adventure and RPG gamer from ‘85 onward, I got heavily into point n’ click/investigative mystery games as time went on. Even in more mixed offerings from the genre like The Suicide of Rachel Foster or the pretty ho-hum Call of Cthulhu redux I can usually find enough mystery elements to stay engaged.

Virginia is a detective game where I didn’t feel like a detective the entire playthrough. I didn’t even feel like I was the janitor on hire to clean out the department’s bathrooms. The Twin Peaks' vibes are strong with this one, there’s a touch of Kubrick happening as well but juvenile, thuddingly heavy-handed cliches and plot twists so insulting the ending may as well be the main character f*rting in your face, absolutely destroy any momentum that the game might have worked up.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Virginia on Steam

Sinless Night

Sinless Night

A normal part-time job can turn into terrible events

The main character of the game is a certain guy who decided to earn some money in a small eatery on the outskirts of the city. Arriving just before closing, the main character meets with the bartender, who gives a list of things to do. Who would have thought that it would not be possible to complete all the cases?


This is a small cinematic story, stylized as old VHS. The main character will have to face his fears, which have been haunting him for several years. Perform simple assistant work, communicate with clients, and also try to deal with paranormal phenomena that occur at night. Several endings make the game replayable and allow players to look at what is happening from a different angle.


  • The atmosphere of old videos - the effect of an old VHS film adds more realism to what is happening.

  • Creepy soundtrack - sound effects will not let you relax for a second.

  • Multiple endings depending on the player’s actions - take a look at what is happening from different angles.

  • A fascinating story - a plot that keeps you in suspense until the very end.

Sinless Night on Steam

Broken Reality

Broken Reality

Absolutely incredible! This game, admittedly, exceeded my expectations. I had no idea that this game would be so vast - when I booted it up the first time I thought I’d easily be able to get it completed in less than five hours, however, there was so much to take in and explore that, as of this review, I’ve logged almost 20 hours. Every time something was accomplished it just opened the door to a new quest or area, and every new item opened up new possibilities and introduced nearly flawless Metrodvania gameplay.

Real player with 35.3 hrs in game


  • It’s an actual game with quests, equips, multiple worlds, a story, NPCs, and a play time spanning several hours

  • Unsettling at times but overall it maintains a very mellow mood

  • Some puzzles, nothing mind-breaking. Last world comes with a remarkable difficulty spike.

  • Glitchy at times but the devs are always available for feedback and troubleshooting

  • A retro-style game that understands retro games, is made in the style of retro games, but doesn’t rely on the appeal of “retro games” as a crutch to sell copies

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Broken Reality on Steam

A Space For The Unbound - Prologue

A Space For The Unbound - Prologue

This is just a Demo for an upcoming full game but I had to recommend it!

It’s a relaxing cozy heartwarming adventure game with lovely pixelated visuals!

The whole game and most of all the background of each scene reminds me of the Sega Genesis era and gave me a nostalgic feeling!

I felt like I could play this game forever! but sadly the demo finished so soon even though I almost walked the whole game and didn’t use the running key so I can enjoy the active and lovely background of each scene to the fullest!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

A Space for the Unbound oozes personality and charm in spades. On the one hand, the pixel art is undeniably gorgeous; I’m reminded of a specific pixel artist, 1041uuu, who showed slice-of-life moments in Japan; the difference here being, of course, the setting in rural Indonesia. There’s a lot of fleshed out art with plenty of dimension while still being simple and aesthetically pleasing. On the other hand, the time and place absolutely shines through; having been there myself, I felt transported back to Indonesia — the lush scenery, the unique homes, and the animals lazing about took me right back to Bali and all its beauty (and, yes, you can most definitely pet the cats).

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

A Space For The Unbound - Prologue on Steam