Bright Lights of Svetlov

Bright Lights of Svetlov

Виртуальные забавы отправляют нас в самые разные миры и очередной вояж на Марс едва ли вызовет какие-то особенные эмоции. А вот Огни Светлова - внезапно - отправили в мир детства, где все знакомое и родное. И это круто, это вызывает какие-то совершенно новые эмоции, непривычные для игр.

Очень приятно видеть экранизацию советской действительности в самом ее приземленном и обычном виде. Без клишированных камрадов, ушанок и вот этого всего. В общем, сеттинг удался.

И нарратив, кстати, тоже. За свои полтора часа игра успевает рассказать историю, причем делает это неплохо. Приемы подачи сюжета стандартны - но они работают. В какой-то момент ловишь себя на той мысли, что погрузился в это все и на самом деле интересно что будет дальше.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Adventure Games.

this game is so well made! i love the vibe. i felt cozy half the game. and i love the sounds of the birds and the wind used outside. it sounds like outside my house. each country got its own local birds. you rarely hear european nature in games. it made the ambience even more wholesome. anyways…

what started happy and cheery ended in tragdedy and i was shocked. especially when i found out that this whole incident is based on a real event i have never known about before this game.

i hope vladimir cholokyan will make more games.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Bright Lights of Svetlov on Steam

Building 847

Building 847

A short but thoroughly enjoyable indie storytelling experience!

I wasn’t sure I’d get through it in one sitting, but I found the ambiance very compelling and surprisingly tasteful in all its lighting and sound effects, so I couldn’t stop until the end. Overall, the writing does a great job at introducing what ended up being a rather intriguing story, so it was easy to follow along even without any voice acting.

Very promising. Looking forward for future titles from these devs!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Investigation Games.

The ambience of this game is through the roof!

Sound quality is good, it really sells you the mystery and the thriller inducing chills imo.

Now i will be describing some of the good and some of the problems and i don’t want to spoil things so play the game 1st then read the next part.

! Some pros:

! * I already told this but the ambience this game delivers is really good from the sound quality and overall gloomy and dark atmosphere really gives this game a boost.* I love detective/mystery games and if there’s a slight thriller/horror vibe to it i love it even more (e.g of games i love detective wise (sam and max, monkey island, the sinking city, wolf among us, the long reach, the last door series, disco elisium etc)).

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Building 847 on Steam



The experience was both fun and messed up, but rough around a few edges. Also, there are some hidden things in the game, even though I didn’t manage to find them.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Walking Simulator Survival Horror Games.

Recommended ONLY for fans of 80’s Slashers and the indie horror genre.

Well, I finished it. You’re an idiot who ordered a bear rug for six thousand dollars and you didn’t get it in a timely manner, so you drive out with your

! trigger-happy wife to the business you ordered it from and proceed to break and enter to get that bear rug. Takes maybe forty-five minutes to an hour and twenty if you go in blind, I think. Learning enemy patterns, figuring out what buttons open what and where to go next.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game


Sinless Night

Sinless Night

A normal part-time job can turn into terrible events

The main character of the game is a certain guy who decided to earn some money in a small eatery on the outskirts of the city. Arriving just before closing, the main character meets with the bartender, who gives a list of things to do. Who would have thought that it would not be possible to complete all the cases?


This is a small cinematic story, stylized as old VHS. The main character will have to face his fears, which have been haunting him for several years. Perform simple assistant work, communicate with clients, and also try to deal with paranormal phenomena that occur at night. Several endings make the game replayable and allow players to look at what is happening from a different angle.


  • The atmosphere of old videos - the effect of an old VHS film adds more realism to what is happening.

  • Creepy soundtrack - sound effects will not let you relax for a second.

  • Multiple endings depending on the player’s actions - take a look at what is happening from different angles.

  • A fascinating story - a plot that keeps you in suspense until the very end.

Sinless Night on Steam



What are they tryin' to do? Trick me into gettin' scared?

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

This is a decent horror game.

It gets even better if you are into 80’s horror and slasher movies. All the small details, and nice references are there. The game has haunting music, pretty good voice acting and the typical horror story(In no way original but scary enough). Jumpscares are limited, and I like it that way.

graphics are PS1 style, personally I liked it for this game.

Only negative I can say is that I did not know when the game would save, so I just guessed when a new chapter started. Not that the game seems that long anyway, but still sometimes people take breaks.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Bloodwash on Steam

TUNGUSKA: A Call in the Woods

TUNGUSKA: A Call in the Woods

A distress call over the radio shakes you from your thoughts. A man has gone missing in the woods and someone or something terrible is after him. You better get going…

TUNGUSKA: A Call in the Woods is a unique mix of interactive storytelling, survival and orienteering. Make your way through dense Siberian woods in search of a missing person. But be careful - if you get lost, there will be no help. You may be the only living human being for hundreds of miles of taiga after all.

Key features

  • Path-finding with a paper map & compass is a core gameplay aspect. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, put notes on the map, look for landmarks, learn to take bearings - and you will not get lost. Probably.

  • Rewarding exploration. The more you wander off-trail, the more chances you get to piece together what is happening here.

  • Dangers of the woods. This forest has something far more deadly than bears or a swarm of ticks. Watch your step.

  • Gorgeous visuals. Forests and swamps, fields and rivers - all with fully dynamic lighting and hi-res textures made with Unreal Engine and Megascans.

TUNGUSKA: A Call in the Woods on Steam

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1


You have fallen into a surreal and haunted underground neighborhood. Discover its origins and escape with your life - and sanity - intact.


Remember that hallway you found at your workplace or school? The one you didn’t realize was there before. Nobody ever goes there, it has no windows, and it seemingly has no purpose. The lights might be on, the floor is usually clean, but it exists for nobody.

This transitional place is the lifeblood of Anemoiapolis: a world with no sunlight and no humanity, buzzing with fluorescent apathy. It does not care about you, yet it watches intently.


Experience the dungeon-like malls, pools, hallways, and basements of Anemoiapolis in first person. Utilize platforming and puzzle solving to navigate the barren commercial catacombs. If you start to feel complacent, you might not be ready for what’s around the corner.


Anemoiapolis reflects the experiences of a developer who grew up among empty buildings in Midwest USA, and who is currently processing our world of empty buildings brought on by COVID-19.

Expect critiques on mindless consumerism, feelings of impending doom, and eerie “mallcore” aesthetics.

Soundtrack by JORDANN and 4REST

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1 on Steam

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

Welcome Home is a murder mystery set in two timelines in which you play both the murderer in the past and the investigator in the future.

Play as a murderer in 1922, infiltrating a family house, solving puzzles and discovering the unspoken secrets of the Moore family.

Play as a tourist in 1987 exploring the house now turned museum, investigating it, gathering clues and piecing together the events of that horrific night.

Can you uncover the decades old dark truth haunting your family?

Welcome Home on Steam

Who is He: Let Me Out

Who is He: Let Me Out

One night Alvin woke up from a nightmare and found his mother missing. All the doors are locked, and he didn’t know what happened. However, He gets help from his little sister to get out of the house and search for his missing mother. He finally realized that not only his mother but all the villagers were also missing. And things got even stranger when ghosts appeared out of nowhere.

  • Explore

    Explore Indonesia’s ancient village in the 60s while immersed in a gloomy atmosphere.

  • Feel

    Feel the murky essence of this whimsical tale through a semi-realistic cartoon art style.

  • Play as Alvin’s spider pet & Control your pet spider to solve puzzles

    You can’t go to small spaces, but your pet spider can. Control your pet spider to solve mysteries and riddles.

  • Brew potions to exorcist demons

    Defeat demons by brewing potions according to the guidebook.

  • Communicate with your little sister

    She is summoned to assist in the seek for clues by your whistle & She sometimes knows things you don’t, ask her for a clue.

  • Outsmart the enemies

    Strange demons are willing to hunt wherever, evading bone monsters with keen eyesight, and deceiving a grumpy lady ghost enveloped in a melancholy environment.

Who is He: Let Me Out on Steam

Commander ‘85 Prologue

Commander ‘85 Prologue

First of all, it is a very good game graphically, Secondly the story is a bit or even quite fitting, Thirdly if you like hacker type games (or if you like computer related games you can give it a chance)

Finally, it is a bit confusing game, but I think it is playable, there is already a 1 hour game time.

Thank you for reading my review, if you like it, you may like it.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Judging from the prologue / demo, this looks quite promising. It leans heavily on nostalgia, which is the game’s strong selling point: There are lots of references to the 80s and 90s (books, board games, a Sony Walkman, VHS tapes, Kodak cameras, Nintendo’s Game & Watch “Parachute” game - which was actually my very first G&W game!), etc.

Then, of course, there’s the home-micro itself, clearly drawing inspiration (visually) from the Amiga 600, while its name is an obvious reference to the Commodore 64. The main scenario takes a cue from War Games, and aside from the pseudo-hacking stuff, you can even run some programs & play games on it (also harking back to classics like Breakout, Frogger, Donkey Kong, Capcom’s 1942, etc.).

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Commander '85 Prologue on Steam