Vamp Night

Vamp Night

It’s an interesting idea. Sort of a stripped down Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. There aren’t many quests and little interaction/dialogue with the NPCs. The developer is adding new content and improving the game, so it’s a work in progress. You basically wander the city sandbox and try to balance feeding and avoiding sunrise as well as hunters while picking up money. You can also acquire a haven and decorate it.

The game is a little dark and it can be a little difficult to see in some areas (even with the games brightness turned all the way up). The hunters literally come out of nowhere, but it keeps you on your toes. You can’t fight them melee, but you can shoot them (and anyone else who attacks you) using a gun you pick up.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Life Sim Games.

The best Steam vampire simulator!

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Vamp Night on Steam

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain

!!important note!!

This game has crashed a hell of a lot on my windows 7 PC; it’s just something to keep in mind.

What I liked about the game

  • Likable characters, like Uma, who are well voice acted.

  • I like how Kain draws blood from his victims.

  • Awesome boss fights.

  • I liked the Victorian/industrial setting of the game, especially at the start. I liked seeing the chimneys and the steam powered or magic powered machines.

  • The puzzles aren’t too head exploding.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Dark Fantasy Games.

I used to have this game for the PS2, very fun, shorter than the other Legacy of Kain games, but fun. Most people seem to ignore it though, and/or dislike it, but that’s mainly because they probably don’t understand it. It is said this game is not necessary to play to understand the Legacy of Kain story. But it actually is significant, if you pay close attention. There are 2 ways to look at it; Kain’s purpose in this game after the first blood omen game, but before Soul Reaver 1. Then what it means after the events of Defiance. So in a manner of speaking, yes, Blood Omen 2 occurs twice, but seen differently after certain events.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain on Steam

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy)

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy)

Wow thought i did a revew already but steam says i have not so here it is . no secret i love this game note profile picture and steam name . so biased revew warning however i will try to give as much usefule information as i can .

I recomend purchase on sale ocashionally all the bloodrayne and older games go on sale for about a doller or so

the game is a third person action game uncomplicated game play and some platforming elements I am a person that hates platfomers Some of the death puzzles where you have to throw the bodies of dead enemys into certian locations to trigger an ending are a bit anoying but .

Real player with 241.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Female Protagonist Games.

Better graphics, better audio, more platforming, better story with a more interesting cast of characters alongside more detailed interactive levels with puzzles. Gameplay has a more in-depth combat system with lock-on mode for blocking & maneuvering, a new combo system for melee/ranged, new useful powers for use once unlocked, just one gun but different firing modes while being give take once your out of ammo (health for ammo; yours or theirs) and melee/ranged has their own simple upgrades after using your guns a lot (more ammo reserves) or brutalizing enemies enough (new combos) lastly feeding gives you a choice of either healing or earning rage but you can do both just don’t expect to earn equal amounts. 3 modes now instead of 4 with Aura mode to spot enemies, Vampire Lairs & objectives; Rage mode for increased combat effectiveness and Dilated Perception for slow-mo. Each mode has a set of other sub abilities to further enhance your combat skill but all use Rage meter. As with the 1st game you get new skills as you progress with the game. Level interactions are a fun new way of dispatching foes permanently with even more destructible objects and lethal hazards to harpoon swing them at to get some health bonus if you succeed. The seldom Vampire lairs are a nice way to restock health and ammo and lastly more platforming segments to shake up the game. You aren’t making ground meat out of Nazis scum and demon spawns anymore as your dealing with different minions of Rayne’s half-relatives to stop them from carrying out their plans for Vampire dominance with a lot more character, personality & motivation then before. Not as much variety as the 1st game’s enemies some new completely new ones though but they have their own unique appearances depending on which half-relative they work for with few exceptions. Boss fights are more varied now requiring you to use different skills to pass but just as enjoyable. Main issues with the game are that cutscenes wont play unless your running the exe in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 compatibility mode, game likes to hang when your in the menu, game is buggy unless your limit the frames like the 1st game, AI difficulty spike is ridiculous, no difficulty selection like the 1st game, some puzzles are fun but some are just plain annoying and unfair not just due to the complexity of the puzzle but also some enemy encounters are rather ridiculous as they expect you to be a master at dealing with any situation against such insane odds like infinite waves of enemies that are a great pain when its the more elite much tougher much quicker foes. In summery a great sequel for the series that’s as brutal as it looks where you better know what your doing with the new mechanics to succeed in a more personal story that’s just as witty, bloody, sassy and sexy as before.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy) on Steam



“Dark” is a third person stealth game, conceived and rendered in the tradition of games like

the Thief series and the Splinter Cell series. The gameplay, basics of operation, and plot points most closely resemble the Splinter Cell series. The storyline contains the ghost of the Vampire the Masquerade Series. In an effort to fairly review, I’ll compare the elements of other games like it and what made them successful with the elements of “Dark.”


You are Eric Bane. (Incidentally, the name Eric means “ruler” and Bane, of course means

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

I felt compelled to write a review for Dark mostly because I saw so many bad reviews. From what I can tell, there are primarily two types of people that hate this game: People who paid $50 for it and stealth game enthusiasts who were looking for another stealth game to play. While stealth is the primary combat tactic in Dark, Dark should be described as a vampire game that happens to use some stealth… rather than a stealth game where you happen to be a vampire. So if you are reading this review and you don’t play a lot of stealth games, but you like Vampire games, then you will probably like Dark. Overall, this is a solid game if you can get it for $10. I would say $20, but with a 7 to 9 hour campaign, it is really hard to justify $20. Especially when you can buy Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines for $20 and it will give you 140+ hours easy. Details:

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

DARK on Steam



The stage where the story takes place is atmospheric and scary, and the diary in the game is also terrifying. There are also various riddles and gimmicks to solve, making it fun to explore. And Eve is so cute. The way she hides from enemies is Eve-like and very good. I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

This is my first impression of the game since as of right now, only Chapter 1 is available while the rest of the game will come as time passes. Once the game is complete, my opinions may be subjected to change and then and only then will I give a grade.

When I read that this game is inspired by Ib and The Witch’s House, it made me want to play this game for this October as I already planned on reliving all my favorite RPGMaker Horror games on said month; And that’s what I did, saving LIRE for last. As I played LIRE, it was a treat seeing some similarities with the other games I recently replayed.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

LIRE on Steam

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Oh Rats! No I’m serious actually…and bats as well. Just like a bat out of hell Dracula has furry friends in both low and high places. Awaken from an extremely long eternal night and find some nice necks to chomp on. Whip your blood back and forth (Whip it real good). Explore Dracula’s back to the future adventure. Talk about a miserable pile of secrets. You are the prince of darkness! The dragon Dracul! What a terrible night to have a curse.

This is the direct sequel to Lords of Shadow 1, which was one of my favorite Castlevania games. It feels like you are playing a medieval version of God of War. If you liked the GBA/DS SoTN style Metroidvania ones you might not enjoy this one.

Real player with 62.1 hrs in game

I think I need to add this to the “games that most people hated which I actually enjoyed” list. Admittedly, I’m biased because I really dig Castlevania, enjoyed the first Lords of Shadow and Mirror of Fate, and am a sucker for the idea of playing as Dracula himself. But even at its most frustrating moments, Lords of Shadow 2 isn’t nearly as bad as Edge Magazine (which gave it a 4/10) or any of the other mainstream reviews would have you believe.

Bloodsucking awesome stuff:

  • I feel like combat’s speedier and more responsive than it was in the first Lords of Shadow, and there’s less reliance on quicktime events. This might have to do with the fact that I’m just more experienced with the combat system after playing through the first game and Mirror of Fate, but I had a lot of fun beating up some of the bosses, which leads me to the next point…

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on Steam

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

(Ignore my time on record as I’ve spent most of my playtime offline)

Easily one of my most favorite games of all time! I remember playing this on the original Playstation like it was only yesterday. In my mind this game set the bar very high for what video games were capable of. Wonderfully written script and rich dialogue, Extremely clever puzzles that make you consider all possibilities. A unique and large open world game that managed to pull off one of the first concepts of streaming data directly from the disk, cutting out loading screens from area to area. Crystal Dynamics had outdone themselves when making this game, and it’s a shame that we don’t get games like this more often.

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Soul Reaver

“Tumbling, burning with white-hot fire, I plunged into the depths of the abyss. Unspeakable pain… relentless agony… time ceased to exist… only this torture… and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell. An eternity passed, and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice of madness. The descent had destroyed me… and yet I lived.” ~Raziel

This game, to me, was the start of the Legacy of Kain series. Although, technically, that was actually Blood Omen. As a matter of fact, the first Blood Omen unknowingly set the stage and essentially serves as the backdrop for all of the Legacy of Kain games. In Soul Reaver however, you do not actually play as Kain. Instead, you play as one of his vampiric lieutenants, Raziel. But almost immediately, things immediately go bad as when Raziel approaches Kain and shows that he has evolved by gaining a set of wings (the first evolution of all of Kain’s vampiric brood), Kain considers this a transgression against him. In an act of rage, he rips your wings from you, and then has you thrown into the Lake of the Dead. Burning, trapped in the abyss, Raziel reaches the bottom but he is lifeless, his body practically destroyed.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver on Steam

Evil West

Evil West

Evil never sleeps… but it bleeds.

A dark menace consumes the American frontier. As one of the last agents in a top-secret vampire-hunting institute, you are the final line between humanity and a deep-rooted terror that now emerges from the shadows. Rise up to become a Wild West Superhero, eradicate the vampire threat and save the United States!

In visceral, explosive combat, unleash hell with your firearms, lightning-fueled gauntlet and gadgets. Kill bloodthirsty monstrosities in style as a lone hunter or in co-op with a friend. Explore and fight in a narrative-driven campaign while upgrading your weapons and hunting tools. Unlock new perks to evolve your monster-slaying mastery, crafting your own playstyle to defeat the supernatural hordes.

  • Battle alone or with a friend in stylish, gory action combat

  • Myths and legends retold within a stylised, weird wild west universe

  • Evolve with perks, upgradable weapons, and tools

  • Explore and fight through a story-driven campaign to save America

Evil West on Steam



If someone says “Do you want to play a game as a vampire?” the answer should always be yes, but it should be especially true for Vampyr.

This is by far the best vampire game in existence. Maybe it doesn’t have the weird early 2000s sexiness of Blade or Underworld, but let’s be real, those are both pretty stupid. Instead of new-age vampires, this is old school. It takes place after WWI when the spanish flu is ravaging and killing people. DONTNOD cleverly uses the epidemic to mask but also discuss vampirism as a similar affliction. That means you can see a world ravaged by two epidemics, though most unknowing about the vampire problem.

Real player with 58.7 hrs in game

Words cannot accurately describe my love for this game. The environments, the voice acting, THE BLOODY MUSIC, its all sublime!!! Feeling the weight of your every choice makes this game a must play and is one of my top 10 games of all time.

The only “negative” I could say is the combat is ehh, if you are only interested in the story, I would just stick to easy mode

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Vampyr on Steam

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2

Its Soul Reaver lite

While not a bad game, its definitely not as good as it’s predecessor in a lot of respects.

The Good:

Superb voice acting, nice story, the puzzles are more complex and involved yet overall pretty good and offer a bit more clues to solve them, which is a marked improvement to the previous game.

The Not-so-good:

-The combat - In comparison to SR1 it feels distant, with little weight or consequence behind your punches, making it rather unsatisfying.

Furthermore, by the endgame, when fighting 4+ opponents, they will ALL attack at the same time, and while realistic and “challenging” it really comes out as cheap, specially when

! some of those enemies would naturally attack each other, but as soon as they detect you, ALL of them go for your ass instead. . Your Soul Reaver blade can be used from the start of the game and is a bit OP, that however is countered by a bar which fills the more you use the blade and kill with it, and once filled takes away some of your health, thus forcing you to mix its use with regular weapons, which at least brings some depth to an otherwise humdrum combat system. Speaking of the blade, it can be infused throughout the story with different elements (light, dark, wind & fire) but disappointingly only come into play in puzzles; yet another sign that the combat is undercooked at best.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

I was finally able to get the game working courtesy of this excellent patch right here .

“But suppose your throw a coin enough times – suppose one day it lands on its edge.”

The opening to Soul Reaver is seared into my memory.

No matter how many times I watch the introductory cutscene, the booming synth pulls me right back into the Gothic tableau of the Legacy of Kain universe, as if I were discovering it anew. With slick narrative efficiency, it sets in motion a tale of vengeance that spills out across time, daring its protagonists to challenge the apparent indomitability of fate.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 on Steam