BloodRayne 2 (Legacy)

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy)

Wow thought i did a revew already but steam says i have not so here it is . no secret i love this game note profile picture and steam name . so biased revew warning however i will try to give as much usefule information as i can .

I recomend purchase on sale ocashionally all the bloodrayne and older games go on sale for about a doller or so

the game is a third person action game uncomplicated game play and some platforming elements I am a person that hates platfomers Some of the death puzzles where you have to throw the bodies of dead enemys into certian locations to trigger an ending are a bit anoying but .

Real player with 241.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Female Protagonist Games.

Better graphics, better audio, more platforming, better story with a more interesting cast of characters alongside more detailed interactive levels with puzzles. Gameplay has a more in-depth combat system with lock-on mode for blocking & maneuvering, a new combo system for melee/ranged, new useful powers for use once unlocked, just one gun but different firing modes while being give take once your out of ammo (health for ammo; yours or theirs) and melee/ranged has their own simple upgrades after using your guns a lot (more ammo reserves) or brutalizing enemies enough (new combos) lastly feeding gives you a choice of either healing or earning rage but you can do both just don’t expect to earn equal amounts. 3 modes now instead of 4 with Aura mode to spot enemies, Vampire Lairs & objectives; Rage mode for increased combat effectiveness and Dilated Perception for slow-mo. Each mode has a set of other sub abilities to further enhance your combat skill but all use Rage meter. As with the 1st game you get new skills as you progress with the game. Level interactions are a fun new way of dispatching foes permanently with even more destructible objects and lethal hazards to harpoon swing them at to get some health bonus if you succeed. The seldom Vampire lairs are a nice way to restock health and ammo and lastly more platforming segments to shake up the game. You aren’t making ground meat out of Nazis scum and demon spawns anymore as your dealing with different minions of Rayne’s half-relatives to stop them from carrying out their plans for Vampire dominance with a lot more character, personality & motivation then before. Not as much variety as the 1st game’s enemies some new completely new ones though but they have their own unique appearances depending on which half-relative they work for with few exceptions. Boss fights are more varied now requiring you to use different skills to pass but just as enjoyable. Main issues with the game are that cutscenes wont play unless your running the exe in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 compatibility mode, game likes to hang when your in the menu, game is buggy unless your limit the frames like the 1st game, AI difficulty spike is ridiculous, no difficulty selection like the 1st game, some puzzles are fun but some are just plain annoying and unfair not just due to the complexity of the puzzle but also some enemy encounters are rather ridiculous as they expect you to be a master at dealing with any situation against such insane odds like infinite waves of enemies that are a great pain when its the more elite much tougher much quicker foes. In summery a great sequel for the series that’s as brutal as it looks where you better know what your doing with the new mechanics to succeed in a more personal story that’s just as witty, bloody, sassy and sexy as before.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy) on Steam

Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2

Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2

What Monster Will You Be?

Enter the World of Darkness and rise through vampire society. Experience Seattle - a city full of alluring, dangerous characters and factions. In this sequel to the cult classic, your choices, plots and schemes will change the balance of power.

What Monster Will You Be?

Choose to be brutal and unflinching or cultured and seductive. Use charm, cunning, terror and sheer will to rise through vampire society. 

Descend into Seattle’s Dark Heart 

Seattle has always been run by vampires; hunt your prey across locations faithfully reimagined in the World of Darkness.

Enter into Uneasy Alliances

Choose a side among the competing vampire factions in the war for Seattle’s blood trade. Everyone has hidden agendas, so choose your allies wisely

Experience the Story

Written by the creative mind behind the original Bloodlines, live out your vampire fantasy in a city filled with intriguing characters that react to your choices.

Read More: Best Vampire Violent Games.

Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2 on Steam

BloodRayne: Terminal Cut

BloodRayne: Terminal Cut

The “Don’t Escape Trilogy” is a collection of three short first-person point-and-click adventures with static screens (no camera movement, no scrolling). The games share a creepy atmosphere and a few gameplay mechanics, but are otherwise unrelated. In the first game, you play a werewolf trying to lock himself away before a full-moon night, so that he won’t kill anyone when he turns. In the second game, you’re trying to barricade a house and protect yourself from a zombie horde. In the third game, you’re the only surviving crew member on a spaceship and need to stop “something” from getting out.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Female Protagonist Games.

Even though the entire trilogy is available for free on Armor Games, I chose to purchase this game series on Steam because that’s how amazing ScriptWelder really is. The Deep Sleep and Don’t Escape series were some of the first PC games I ever played, and I have ScriptWelder to thank for making my early experiences so magical. I have followed each and every game you have published on AG, hunted down every achievement, set of choices, and walkthrough I could find… simply, because every single second I spent in any of your games was one of either awe, wonder, fear, or curiosity.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

BloodRayne: Terminal Cut on Steam

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut

So Bloodrayne 2 has the distinction of being one of my most beloved, yet absolutely hated games, out of all the games I have ever played before. Never has a single game left me completely divided on how I felt after playing it. Even as I was playing this Terminal Cut, in full, for the first time, I kept thinking “I can’t review this.”

So the good first. BR2 in a nutshell, is a modified BR1, but with everything cranked up to 11. So many new features and ideas are brought to this very creative sequel. Feeding fatalities, gymnastic platforming, environmental death traps, new characters, tons of voice work, tons of powers, tons of costumes, tons of BLOOD. It’s wild just how much of an upgrade BR2 is compared to its original.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

If the first BloodRayne is like an easier Max Payne that’s not well-made but still delivers fun and some cheap thrills, then BloodRayne 2 is like a Devil May Cry that does not understand what makes Devil May Cry great. Also BloodRayne 2 itself is not fun, and it doesn’t even deliver cheap thrills.


The first BloodRayne was not a well-made game. Animations were janky, damage feedback was poor, environments were boring, and the final boss was frankly terrible and became downright impossible to defeat if you took too long. However, if you could forgive those faults, what you would find in this game was the experience of becoming a frantic, unstoppable, killing machine. You could be like Max Payne on steroids. It’s no exaggeration that you could essentially dance around your enemies whilst attacking, whether you’re firing your guns or attacking with Rayne’s sick arm blades. You became a frenzied speed demon of death. Also, to add more to the Max Payne comparisons, you have a Dilated Mode which is essentially infinite Bullet Time, so yeah.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut on Steam

Cross the Moon

Cross the Moon

This was an amazing experience from start to finish. Not only were the individual elements of music, art, writing, editing and directing, all individually great; the way they all came together really raised it to a new level. Definitely up there out of all VNs I’ve played. It’s so cheap too, there’s no way anyone should miss out on this deal.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Cross the Moon is different from most VNs I’ve played. There’s no choices, just some collectibles for additional lore, but I don’t think that takes away from the experience. The art is on point? There’s fantastic use of color in the backgrounds, and I’m glad I picked up the OST too.

The story is well-paced, and I found it compelling, though it might not be to everyone’s taste. I was also happy to see multiple queer characters in the cast. And the 3 main characters are all POC which is kinda unique for a VN. The protagonists are a teenage boy, his older sister who’s just starting her career, (the siblings are vampires), and a police officer (who is human). They all intersect with the story and each other in interesting ways and, I don’t really want to say too much more and spoil things.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Cross the Moon on Steam

Dead of Night

Dead of Night

Dead of Night reminds me those weird adventure games that you would find on old computers (not something you see a lot these days). Gameplay can be vaguely described as exploration game with elements of surviving and stealth. You have to look for items hidden around the map and match them to correct puzzles. Although I think it relies a lot on nostalgia so it is a little clunky because of it. The game had some issues but most of them have been fixed. I finally decided to rewrite this review because the developer has been doing constant updates and supported the game despite poor sales.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

My Video Review for Dead Of Night:

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Dead of Night on Steam

BloodRayne Betrayal (Legacy)

BloodRayne Betrayal (Legacy)

If you are familiar with the Bloodrayne series, then I must first warn you that it plays nothing like the previous games, an open mind is required should you decide to purchase. This is a challenging platform brawler that has 15 stages in total, not a Metroidvania with free roam. You can obtain secret skulls that can extend your life bar or bullet count, but you won’t unlock new move sets or level up.

In terms of graphics, I feel the screenshots didn’t do it much justice. While it may look like a flash game in still frames, the animation is extremely smooth and pleasant to look at. The stage backdrops are detailed and befitting in most cases, while the blood splatters never gets old. I do have some gripes on the lack of variety though, as every single enemy of the same type will look the same every time, not even a colour swap, this was just plain lazy.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

OK, look at screenshots. That’s it. End of the story. BloodRayne: Betrayal is one of those rare games that look almost exactly as they feel. What can you expect from something that looks like this? Naturally, a tiny little spin-off that has pretty much nothing with the original series. Might & Magic Heroes, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles, HALO: Spartan Assault, Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet… You know the drill. And even though this game is not really important as a part of the BloodRayne series? Gameplay here sure does deserve your attention. See, BloodRayne: Betrayal is a game from WayForward Technologies. The guys who made the very first Shantae, Contra 4 and surprisingly great Aliens Infestation. And even though BloodRayne: Betrayal is not as good as those games above… it tries. It sure does.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

BloodRayne Betrayal (Legacy) on Steam

The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile

The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile

SO! First question you guys might ask yourselves when looking at this game:

Q: “Is the gameplay any good?”

A: Yes. BIG yes. So far, gameplay wise, it’s the best side scrolling beat’em up I’ve ever played. The gameplay is fast paced, smooth, and VERY satisfying. Both with controller AND keyboard. Feels like Smash bros but tighter and more visceral.

NOTE: For the keyboard though, you’re gonna want to go into your options, and switch your, “Blood Warp” ability to the, “F” key. You’ll know what I mean once you get the Blood Warp ability. (You get it within the 1st 5-10 minutes of playing)

Real player with 155.7 hrs in game

The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile is the sequel to The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai. They both were Xbox Live Arcade games. For some reason, only this one was ported over which is disappointing because TD:VS is an awesome blood pumping beat’em up. The story is told in comic book style comment bubbles and stills, which is fine considering the 2D style to the game. You don’t necessarily need to play the first one to understand the story of this game. Its recounted numerous times during the cutscenes.

There are two playable characters Yuki (The Prisoner) or the Dishwasher. Both have their own arsenals of weapons at their disposal but operate mostly the same as far as movement and dish magic. Dish magic is 4 special abilities that can really change the tide of battle in your favor. There are also beads you can equip that add various effects to the character you choose. Both characters will share any health or magic upgrades you purchase, but the weapon upgrades are unique to the individual character. A floating robot acts as a vendor throughout most levels to purchase character upgrades and items.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile on Steam



If someone says “Do you want to play a game as a vampire?” the answer should always be yes, but it should be especially true for Vampyr.

This is by far the best vampire game in existence. Maybe it doesn’t have the weird early 2000s sexiness of Blade or Underworld, but let’s be real, those are both pretty stupid. Instead of new-age vampires, this is old school. It takes place after WWI when the spanish flu is ravaging and killing people. DONTNOD cleverly uses the epidemic to mask but also discuss vampirism as a similar affliction. That means you can see a world ravaged by two epidemics, though most unknowing about the vampire problem.

Real player with 58.7 hrs in game

Words cannot accurately describe my love for this game. The environments, the voice acting, THE BLOODY MUSIC, its all sublime!!! Feeling the weight of your every choice makes this game a must play and is one of my top 10 games of all time.

The only “negative” I could say is the combat is ehh, if you are only interested in the story, I would just stick to easy mode

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Vampyr on Steam

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain

!!important note!!

This game has crashed a hell of a lot on my windows 7 PC; it’s just something to keep in mind.

What I liked about the game

  • Likable characters, like Uma, who are well voice acted.

  • I like how Kain draws blood from his victims.

  • Awesome boss fights.

  • I liked the Victorian/industrial setting of the game, especially at the start. I liked seeing the chimneys and the steam powered or magic powered machines.

  • The puzzles aren’t too head exploding.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

I used to have this game for the PS2, very fun, shorter than the other Legacy of Kain games, but fun. Most people seem to ignore it though, and/or dislike it, but that’s mainly because they probably don’t understand it. It is said this game is not necessary to play to understand the Legacy of Kain story. But it actually is significant, if you pay close attention. There are 2 ways to look at it; Kain’s purpose in this game after the first blood omen game, but before Soul Reaver 1. Then what it means after the events of Defiance. So in a manner of speaking, yes, Blood Omen 2 occurs twice, but seen differently after certain events.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain on Steam