Cute Bite

Cute Bite

Cute Bite is a fun raising sim where you take control of a butler (whose name you can decide, but her default is Saule) who is in charge of training the daughter of her former vampire master. The “Little Mistress” (also nameable; default is Buttercup), as Saule calls her, is far older than Saule herself, but after being confined to a coffin for centuries, she has lost many of her skills and reverted to the form of a child. It’s the player’s job to make Buttercup powerful enough within a year to complete the blood ritual which allows Saule to live.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Life Sim Games.

A vampire has been locked away so long that her body has reverted to the size she was when she first became a creature of the night – when she was child. After being freed, she must build up her various skills to restore her adult form. Her faithful butler is more than happy to assist, but is she hiding something?


• All romances take place after she regains her adult form. This game does not involve or promote pedophilia.

• Gameplay involves stat raising (which determines endings), and a hunting mini-game (to replenish energy via biting people for blood), along with other fun mechanics.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Cute Bite on Steam

BloodRayne: Terminal Cut

BloodRayne: Terminal Cut

The “Don’t Escape Trilogy” is a collection of three short first-person point-and-click adventures with static screens (no camera movement, no scrolling). The games share a creepy atmosphere and a few gameplay mechanics, but are otherwise unrelated. In the first game, you play a werewolf trying to lock himself away before a full-moon night, so that he won’t kill anyone when he turns. In the second game, you’re trying to barricade a house and protect yourself from a zombie horde. In the third game, you’re the only surviving crew member on a spaceship and need to stop “something” from getting out.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Third-Person Shooter Games.

Even though the entire trilogy is available for free on Armor Games, I chose to purchase this game series on Steam because that’s how amazing ScriptWelder really is. The Deep Sleep and Don’t Escape series were some of the first PC games I ever played, and I have ScriptWelder to thank for making my early experiences so magical. I have followed each and every game you have published on AG, hunted down every achievement, set of choices, and walkthrough I could find… simply, because every single second I spent in any of your games was one of either awe, wonder, fear, or curiosity.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

BloodRayne: Terminal Cut on Steam

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut

So Bloodrayne 2 has the distinction of being one of my most beloved, yet absolutely hated games, out of all the games I have ever played before. Never has a single game left me completely divided on how I felt after playing it. Even as I was playing this Terminal Cut, in full, for the first time, I kept thinking “I can’t review this.”

So the good first. BR2 in a nutshell, is a modified BR1, but with everything cranked up to 11. So many new features and ideas are brought to this very creative sequel. Feeding fatalities, gymnastic platforming, environmental death traps, new characters, tons of voice work, tons of powers, tons of costumes, tons of BLOOD. It’s wild just how much of an upgrade BR2 is compared to its original.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Third-Person Shooter Games.

If the first BloodRayne is like an easier Max Payne that’s not well-made but still delivers fun and some cheap thrills, then BloodRayne 2 is like a Devil May Cry that does not understand what makes Devil May Cry great. Also BloodRayne 2 itself is not fun, and it doesn’t even deliver cheap thrills.


The first BloodRayne was not a well-made game. Animations were janky, damage feedback was poor, environments were boring, and the final boss was frankly terrible and became downright impossible to defeat if you took too long. However, if you could forgive those faults, what you would find in this game was the experience of becoming a frantic, unstoppable, killing machine. You could be like Max Payne on steroids. It’s no exaggeration that you could essentially dance around your enemies whilst attacking, whether you’re firing your guns or attacking with Rayne’s sick arm blades. You became a frenzied speed demon of death. Also, to add more to the Max Payne comparisons, you have a Dilated Mode which is essentially infinite Bullet Time, so yeah.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut on Steam

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy)

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy)

Wow thought i did a revew already but steam says i have not so here it is . no secret i love this game note profile picture and steam name . so biased revew warning however i will try to give as much usefule information as i can .

I recomend purchase on sale ocashionally all the bloodrayne and older games go on sale for about a doller or so

the game is a third person action game uncomplicated game play and some platforming elements I am a person that hates platfomers Some of the death puzzles where you have to throw the bodies of dead enemys into certian locations to trigger an ending are a bit anoying but .

Real player with 241.6 hrs in game

Better graphics, better audio, more platforming, better story with a more interesting cast of characters alongside more detailed interactive levels with puzzles. Gameplay has a more in-depth combat system with lock-on mode for blocking & maneuvering, a new combo system for melee/ranged, new useful powers for use once unlocked, just one gun but different firing modes while being give take once your out of ammo (health for ammo; yours or theirs) and melee/ranged has their own simple upgrades after using your guns a lot (more ammo reserves) or brutalizing enemies enough (new combos) lastly feeding gives you a choice of either healing or earning rage but you can do both just don’t expect to earn equal amounts. 3 modes now instead of 4 with Aura mode to spot enemies, Vampire Lairs & objectives; Rage mode for increased combat effectiveness and Dilated Perception for slow-mo. Each mode has a set of other sub abilities to further enhance your combat skill but all use Rage meter. As with the 1st game you get new skills as you progress with the game. Level interactions are a fun new way of dispatching foes permanently with even more destructible objects and lethal hazards to harpoon swing them at to get some health bonus if you succeed. The seldom Vampire lairs are a nice way to restock health and ammo and lastly more platforming segments to shake up the game. You aren’t making ground meat out of Nazis scum and demon spawns anymore as your dealing with different minions of Rayne’s half-relatives to stop them from carrying out their plans for Vampire dominance with a lot more character, personality & motivation then before. Not as much variety as the 1st game’s enemies some new completely new ones though but they have their own unique appearances depending on which half-relative they work for with few exceptions. Boss fights are more varied now requiring you to use different skills to pass but just as enjoyable. Main issues with the game are that cutscenes wont play unless your running the exe in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 compatibility mode, game likes to hang when your in the menu, game is buggy unless your limit the frames like the 1st game, AI difficulty spike is ridiculous, no difficulty selection like the 1st game, some puzzles are fun but some are just plain annoying and unfair not just due to the complexity of the puzzle but also some enemy encounters are rather ridiculous as they expect you to be a master at dealing with any situation against such insane odds like infinite waves of enemies that are a great pain when its the more elite much tougher much quicker foes. In summery a great sequel for the series that’s as brutal as it looks where you better know what your doing with the new mechanics to succeed in a more personal story that’s just as witty, bloody, sassy and sexy as before.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy) on Steam



Character action game with lightning fast action. Play as the badass femme fatale vampire queen, Lyss, and get ready to yell “This is not even my final form!”. Travel through time, destroy dinosaurs, aliens, robots and undeads with bloody stylish combos! Ride your motorcycle, manage your strip club!

Lyss, the Empress

Evil incarnate!

Lyss, the Demon

Master of demonic magic!

Lyss, the Vampire

Gorgeous, deadly!

Lyss, the Beast

Freak of nature!

Lyss, the Deadeye

Respected leader, dangerous gunslinger!

Lyss, the Slave

Burns with rage, insatiable lust for revenge!

Lyss, the Sacrifice

Poor little girl in a very dangerous situation!

Tentoria on Steam

Hotel Tutwin

Hotel Tutwin

This game is truly one of the highest caliber visual-novels that I have read. It has a way of drawing you in with its attractive character designs and dragging you deeper into it’s intense character depth and lore. This game can only be compared to a game that I consider to be one of the greatest of all time, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. The deep gameplay and visual elements created an experience that was truly one of a kind. The subtle hints of romance between the character was not only seductive and alluring, but made me extremely horny. My journey through this masterpiece reminded me of why I started playing video games, to get lost in a world full of mystery of wonder, to have my boring life enriched by sexy anime vampire boys wanting to fuck me in my sleep, to have my titties titillated by the pure erotic fantasies that this game teases.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game















Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Hotel Tutwin on Steam

Nosferatu Lilinor

Nosferatu Lilinor

At first glance, you might think Nosferatu Lilinor is a cute pixel platformer, like a kiddie Castlevania. Quite to the contrary, it’s a nail-bitingly difficult, heavily retro-inspired puzzle/action game, far closer to Solomon’s Key. It makes no apologies for its skill ceiling, which requires you to outwit a variety of stronger, faster, and deadlier enemies, despite having various vampire powers at your disposal. Undoubtedly fans of 80’s arcade games will find a nostalgic satisfaction here, but modern gamers may have a harder time to appreciate its value.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Akatsuki Uni 3

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Nosferatu Lilinor on Steam

Red Embrace: Mezzanine

Red Embrace: Mezzanine

Red Embrace: Mezzanine is a short (~1 hour or even less) free visual novel with point-&click elements, 2 endings rewarded with 2 achs. Unfortunately, for now the game has limited features, so those achs won’t appear on steam profile((

I’m sure even if someone didn’t play Red Embrace or Red Embrace: Hollywood the game will be interesting enough. I have almost nothing to complain about: visuals are great, music is perfect to set that gloomy mood, the writing is so potent dragging you deep into that dark atmosphere. That’s really amazing how that short story, maybe not even the whole story but some kind of prologue for the future game, can awake such powerful emotions. Really impressive!

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

As usual, fine. As usual, there is a light sadness after passing the game. And not only because the story itself is sad, because it concerns loneliness, loss and hopelessness, but because it shows us what we dream about at some point. We all probably dreamed that on some day someone (and preferably some handsome guy) would offer us to change our lives. But this did not happen.

It’s very nice that the story echoes Red Embrace: Hollywood. I am very glad that I somehow found Argent Games.

Как обычно, прекрасно. Как обычно, после прохождения игры возникает легкая грусть. И не только потому, что сама история печальна, ведь она касается одиночества, потери и безнадежности, но и потому, что она показывает нам, о чем мы мечтаем в какой-то момент. Мы все, наверное, мечтали, что когда-нибудь кто-нибудь (и желательно какой-нибудь красавчик) предложит нам изменить нашу жизнь. Но этого не произошло.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Red Embrace: Mezzanine on Steam

Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York

Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York

Vampire: The Masquerade – Shadows of New York weaves a familiar tale. Yet it is not a tale familiar out of triteness, but rather in its bleak and despairing contemporaneity. Shadows of New York artfully depicts our 2020 hell-scape, holds it up as a mirror and doesn’t so much ask whether or not we’re fucked as yell it in our faces.

It is a tale of a debauched, grotesquely wealthy elite presiding over a city of broken, desperate people, haunted by an impending apocalypse—climate-induced, technological, viral, pick your horror—precious few seem inclined to curtail, let alone prevent.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

While my playthrough of Coteries of New York is still fresh in my mind, I feel it is now the best time to review Shadows of New York, its continuation. If not for the fact that my review of the previous game was written well after both of them were published, I’d have exclaimed “Well I’ll be damned, somebody actually listened to me!”. The main pain of Coteries was that your choices didn’t matter and the game streamlined you to the same ending. That is not the case with Shadows. The story is still not exactly branching out, but at least it offers you 2 different endings. The narrative feels much more personal as well, since you play as a preset character, Julia of the Lasombra Clan, whose personality is affected by your decisions. The game is rich in Julia’s inner monologue and it is there that those Traits you develop are reflected, offering slightly different dialogues and comments on certain scenes. So storywise - Shadows is a huge improvement from the already good-but-in-the-end-leaving-you-disappointed Coteries.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York on Steam

BloodRayne Betrayal (Legacy)

BloodRayne Betrayal (Legacy)

If you are familiar with the Bloodrayne series, then I must first warn you that it plays nothing like the previous games, an open mind is required should you decide to purchase. This is a challenging platform brawler that has 15 stages in total, not a Metroidvania with free roam. You can obtain secret skulls that can extend your life bar or bullet count, but you won’t unlock new move sets or level up.

In terms of graphics, I feel the screenshots didn’t do it much justice. While it may look like a flash game in still frames, the animation is extremely smooth and pleasant to look at. The stage backdrops are detailed and befitting in most cases, while the blood splatters never gets old. I do have some gripes on the lack of variety though, as every single enemy of the same type will look the same every time, not even a colour swap, this was just plain lazy.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

OK, look at screenshots. That’s it. End of the story. BloodRayne: Betrayal is one of those rare games that look almost exactly as they feel. What can you expect from something that looks like this? Naturally, a tiny little spin-off that has pretty much nothing with the original series. Might & Magic Heroes, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles, HALO: Spartan Assault, Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet… You know the drill. And even though this game is not really important as a part of the BloodRayne series? Gameplay here sure does deserve your attention. See, BloodRayne: Betrayal is a game from WayForward Technologies. The guys who made the very first Shantae, Contra 4 and surprisingly great Aliens Infestation. And even though BloodRayne: Betrayal is not as good as those games above… it tries. It sure does.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

BloodRayne Betrayal (Legacy) on Steam