Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain

!!important note!!

This game has crashed a hell of a lot on my windows 7 PC; it’s just something to keep in mind.

What I liked about the game

  • Likable characters, like Uma, who are well voice acted.

  • I like how Kain draws blood from his victims.

  • Awesome boss fights.

  • I liked the Victorian/industrial setting of the game, especially at the start. I liked seeing the chimneys and the steam powered or magic powered machines.

  • The puzzles aren’t too head exploding.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Dark Fantasy Games.

I used to have this game for the PS2, very fun, shorter than the other Legacy of Kain games, but fun. Most people seem to ignore it though, and/or dislike it, but that’s mainly because they probably don’t understand it. It is said this game is not necessary to play to understand the Legacy of Kain story. But it actually is significant, if you pay close attention. There are 2 ways to look at it; Kain’s purpose in this game after the first blood omen game, but before Soul Reaver 1. Then what it means after the events of Defiance. So in a manner of speaking, yes, Blood Omen 2 occurs twice, but seen differently after certain events.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain on Steam

Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption

Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption


1. Has a pretty solid story

2. great characters

3. has an amazing soundtrack

4. Doesn’t need to be modded in order to work like its counter part VTM Bloodlines


1. Graphics are dated

2. Only allows 6 blood disciplines on your cast bar and you can’t key-bind your disciplines

3. The multiplayer doesn’t work and can’t even link up with friends through steam or even a LAN game.

4. Doesn’t have a steam workshop to fix bugs, add improved Graphics, or restore cut content.

5. Highly exploitable with being able to cast the discipline (awaken) on enemies to infinitely farm experience/gold which in turn makes the game insanely easy to play-through.

Real player with 263.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Violent Games.

Short verdict: it will scratch your World of Darkness itch just as good as VtM: Bloodlines.

I played this game after completing Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines , which got me addicted to the World of Darkness mythos in the first place. And neither was I disappointed this time. In fact, I was surprised that this almost 20 years old game can perform so good and I can enjoy it so much.

Although the story is not as intricate as in some other RPGs and, in the single player mode, you can’t choose your clan, the story is quite interesting anyway. It’s a wonderful opportunity to participate in quests both in medieval Prague and Vienna, as well as in modern London and New York of the 1990’s. Redemption captures the World of Darkness spirit just as well as Bloodlines.

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption on Steam

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

(Ignore my time on record as I’ve spent most of my playtime offline)

Easily one of my most favorite games of all time! I remember playing this on the original Playstation like it was only yesterday. In my mind this game set the bar very high for what video games were capable of. Wonderfully written script and rich dialogue, Extremely clever puzzles that make you consider all possibilities. A unique and large open world game that managed to pull off one of the first concepts of streaming data directly from the disk, cutting out loading screens from area to area. Crystal Dynamics had outdone themselves when making this game, and it’s a shame that we don’t get games like this more often.

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Vampire Story Rich Games.

Soul Reaver

“Tumbling, burning with white-hot fire, I plunged into the depths of the abyss. Unspeakable pain… relentless agony… time ceased to exist… only this torture… and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell. An eternity passed, and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice of madness. The descent had destroyed me… and yet I lived.” ~Raziel

This game, to me, was the start of the Legacy of Kain series. Although, technically, that was actually Blood Omen. As a matter of fact, the first Blood Omen unknowingly set the stage and essentially serves as the backdrop for all of the Legacy of Kain games. In Soul Reaver however, you do not actually play as Kain. Instead, you play as one of his vampiric lieutenants, Raziel. But almost immediately, things immediately go bad as when Raziel approaches Kain and shows that he has evolved by gaining a set of wings (the first evolution of all of Kain’s vampiric brood), Kain considers this a transgression against him. In an act of rage, he rips your wings from you, and then has you thrown into the Lake of the Dead. Burning, trapped in the abyss, Raziel reaches the bottom but he is lifeless, his body practically destroyed.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver on Steam



Don’t mind the hours spent in the game. After refunding it, I ended up buying it on GOG to give it another try.

I first want to preface this review by saying I went in totally blind. I have no nostalgia attached to it, and I come from a background of loving point-and-clicks. I also seek out any game of the cyberpunk genre I can get my hands on.

That said, I wanted to like this game, but it felt impossible to. I saw it and I thought it was some kind of miracle I hadn’t played it already. Even its subtitle “The Cyberpunk Vampire Game” seemed perfect (as well as amazingly corny) to me. The screenshots made it look fantastic in that old time-y gritty moody kind of way. I felt like whatever its cons were, I wouldn’t let it keep me from enjoying a game that looked like I would love. But despite playing for long enough to get a handle on it, it still didn’t work for me.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

I’ll start just by saying that it is my favourite adventure (although it is much more) game. Bloodnet mixes elements of adventure and rpg. Among solving puzzles you command your small squad of friends and mercenaries in fights. There’s a lot of character statistics influencing combat, decking (travelling through cyberspace), crafting etc… Bloodnet tells a story of Ransom Stark, who is trying to lift a curse of vampirism. It is dark, mature and really sucks in. Ransom will meet a lot of interesting and well written characters. While combat sequences are not of best quality, great atmosphere makes up for it. Important element of Bloodnet is decking. Improving cyberdeck will help to experience it. It is not a point and click game (you won’t make a helicopter combining shoelaces and washing machine). Puzzles are interesting and logical. It is more of unraveling the story. If you like cyberpunk it is a must have. If you like vampires it is a must have.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

BloodNet on Steam

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2

Its Soul Reaver lite

While not a bad game, its definitely not as good as it’s predecessor in a lot of respects.

The Good:

Superb voice acting, nice story, the puzzles are more complex and involved yet overall pretty good and offer a bit more clues to solve them, which is a marked improvement to the previous game.

The Not-so-good:

-The combat - In comparison to SR1 it feels distant, with little weight or consequence behind your punches, making it rather unsatisfying.

Furthermore, by the endgame, when fighting 4+ opponents, they will ALL attack at the same time, and while realistic and “challenging” it really comes out as cheap, specially when

! some of those enemies would naturally attack each other, but as soon as they detect you, ALL of them go for your ass instead. . Your Soul Reaver blade can be used from the start of the game and is a bit OP, that however is countered by a bar which fills the more you use the blade and kill with it, and once filled takes away some of your health, thus forcing you to mix its use with regular weapons, which at least brings some depth to an otherwise humdrum combat system. Speaking of the blade, it can be infused throughout the story with different elements (light, dark, wind & fire) but disappointingly only come into play in puzzles; yet another sign that the combat is undercooked at best.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

I was finally able to get the game working courtesy of this excellent patch right here .

“But suppose your throw a coin enough times – suppose one day it lands on its edge.”

The opening to Soul Reaver is seared into my memory.

No matter how many times I watch the introductory cutscene, the booming synth pulls me right back into the Gothic tableau of the Legacy of Kain universe, as if I were discovering it anew. With slick narrative efficiency, it sets in motion a tale of vengeance that spills out across time, daring its protagonists to challenge the apparent indomitability of fate.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 on Steam

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy)

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy)

Wow thought i did a revew already but steam says i have not so here it is . no secret i love this game note profile picture and steam name . so biased revew warning however i will try to give as much usefule information as i can .

I recomend purchase on sale ocashionally all the bloodrayne and older games go on sale for about a doller or so

the game is a third person action game uncomplicated game play and some platforming elements I am a person that hates platfomers Some of the death puzzles where you have to throw the bodies of dead enemys into certian locations to trigger an ending are a bit anoying but .

Real player with 241.6 hrs in game

Better graphics, better audio, more platforming, better story with a more interesting cast of characters alongside more detailed interactive levels with puzzles. Gameplay has a more in-depth combat system with lock-on mode for blocking & maneuvering, a new combo system for melee/ranged, new useful powers for use once unlocked, just one gun but different firing modes while being give take once your out of ammo (health for ammo; yours or theirs) and melee/ranged has their own simple upgrades after using your guns a lot (more ammo reserves) or brutalizing enemies enough (new combos) lastly feeding gives you a choice of either healing or earning rage but you can do both just don’t expect to earn equal amounts. 3 modes now instead of 4 with Aura mode to spot enemies, Vampire Lairs & objectives; Rage mode for increased combat effectiveness and Dilated Perception for slow-mo. Each mode has a set of other sub abilities to further enhance your combat skill but all use Rage meter. As with the 1st game you get new skills as you progress with the game. Level interactions are a fun new way of dispatching foes permanently with even more destructible objects and lethal hazards to harpoon swing them at to get some health bonus if you succeed. The seldom Vampire lairs are a nice way to restock health and ammo and lastly more platforming segments to shake up the game. You aren’t making ground meat out of Nazis scum and demon spawns anymore as your dealing with different minions of Rayne’s half-relatives to stop them from carrying out their plans for Vampire dominance with a lot more character, personality & motivation then before. Not as much variety as the 1st game’s enemies some new completely new ones though but they have their own unique appearances depending on which half-relative they work for with few exceptions. Boss fights are more varied now requiring you to use different skills to pass but just as enjoyable. Main issues with the game are that cutscenes wont play unless your running the exe in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 compatibility mode, game likes to hang when your in the menu, game is buggy unless your limit the frames like the 1st game, AI difficulty spike is ridiculous, no difficulty selection like the 1st game, some puzzles are fun but some are just plain annoying and unfair not just due to the complexity of the puzzle but also some enemy encounters are rather ridiculous as they expect you to be a master at dealing with any situation against such insane odds like infinite waves of enemies that are a great pain when its the more elite much tougher much quicker foes. In summery a great sequel for the series that’s as brutal as it looks where you better know what your doing with the new mechanics to succeed in a more personal story that’s just as witty, bloody, sassy and sexy as before.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

BloodRayne 2 (Legacy) on Steam

Dracula: The Resurrection

Dracula: The Resurrection

2¢ Review

| Game Name: | Dracula: The Resurrection


| Original Release: | June 2000 |

| My Overall Grade (#/10):  | 2 |

| Demo: | No |

| Workshop: | No |

| Level Editor: | No |

| Captions: | No |

| Controller Support: | No |

| Multiplayer:  | No |

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game



✅Old looking




🔲Extreme graphics


✅Tin can

🔲Any pc

🔲A Decent PC

🔲A powerful pc

🔲An extremely powerful pc


🔲PC that god used to create the world


🔲Don’t have

✅Just a context

🔲Bad story

🔲Ok story

🔲Deep story

🔲Extremely deep and complex story


✅Easy to understand

🔲Easy to learn, hard to master

🔲You have to study a bit in order to play

🔲You will really need google


Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Dracula: The Resurrection on Steam

Legacy of Kain: Defiance

Legacy of Kain: Defiance

Short and simple review.

Great game. Truly a masterpiece. Must-have classic. Story-driven and atmospheric.

P.S: For those who are having issues/crashes, here’s a fix:

1)Run the game.

2)Open Task Manager.

For Windows 7 or older:

3)Go to the Processes tab. (Second tab from left to right)

4)Find and right click the defiance.exe process.

For Windows 8/10:

3)Go to the Details tab. (Second tab from right to left)

4)Find and right click the defiance.exe process.

5)From the menu, click Set Affinity.

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

“He knew that all the hazards and perils were now drawing together to a point: the next day would be a day of doom, the day of final effort or disaster, the last gasp.”

~J.R.R. Tolkien

Endings. Those sure can be tricky. Especially when it’s about video games. Seriously, how many game series with perfect endings can you remember? Sometimes the greed simply blinds publishers and they begin to mass-produce games without caring much. We all know how it usually ends. The original Tomb Raider series is a perfect example of such an approach. Some others try to play it smart but fail due to lack of talent (hard not to remember Desmond Miles' story from Assassin’s Creed series, right?). But one way or another, we rarely get perfect finales in video game series. Surprisingly, that’s exactly what we’ve got this time. A perfect finale. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Legacy of Kain: Defiance on Steam

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

When someone mention this game, SOMEONE will install it. That lucky person is none other than me. How about the game you ask; and the answer is simple. It’s really, really bad. This game is made on source engine, which is undoubtedly one of the best and maybe the best engine at 2000’s. Half-Life 2 made on this engine. And Portal. And Team Fortress 2. You get the idea, if you are going to make a game with a gun - this engine is the golden choice.

But somehow and somewhat, Troika games blew it. The one and only purpose of this engine, which is developing first-person shooter game, and they really blew it all over. Just pick a gun and shoot something. It’s notoriously bad. When you minimize the game, the alpha layers of textures will be gone and all you left with black squares. It doesn’t have widescreen support. It doesn’t support higher resolutions. This game aged so bad that it stinks like a rotten cheese.

Real player with 107.3 hrs in game

Следующая игра в нашей сегодняшней передаче заставит вас испытать такой ужас, который никто из ваших одноклассников никогда еще не испытывал! Вампиры, оборотни, вурдалаки, бандиты и просто полицейские - вот небольшой список нечисти, с которой вам предстоит столкнуться клык к клыку, нос к носу, кровь за кровь!

По несчастному стечению абстоятельств, вы становитесь представителем одного из вампирских кланов. Какого? Решать только вам. Ваш выбор будет напрямую влиять на дальнейшую судьбу персонажа, его повадки и положение в обществе, как вампирском, так и человеческом. Не забывайте, где находитесь, и следите за манерами, дабы не нарушить священный маскарад! Кормитесь только тайком или в специально отведенных местах, иначе не сдобровать! Пытаясь выжить в этом жестоком обществе старайтесь не забывать, кто вы есть, осторожно выбирая себе союзников.

Real player with 94.1 hrs in game

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines on Steam

Castlevania Anniversary Collection

Castlevania Anniversary Collection

I purchased this title when it was on a discount and I believe that’s how everyone should go about getting this collection.

It’s clear that not a lot of time was spent on making this package. It’s very basic, there’s only one available save slot for every game, the default 4:3 resolution is too small and the other options won’t give you anything close to what is possible on a normal emulator. That said, it’s not a terrible collection either. It’s just meh. So why the recommendation? Well, as I said, I got the game during a price drop for €4.99. This makes recommending the game a lot easier, less so for its standard pricing.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

I forgot how frustrating some of these Castlevania games can be…. but that’s all part of the fun right? 😁

Konami also included Kid Dracula, a game I’ve never heard of before playing this collection but was actually kinda fun.

The only thing I can nitpick about this collection (as well as the Contra one) is the fact that you have to use ALT+Enter to fullscreen and ALT+F4 to exit.

Real player with 28.0 hrs in game

Castlevania Anniversary Collection on Steam