Pixel Game Maker MV

Pixel Game Maker MV

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m now ready to weigh in my thoughts on Pixel Game Maker MV. I’ve been using this software since early access back in 2018.


Pixel Game Maker MV is a great game development engine for those that are not programmers, and want to be able to create either side scrolling or top down action games. It’s got enough for a single person development operation to chew on here to create the game you want to create in the way you want it created; bearing in mind that you operate within the program’s limits. If programming/scripting is outside your reach (or if it’s something you can do), this is a great engine that has the potential to be amazing as long as the developers continue with updates & performance improvements. There are assets and DLC that is available at the time of writing for you to get a jump on a concept quickly, but there are no asset standards (outside of keeping things divisible by 2) to conform with.

Real player with 2587.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Utilities Casual Games.

I’ll begin this review with I’m 36, not 16. I have no illusions about making a game and distributing it for gain. This is a hobby for me and that is the perspective I write this review from. I have a day job. I moonlight as a hobby pixel artist, and that drives me to dev software to have fun with, and bring it to life.

I began with RPG Maker MV as my first dip into game dev software. I do not have a desire to learn to code so that software was more interesting to me compared to more advanced engines. After years in RMMV I felt the want for more control from the ground up, and not be boxed in by hard limitations from the software, and the need for plugins to break through those hard limitations. Pixel Game Maker MV grants me that feeling. I did not feel like the learning curve to get going on a project was difficult, even without a large database of video tutorial content on YouTube at the time.

Real player with 1866.7 hrs in game

Pixel Game Maker MV on Steam

Stop Sign VR Tools

Stop Sign VR Tools

I got this because I have a really low ceiling. I’m 5'7" and my ceiling is 6'4". so the ceiling is pretty much right above my head. I opened the program to find that there were no settings and I only had 3 boxes I could move. So I made a big wide box and put it above my head and the BLARING SOUNDS made me close the program every single time I wanted to play vr. BUT then I took the plunge and looked through the .xml files for settings. (You have to use the one with a room id!!!) I turned off sound, and found a setting for ceiling height so I didn’t have to put a haphazardly placed box above my head. After doing that this program is a must have for me and I love it. Also the impact prediction is also amazing and has saved me from many collisions in Boneworks. Save your controllers and get this if you have a low ceiling!!!

Real player with 217.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Utilities Indie Games.

Because windows mixed reality software is god awful, you can’t adjust any of the chaperone settings its either they are ON or OFF. You can’t adjust the activation distance or anything. I play in a very small area with a bed in front of me and a 70 inch desk on the other side behind me. This program is perfect because it lets me put an invisible wall behind me where my desk is so I know where I am facing in vr. If I see the invisible box outline I just simply turn away so I don’t risk slamming my desk. Perfect for people who don’t want to use guardians but still want to prevent themselves from hitting things. It would be cool if the dev can make a “fake steam vr guardian” that can be manually placed around your room and adjusted like the crates which would be fully adjustable with activation distances and everything. Would be really helpful for Windows Mixed Reality users who have limited ability to change stuff like that in mixed reality portal.

Real player with 73.5 hrs in game

Stop Sign VR Tools on Steam

First Person Shooter Kit Showcase

First Person Shooter Kit Showcase

does need some fixing does need crossplay over all good game i still play it still love it guna keep playing it the creator had good intetions ik its a copy of blacl ops but still good choice of gameplay plz make it crossplay and fix some bugs

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Utilities First-Person Games.

This game is good if you like FPS and are looking for a general game. I think the zombie mode is great.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

First Person Shooter Kit Showcase on Steam



This is one of the most consistent game I am playing currently, and the only aim-trainer I’ve ever found useful. Because of this, over the passed few months, I have noticed a drastic increase in my ability to aim with precision. I use this trainer mostly for warming up before I play Overwatch. I will play 1-2 hours before I head into Competitive mode. I was able to move up from Gold to Platinum within the last month.

The nice thing about this game is that it has a 1:1 aim adjustment system for multiple games. You can import your settings from each game for an similar aim experience. If I have a certain aim setting for Overwatch, and I want to translate that setting to Apex Legends, there are in-game tools to help with that.

Real player with 161.9 hrs in game

What I thought would be a good alternative to Kovaaks with cool features ends up to be a dead project moving at a snails pace. No updates for a long time, seasons remain unchanged, one of the features that sounded cool (AI bots to train with) is now DLC, and over a year for any form of content makes this a bad choice over Kovaaks.

Also the community is not there, it lacks in scenarios for training and the “good” ones are just janky copies of Kovaaks (with some of them not even working) So if you’re going to train your aim just close this and get Kovaaks. I gave it an honest go, but the lack of content, community and dead discord make this a hard “no” from me.

Real player with 124.7 hrs in game

Aimbeast on Steam



Gameguru is a rough-around-the edges, cheap, underpowered game engine. It is a spiritual successor to TGC’s previos successful endeavor: FPS Creator. FPS creator was a dream come true for wanna-be mappers and newbie game designers wanting to create their own simple little first person experiences. It worked well enough for what it was, had a super active community, and lots of mods, an easy-to-learn custom scripting language, and many successful games were made with it.

FPS Creator reloaded promised to be the upgrade everyone wanted from FPS Creator. It was gonna feature all next gen graphical features, a bigger map editor, and in general more freedom and ability. This was proposed on kickstarter where it didn’t meet it’s exorbitant asking donation, so it later was rebranded and came out as GameGuru.

Real player with 650.3 hrs in game

Yeah, okay, GameGuru doesn’t have the best graphics around, but they have a specific look to it, so there’s that. Making the graphics look as good as UE4 and Unity however, is practically impossible. But that’s not my point, my point is GameGuru’s graphics are good enough for making games for the hecc of it.

The engine is editable to certain extents, but not really enough for hardcore coders and developers. Again, this is an engine made more for the fun of it. Making some nice $$$ is possible, but not too easy.

Real player with 387.7 hrs in game

GameGuru on Steam



Right now, the game lacks content to make up for its price. I can imagine that this game can be fun with real people, but the bots are kinda stupid.

This game plays kind of like Teeworlds, which, to this day, still is a fun game for me. You can pick up several weapons, like shotguns, sniper rifles, assault rifles etc. There’s also a melee attack. Currently, there’s two maps. Frostland, which has a platform to the right that, as far as I know, cannot be accessed, and I tried everything, including rocket jumping (which, as expected, doesn’t work, sad TF2 noises). Grassland seems nicer. Both maps have a hole in the middle which you can fall down.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Shooty is a Unity Asset flip, what Valve calls a “fake game”. The “developer”, IronyDev/Shooty, took the Super Multiplayer Shooter Template Unity Store tutorial/demo/game asset pack from the real developers, Visyde Interactives, changed the name, added a sprite pack from another actual developer, and dumped the result onto Steam. They’re attempting to scam people into buying this, so they can get your money for someone else’s work.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Shooty on Steam

Demolish & Build VR

Demolish & Build VR

Played on Oculus Rift seated.

Good fun game with some bugs here and there which I hope they will fix. It don’t take itself too seriously as you can probably see from the trailers. I have only just reached the second world so there are plenty of jobs to do including some unexpected ones like demolishing an old space shuttle. Most of the vehicles are fun to drive as it is full motion steering although the steering wheels axis can break making you turn in opposite direction. A quick turn back fixes it.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/sP3iQO4hRcQ

I did enjoy playing this game. However, this game isn’t for everyone. If you’re looking for a physics sandbox game, you will be disappointed. If you’re expecting a smooth & polished VR experience, you will be disappointed. This is a port of a non-VR game, Demolish & Build 2018. The good news is that it is a full-fledged game and not a demo. The bad news is that the VR interactions are quite basic & poor.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Demolish & Build VR on Steam



Good game! It’s the best training I’ve ever seen on Steam, it was worth buying, for the FPS guys it’s perfect, but it’s suitable for any type of player to train their skills. In addition to training, it can be played alone or on top of another game, watch videos on Youtube, chat with friends, a full browser! Buy it, you’ll like it ;D

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

C-4 is great and something that is easily recommendable to anyone who enjoys first person shooters. It’s a fun aim trainer that you can actually play between matches, waiting for friends to join, during loading ect. There are nine different modes and each are pretty unique. It’s cheap, give it a try.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

C-4 on Steam

Practisim Designer

Practisim Designer

Practisim Designer is a sandbox for budding or expert stage designers to create innovative stage designs for the practical shooting sports like USPSA, IPSC, Steel Challenge, IDPA and others. This tool allows you to drop in props from a library of hundreds of items. Stage designers can also simulate actually running through the stage with support for real physics based mechanisms like swingers, drop turners, texas stars and more. When you’re done with the stage designs, you can export them into match ready written stage briefing documents in PDF format.

Practisim Designer on Steam

Twitchoos RUN: Socks & Stream

Twitchoos RUN: Socks & Stream

An audience interactive platform game.

I’m always on the lookout for more ways to interact with Twitch viewers and so I decided to try this game out when the dev approached me for a review. I gave it a spin and concluded that is a great idea for a game, but ultimately it lacks content. There is one level. The different modes of play are basically the same. The game mechanics aren’t explained even though they are basic, there isn’t an option to custom the controls if you wanted. There is a bit of a hiccup when it comes to fully translating languages. I chose to play in English and some of the text still came up in French. There was quite a bit of game delay between chat input and my game play. There was a lot of standing around doing nothing. And finally, the way the character is designed to run is very stereotypical “effeminate gay man” run and feels like a jab at the LGBTQ+ Community.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

It’s a lot of fun including the twitch audience to the game. I just would love to have more levels or even maybe procedural maps to get through! Also, i would recommend to put a choice of skins maybe ?

Can’t wait for more to come! Keep it up! Great work!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Twitchoos RUN: Socks & Stream on Steam