The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

To start, I’ll answer the question I don’t see many reviews covering: Yes, this game can help you improve your typing, assuming you know your fundamentals (homerow concept, finger placement, etc.). I don’t see it going over very well if you don’t know the basics, but if you do it can be a pretty effective tool, even if it wasn’t exactly designed for this purpose.

I wasn’t a very good typist when I started. I tested myself online after my first game session and was around 18 wpm with frequent glances at the keyboard. I’ve treated playing the game like lessons, set periods on a schedule. I usually play 3 chapters a weeknight, which equals about an hour to an hour and a half long sessions. I started on the lowest difficulty and worked my way up. As I said, this game isn’t exactly designed as a teaching tool. If you suck at typing, you die a lot. I was dying as much as a dozen times a stage early on. You’ll pretty much have to ignore scoring at this point and just focus on progressing.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing On-Rails Shooter Games.

“WHAT THE FUNK” had to start the review with that phrase from the game it just sum’s it all up really.

OMG I really cant explain in word’s just how funny this game actually is and all the grind house reference’s are easy to see from the grainy camera and bad voice acting to the terrible script its all part of what make’s this game what it is and that put simply in one word is……….AWESOME!!

House of the Dead : Overkill - Story Trailer - YouTube

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill on Steam




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Read More: Best Typing Arcade Games.

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