Starship Intruder
First off the bat - I have never played anything like this before; controlling a space game with typing commands. Disclaimer: I only use Steam for the new Red Alert: Remastered, but I learned of this game on FB.
You’ll have to like the following to enjoy the game: 1 bit graphics and typing.
You’ll die a lot at first, but you will find a method to the madness and learn to use commands and when to use what weapons. I usually take out everything in a level and then raid the planet.
– Real player with 4.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Typing 2D Games.
A bizarre smash up of star trek bridge crew and typing of the dead.
You need to carefully manage you ammo and prioritize between maneauvering attacking and defending, each action requiring a lengthy string to be typed perfectly.
Very original concept great for booting up when you just feel like playing for a short session
– Real player with 0.7 hrs in game
Type Fighter
**EDIT: I saw the review from 2019 saying the typing is buggy by overlapping with other words you could type, and I’ve never experienced this bug on any of the computers I’ve played this on. I’m pretty confident that this bug must have been fixed before I started playing.
Super hard but fun 2D-sprite infinite runner game where you’re typing to kill fireball wizards, jump over armored spiders, piercing flying birds with arrows that are dropping rocks on your head, rolling under stone walls, and leaping over bottomless pits. You get 4 words at a time to choose from. Typing one word will make you jump, another will make you shoot an arrow, another will make you swing your sword, and another will make you roll. The further you go before inevitably dying, the higher your score becomes.
– Real player with 10.2 hrs in game
Read More: Best Typing Runner Games.
veary cool and fun
– Real player with 6.7 hrs in game
Deep Madness
In Deep Madness you jump deeper and deeper oh yes and even deeper. Spikes on the edge make it difficult for you. Can you dodge the spikes and go deeper than your friends?
● Infinite platforms
● 30+ badass skins
● All the time same music
● Jump down as far as you can
● Leaderboard
Oh yeah and don’t forget:
YOU CAN COLLECT COINS AND YOU CAN DIE!!!! Attention the game can be addictive. You run the risk of starting over again and again to beat the one highscore, over and over again. If you also notice this addiction it is already too late. Just keep playing. Believe me, this is the best for all of us.
Read More: Best Typing 2D Platformer Games.
This a wonderful game that demands more attention. I would sit in a multiplayer match, and wait endlessly, minutes would pass by and no one would join to play a fun little game with me. Much of that, is not the game’s fault, but more so of today’s society and their interests. I don’t think anyone of this newer, more digital native generation is going to sit down and play a typing game. Especially not the adolescents and prepubescent children all right. Maybe adults might, but even they would have to think about work the next day.
– Real player with 18.3 hrs in game
I enjoy this game, played around 5 hours so far. It is very challenging, I find a little frustration with the input, I seem to make more mistakes here than I do places such as typeracer or 10fastfingers. I do however have one suggestion that would make gameplay better, since it’s arranged where we read from a paragraph and enter 1 word at a time when we type, if you could make “ctrl+a” available to highlight the word incase we make a mistake, so that we can just re-type the word instead of having to press Backspace 5x or 6x times in order to correct our mistake, this would be more realistic (since in reality in messengers, writing in notepad, or even on web pages, we can hold Ctrl and press backspace to erase entire words and type them again, and in typeracer and 10fastfingers we are allowed to press “Ctrl+A” to highlight the entire word and re-type a new one instead of using the dreaded and practically useless Backspace. The only time I would prefer using the backspace is if I have made a mistake at the end of a word, in which case, it would make sense to backspace the final 1, 2, or 3 letters instead of highlighting an eight character word just to re-type all 8 characters. I type 139 wpm on 10fastfingers (max wpm) and 183 wpm on typeracer (absolute max). You can view my typing abilities here if you’re questioning the legitimacy of my review. It also needs more willing players in the community to play in multiplayer mode, I usually cannot find a multiplayer match on any typing game on Steam maybe have a give-away and give it away for free through a certain time period to get more active players playing to make things more interesting. If you’re reading this review and interested in playing me, feel free to add me on Steam.
– Real player with 13.0 hrs in game
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
Textorcist pairs typing with typical “bullet hell” mechanics, resulting in a game that is, if nothing else, quite unique. You play an exorcist named Ray who uncovers a demonic conspiracy rooted in the church. Over the course of approx. 10 boss fights, you’ll battle increasingly difficult opponents by hammering out words on your keyboard while simultaneously avoiding projectiles. This results in a real challenge for people who aren’t good at multi-tasking…particularly for those who try to move with one hand and simultaneously type with the other.
– Real player with 12.8 hrs in game
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia:
What is absolutely amazing about the human race is that while we are united in sharing life under the influence of one major element – gravity - we somehow manage to impose three of our own influences that divide us as a race. To me, these three common scourges are flags, politics and religion. They are the three main elements that we humans are always fighting against each other for. In terms of religion, scholars are still debating who wrote the first bible! However, there is one thing that really happened in the 90’s in the Vatican; a demonic outbreak ravished the holy state and a former priest, named Bibbia, Ray Bibbia, came to the rescue. You are about to enter the sensational and wordy (including Latin) journey of The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia.
*– [Real player with 6.2 hrs in game](*

## Gude! Jump n Run
This simple 2D glowing cat game is exactly what I was looking for. Simple, no storyline, just shining cats illuminating the dark and finding butterflies.
The good- easy to play, simple mechanics, very enjoyable.
The bad- There aren't that many levels in this game. You might get at max 6 hours out of the game, but you will smile the whole time.
*– [Real player with 0.9 hrs in game](*
Upon getting this game, I was confronted with an okay-ish platformer with a decent, if rough, control scheme.
Upon getting to the later levels of the game, I was confronted with 'Com(m)ing soon' for one of the levels. I assumed it was labeled such because I needed to collect the collectible butterflies (I was on 38/45 required at the time), but as it turns out, after collecting the butterflies? No, the level is still under construction.
This game has a single piece of music to its soundtrack, no sound effects, and frankly, is INCOMPLETE. While I could forgive the first two issues as being part of the game's style and theme, the incompleteness means I can't possibly recommend this. Nothing indicates that the game lacks all levels. There's no warning on the store page, the game's not in early access, so… what?
*– [Real player with 0.8 hrs in game](*

## Western Press
Western Press is Bandit-1’s first ever game on Steam while it is publisher Surprise Attack’s tenth. This time around they’ve delivered one of the most ingenious games that I have played this year in a gun toting wild west game that will be all over in a matter of seconds. The concept isn’t new it’s the delivery that is. Players – and you can play as a single player against a competitive AI – aim to beat a row of controller presses as quickly as possible. It’s a wild west shoot out as the quickest to ‘draw’ is the winner just as it was back in the days of the wild west partner.
*– [Real player with 12.1 hrs in game](*
Tags: Combat Arena & Smashbroesque
Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library
TLDR: Beatable in one sitting. Eye catching memory game but the couch VS is victim to skills ceiling even with the handicap feature.
Twitch or Memory based duel against bots or local coop. Supports keyboard or Xbox360 pad, good customization on rules for what keys are used. Fair and well executed. Steam workshop for extra stage and character is a nice little extra.
There is a 10 duels single player campaign to get your feet wet. The multiplayer is dead with no servers leaving you stranded with the short lived single player. Thankfully you can also set custom tournaments with bots of varying difficult and appearance for yourself as well for variety, and throw in couch co-op players in there to see who can advance as the grand finalist.
*– [Real player with 4.7 hrs in game](*

## Type Knight
I decided a few months ago that I wanted to learn how to type without looking at the keyboard; I've tried this before, but it's so easy to slip back into bad habits! I can happily say now, thanks to Type Knight and some other typing tools I can type without looking, and pretty quickly too! Type Knight is a super fun typing tool. I found that typing short words in the lower difficulties helped me learn to type those words quicker. By starting small, the daunting task of no-look typing felt a lot more manageable! Normal typing tools always bored me. I've found that by gamify-ing typing, I was working harder to beat my high score and then in turn improve my typing speed and accuracy more than I would have with just a basic 'learn to type' program.
*– [Real player with 12.9 hrs in game](*
Summary: Type Knight is a small but solid typing game with great atmosphere and the ability to import your own scripts for tonnes of replayability. It is a game that any fan of typing games should definitely check out. 8/10
A full detailed video review can be viewed here:
The plot to Type Knight is extremely simple, but throughout the gameplay, there are intervals where light plot progression occurs through small text passages, there being 20 in total. While the plot is nothing complex or massively engaging it is always interesting to see such intervals where the plot does progress as you get insight into the mind of the knight and how his quest is affecting him the further, he progresses.
*– [Real player with 3.5 hrs in game](*

## Typer Hero (打字英雄)
playing the game here:
Full Disclaimer I'm refunding this game because of in game issues. Some of the words have a space before them and in that case no matter what I did I couldn't type the word and couldn't target anything else until the enemy ran into my wall. There was also a word on the first boss with a semi colon even though the whole phrase was red it acted like I didn't type it. The words can also be offscreen a bit when the boss is launching rockets. The game is way too easy the only way you lose is if the game cheats you with above issues.
*– [Real player with 0.5 hrs in game](*

## Words for Evil
Words for Evil - rogue-like word game. With some basic 'RPG' (in terms of Rogue-like) elements and the word-connecting basic gameplay mechanic. The thing I really liked is that the game actually aims to develop your vocabulary, explains things, and instigate, relish the player to continue the journey, open some new characters, new lands, new types of monsters… And new words, of course!
However, there are some itches that stop me from declaring my love for this game worldwide.
First of all, while a rogue-like basis is really suitable for this game, I am well aware that not all players around like such games. I am not too fond of rogue-likes myself, actually. And there we have a combo of two not-so-popular-and-kinda-boring-for-many-people genres, which makes the audience interest even rarer, in big numbers. Negative multiplication, ever heard of such a concept in your lessons of Economics?
*– [Real player with 8.9 hrs in game](*
Ever since this game popped up on the main shop front page as a new game, I was curious. I love word games. Words for Evil did not disappoint at all.
It's a walker type game, and you can quit out anytime from the level and keep the progress you've made. You make your own party out of a number of unlockable heroes, including Santa Claus (who is seriously impressive in a fight)! Essentially you're given one of a number of puzzles, depending on whether you are up against a monster, a chest, or a trap, and you have to do your best at figuring them out. It stimulates the mind, and there are RPG elements as well, such as levelling up and buying gear.
*– [Real player with 6.7 hrs in game](*