Backspace Bouken
To be honest, my teacher told me about the game in computer science, he said the game was really fun and that it also helped you get better at typing. I thought I’d try it out and I personally really enjoy the game. It is good fun and it has definitely helped me improve my typing skills. I would 100% recommend this to anyone who wants to have fun and get better at typing. I bought the game yesterday and I have already played this game alone for over 8 hours. I can’t describe how great of a game this is. I enjoy coming backand trying to get faster times. But what i love most about the game is that if you are speedrunning it, eventhough the game itself is a bit short, you have to spend a long time playing it as you need to fully explore each floor to get sings so you can get spaces. This is what I love most about this game, without spaces, the game would be too easy and you could complete it in 15 minutes, but because spaces exist, you need to collect signs and earn spaces to fight each character otherwise you die. This is probably the only game I could play for long periods of time, that is how much I love this game. Overall, the game is good for speedrunning, learning how to type fast, and having fun. Thanks for such an awesoem game!
– Real player with 32.2 hrs in game
Read More: Best Typing Adventure Games.
Backspace Bouken is okay for what it offers, but without any real elements that would put it aside other games with similar concept. For the IG bundle price I got it for, I’d say it was totally worth the money, but the full price tag is clearly too much to ask for.
The game is really short, you can easily finish it in 4 hours with the latest numb lock expansion, even less for the base game. I can’t say that it’s a bad game, which is why I’m giving it thumbs up, but the game was getting very tedious for me by the end, as the levels are very convoluted and simply hard to navigate, with a lot of backtracking, especially if by any chance you would want to save all NPCs and do something more than just finishing the main story. The severe lack of new mechanics and the fact that the game won’t really surprise you with anything that you haven’t seen in the first few minutes, is also adding to the tediousness and boredom by the end.
– Real player with 5.9 hrs in game
Typing Incremental
This is a really really good typing tool; it lets you type at your own pace without a time limit, or fail state like other typing games have, so it’s easy to focus specifically on the elements of typing itself, and not have it get tossed to the wayside/overshadowed by other game elements happening. The ‘gradual upgrade’ progression that this has gives it the same kind of feeling like a clicker/idle game such as Cookie Clicker can give as well, and can make it easy to sink time into and focus on. I finished the first 1,000 words in one sitting, and after I was done, I genuinely felt this weird as hell (but satisfying) tingly sensation in my left hand, where the tendon controlling my pinkie and ring finger is, similar to the kind of feeling you’d get after a good workout or something. No other typing game I’ve played has resulted in anything like that. I would have played up to the 2,000 word count as well, but I genuinely physically couldn’t continue without my WPM plummeting to a snail’s pace. This game’s gonna get my left wrist swole AF 💪.
– Real player with 4.0 hrs in game
Read More: Best Typing Free to Play Games.
Great game for typing practice!
Noticed a bug where if you buy the upgrade increasing max letters for the 13th time, while having your mouse on that button to see the detailed information, the details wouldn’t disappear even though the upgrade button is gone.
Also could you please make it so that the game doesn’t make it so that the list progress resets when you just want to know what prestige upgrades there are? I lost 2 list progress and now have to start from step 1 all over again.
– Real player with 2.6 hrs in game
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
I knew about Epistory before it was put in Early Access because Pedago-tic ASBL (I work there) happened to be among those who organized a game jam in Belgium, with Fishing Cactus. So, I heard about Epistory at that time and waited for the release.
Unfortunately, real life got in the way and I only bought the game during the last Winter Sales. I’m testing it now and writing a review.
Epistory is a game where you’re a young girl on a giant fox, without memories, until she realizes that something bad will happen and that she will be the one that will restore the world around her.
– Real player with 47.7 hrs in game
Read More: Best Typing Adventure Games.
Epistory - Typing Chronicles is the gamer’s dream program for practicing touch typing or for improving typing in general. The game does not teach from the ground up, so this is not to teach the player how to type, but it certainly does a good job in keeping the player typing when playing.
This is a RPG game in a typing format. The background story is that a fictional writer is having some writer’s block, and you are her muse. You control the young girl riding a red fox and traverse the world to help the writer find her inspiration. As you move around, lines from the writer show up. Sometimes she write something good, sometimes bad. Sometimes she questions herself, and it all gets imprinted onto the world that you are walking around in. You help out the writer by collecting fragments and inspiration points.
– Real player with 18.3 hrs in game
Falling words
Well, definitely something I’d never recommend.
I’ve always been in love with games involving typing, I’ve been one of Europe’s fastest keyboard typer in my teens and I’m very proud of this being the only skill I’ve always had in my entire life.
This said, there are lots of typing games and most of them unfortunately, when analyzed and played, show actually to be the same thing: words falling down or popping up on the screen, and you’ve got to type them before they fall.
This game plus has some kind of achievement bug that makes the achievements unlock only after you close it, but that’s not so important.
– Real player with 13.3 hrs in game
I like these types of games. I like the skill required to play them. It’s nice that the game keeps track of stats and has leaderboards for each skill level.
However, I agree with others. The font leaves much to be desired. It is too hard at times to tell letters apart, especially when things are moving quickly.
As far as not recognizing keyboard presses, it appears that some of the words require capital letters, but there is no indication that the letters need to be entered in capitalized. The words I have found that require capital letters are Europe, Monday, April, August, Russia, European, and TV. Adding some indication that these should be capitalized would greatly enhance the playing experience.
– Real player with 5.2 hrs in game
My Typing Skill
This game is very well made. The graphics are smooth and the music is great. It would be lovely if the Training Mode had a way to measure your WPM. The Asteroid Mode is perfect, and the increasing speed makes for a great challenge. The Alien Mode is fun, but way too short–multiple levels would have been nice, or perhaps each time you play, the map layout and enemies change. All in all, it’s fun and has the potential to be even moreso.
– Real player with 4.2 hrs in game
Excellent game to type with ten fingers and smash things at the same time.
For the first time in human history, you can use this skill for the good of mankind.
With the strange scenarios there is much motivation to become a typing expert.
One of the games I would recommend even my own children, if I had any =D
Thanks Mr. RewindApp :) You got interesting little games.
– Real player with 1.0 hrs in game
🔲 My 90 year old grandma could play it
🔲 Easy
🔲 Normal
✅ Hard
🔲 Dark Souls
🔲 MS Paint
🔲 Bad
🔲 Meh
✅ Graphics don’t matter in this game
🔲 Good
🔲 Beautiful
🔲 Masterpiece
🔲 Bad
✅ Not special
🔲 Good
🔲 Beautiful
✅ This game has no story
🔲 Like playing Temple Runners for the story
🔲 It’s there for the people who want it
🔲 Well written
🔲 Epic story
🔲 Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
– Real player with 4.4 hrs in game
It is quite good and nice for the price.
There are quite a few modes to try out and mix up the typing.
There are a few fonts to choose from.
No way to customise the font other than the few fonts available.
The settings do not save after closing the app.
I would recommend it for trying to type faster, while having the experience be a bit more interesting than the online racers, that make you type out a block of text. Please add the ability to customise font and add comic sans as one of the presets for fonts.
– Real player with 2.0 hrs in game
Type Up
so i have play this Type Up game and i think my typing skills improved, i would very recommend buying this game if you want typing challenge and like growth at the same time than this is the game for you. The Dav did a good work on Type Up but there is only few things that need to be add to the game like spending more points because almost have 27 points and i max out everything so is kind of pointless playing the game besides typing that really it, can’t wait to see the next update if there is a update to the game.
– Real player with 1.9 hrs in game
Written for 1561’s Thoughts - Honest reviews, for busy people.
Type Up is a simple typing game where your score increases the size of your character. The UI is rather low quality, and the game loses all of your settings whenever you finish a round. 4/10
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
Textorcist pairs typing with typical “bullet hell” mechanics, resulting in a game that is, if nothing else, quite unique. You play an exorcist named Ray who uncovers a demonic conspiracy rooted in the church. Over the course of approx. 10 boss fights, you’ll battle increasingly difficult opponents by hammering out words on your keyboard while simultaneously avoiding projectiles. This results in a real challenge for people who aren’t good at multi-tasking…particularly for those who try to move with one hand and simultaneously type with the other.
– Real player with 12.8 hrs in game
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia:
What is absolutely amazing about the human race is that while we are united in sharing life under the influence of one major element – gravity - we somehow manage to impose three of our own influences that divide us as a race. To me, these three common scourges are flags, politics and religion. They are the three main elements that we humans are always fighting against each other for. In terms of religion, scholars are still debating who wrote the first bible! However, there is one thing that really happened in the 90’s in the Vatican; a demonic outbreak ravished the holy state and a former priest, named Bibbia, Ray Bibbia, came to the rescue. You are about to enter the sensational and wordy (including Latin) journey of The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia.
*– [Real player with 6.2 hrs in game](*

## Western Press
Western Press is Bandit-1’s first ever game on Steam while it is publisher Surprise Attack’s tenth. This time around they’ve delivered one of the most ingenious games that I have played this year in a gun toting wild west game that will be all over in a matter of seconds. The concept isn’t new it’s the delivery that is. Players – and you can play as a single player against a competitive AI – aim to beat a row of controller presses as quickly as possible. It’s a wild west shoot out as the quickest to ‘draw’ is the winner just as it was back in the days of the wild west partner.
*– [Real player with 12.1 hrs in game](*
Tags: Combat Arena & Smashbroesque
Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library
TLDR: Beatable in one sitting. Eye catching memory game but the couch VS is victim to skills ceiling even with the handicap feature.
Twitch or Memory based duel against bots or local coop. Supports keyboard or Xbox360 pad, good customization on rules for what keys are used. Fair and well executed. Steam workshop for extra stage and character is a nice little extra.
There is a 10 duels single player campaign to get your feet wet. The multiplayer is dead with no servers leaving you stranded with the short lived single player. Thankfully you can also set custom tournaments with bots of varying difficult and appearance for yourself as well for variety, and throw in couch co-op players in there to see who can advance as the grand finalist.
*– [Real player with 4.7 hrs in game](*

## Writers
This a wonderful game that demands more attention. I would sit in a multiplayer match, and wait endlessly, minutes would pass by and no one would join to play a fun little game with me. Much of that, is not the game's fault, but more so of today's society and their interests. I don't think anyone of this newer, more digital native generation is going to sit down and play a typing game. Especially not the adolescents and prepubescent children all right. Maybe adults might, but even they would have to think about work the next day.
*– [Real player with 18.3 hrs in game](*
I enjoy this game, played around 5 hours so far. It is very challenging, I find a little frustration with the input, I seem to make more mistakes here than I do places such as typeracer or 10fastfingers. I do however have one suggestion that would make gameplay better, since it's arranged where we read from a paragraph and enter 1 word at a time when we type, if you could make "ctrl+a" available to highlight the word incase we make a mistake, so that we can just re-type the word instead of having to press Backspace 5x or 6x times in order to correct our mistake, this would be more realistic (since in reality in messengers, writing in notepad, or even on web pages, we can hold Ctrl and press backspace to erase entire words and type them again, and in typeracer and 10fastfingers we are allowed to press "Ctrl+A" to highlight the entire word and re-type a new one instead of using the dreaded and practically useless Backspace. The only time I would prefer using the backspace is if I have made a mistake at the end of a word, in which case, it would make sense to backspace the final 1, 2, or 3 letters instead of highlighting an eight character word just to re-type all 8 characters. I type 139 wpm on 10fastfingers (max wpm) and 183 wpm on typeracer (absolute max). You can view my typing abilities here if you're questioning the legitimacy of my review. It also needs more willing players in the community to play in multiplayer mode, I usually cannot find a multiplayer match on any typing game on Steam maybe have a give-away and give it away for free through a certain time period to get more active players playing to make things more interesting. If you're reading this review and interested in playing me, feel free to add me on Steam.
*– [Real player with 13.0 hrs in game](*