Dead Letter Dept.

Dead Letter Dept.

After moving to the big city, you got yourself an apartment, and secured a temp data entry job- just to keep you afloat till something better comes along. Your official title is a Data Conversion Operator, but you’re really more like a warm body who types up all the junk computers still can’t read.

DAY TO DAY, you go to work & process the images displayed on your terminal, and type up whatever text is in front of you. Whatever can be made out, that is. Letters and lost mail, some mangled and twisted, that have travelled from place to place with nowhere else to go. Sometimes the mail you receive is a little strange. Sometimes, it feels like it’s talking to you directly through the screen.

DEAD LETTER DEPT. is a short horror game mystery experience, where you use your computer keyboard to type in various prompts, and attempt to decipher damaged images as oddities begin to appear.

Mouse & Keyboard are REQUIRED.

A keyboard with Function Keys and Control Keys (Insert, Page Up/Page Down) is strongly recommended.

M̶O̶R̶E̶ ̶T̶O̶ ̶C̶O̶M̶E̶…

Read More: Best Typing Stylized Games.

Dead Letter Dept. on Steam

Heartbeat: Regret

Heartbeat: Regret

I would not recommend this game as a horror game. I feel like it has a lot of potential as a horror game but due to the frustration of movement. The game losses any sort of suspense and is replaced by frustration. Some people have mentioned that the lack of a tutorial was an added challenge; I didn’t find this to be true for myself. However I did find a lot of difficultly reading the text. As well as finding the tempo for the movement difficult especially at slower tempos.

The text being hard to read is not a huge problem as the text is read out loud and I got used to it over time. Though for people that are better at spelling than me I’m sure this is even less of an issue if it is an issue at all. Though for the issue of movement the tempo is very hard to find. I died severely times just trying to move around the areas and spent a bunch of time sitting in one spot just waiting for the heartbeat to go down. This made it very frustrating when most of my time is either spent sitting around waiting to be able to move without dying or trying to get back to a point that was right before I got killed just to march into death again. For as long as it takes to move around the areas you just lose anything that makes it scary. Honestly the most scary thing about it was how I was about to pick up my keyboard and chuck it across the room in frustration.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Short Games.

An extremely unique idea! Never thought I would have typing horror and rythm in the same game! I love it! A little bit of trouble with instructions and knowing what to a couple times, but the incredible sound design makes up for it. I’ll be playing this for a while I can already tell

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Heartbeat: Regret on Steam



Chimpology is a retro pixel button mashing game where you must hit the keys corresponding to “1” and “0” in sequence. Get the numbers right and you can progress. Enough mistakes and you lose. For some reason they decided that despite having “0” and “1” keys on your keyboard, they should be “z” and “m” because apparently these guys never saw a keyboard before.

There’s no other gameplay to speak of here. Graphics are ugly. The developers seem to have put more effort into explaining why their terrible game works the way it does (chimpanzees or something) than actually developing a game people might enjoy. Totally not worth $3.

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Arcade Games.


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Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Chimpology on Steam

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

To start, I’ll answer the question I don’t see many reviews covering: Yes, this game can help you improve your typing, assuming you know your fundamentals (homerow concept, finger placement, etc.). I don’t see it going over very well if you don’t know the basics, but if you do it can be a pretty effective tool, even if it wasn’t exactly designed for this purpose.

I wasn’t a very good typist when I started. I tested myself online after my first game session and was around 18 wpm with frequent glances at the keyboard. I’ve treated playing the game like lessons, set periods on a schedule. I usually play 3 chapters a weeknight, which equals about an hour to an hour and a half long sessions. I started on the lowest difficulty and worked my way up. As I said, this game isn’t exactly designed as a teaching tool. If you suck at typing, you die a lot. I was dying as much as a dozen times a stage early on. You’ll pretty much have to ignore scoring at this point and just focus on progressing.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

“WHAT THE FUNK” had to start the review with that phrase from the game it just sum’s it all up really.

OMG I really cant explain in word’s just how funny this game actually is and all the grind house reference’s are easy to see from the grainy camera and bad voice acting to the terrible script its all part of what make’s this game what it is and that put simply in one word is……….AWESOME!!

House of the Dead : Overkill - Story Trailer - YouTube

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill on Steam

The Door Of Redemption

The Door Of Redemption

very poor english translation. many of the features that drew me to this arent implimented. and the syntax and command structure are counter intuitive. ive played many text adventures and this one just feels weird. i like the idea of using wasd for easy navigation but the commands for everything else just feels wrong, and isnt enjoyable for me. instead of “get box” or “look at picture” you have to type it out as ‘Get’ [enter] ‘Box] or ‘look’ [enter] ‘picture’. its an extra layer of tedium. and that coupled with the poor translation, and the use of characters that a pc anywhere out of japan wont have in the font banks, i just cant get my head around of it. having a map of the shape of the room is really what got me to buy this, but it uses messy characters, and no color variation between you, items and walls, so it just looks like nonsense.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

The Door Of Redemption on Steam



I didn’t expect much from a text game, but to my surprise, it’s one of the most enjoyable narrative games that I played in months - I would even suggest using headphones because the sound design is just so good. The trailer does not give the game justice, I think it’s very atmospheric and even haunting to some extent, it just has that foreboding feel when you play it. It only has about 40 minutes of content for one playthrough, not counting multiple endings, so it’s closer to 2 hours for completion. The way the game tells a story is very creative as you have to help people by conveying their thoughts into letters. The characters will present you with multiple words, and you have to type the most appropriate one within the context. If you want, you can screw up on purpose and get some funny responses, which may result in a different ending. In a way, the game kind of checks your vocabulary, it starts easy, but some of the characters will talk in poems and metaphors – I didn’t get it on a first try.I am not an authority on writing, English is not even my first language, but I thought the narrative was exceptionally good, and it kept me engaged the whole way.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Full article with images and proper formatting:


I really had a lot of fun while playing Inkslinger. You don’t often see a game which not only has an interesting story, but also a great graphical style and unique gameplay. It is really a hidden diamond amongst indie games. Though I’m fully aware that this game will not be a good fit for the average gamer, if you don’t mind a slower paced story-driven game, definitely give it a try.

The only downside of the game is that it’s very short. For my first playthrough it took me only about 50 minutes to complete the entire game, and that was with carefully reading everything and trying out different options as answers. The game does encourage you to play through it multiple times, but it would have been nice to see the story being altered a bit depending on the choices the player makes.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Inkslinger on Steam



If anybody can hear me, please respond.

_I am a sole survivor of the liberty, a long range scout ship on a mission to discover the cause of a spacial anomaly on the edge of this system. My crew is missing and had to re-purpose some drones to make repairs.

Everything that could go wrong has, I have limited fuel, limited resources and have had to resort to explore this sector to look for supplies.

Things turned from bad to worse when I realized that every ship and base I have discovered has turned up empty. No life, nobody. Nothing except some extra scrap and some upgrades I used to further my search._

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

So, you wanted to get scared. You wanted to play a horror game. Perhaps a survival rogue-like one? Forget your run-of-the-mill jump scare games, monsters, aliens and other nasties. Duskers will make you fear mere sounds of the ship you’ve docked at creaking, shudder at seeing flashing red doors and jump at simple beeps of your console.

The atmosphere of the game has to be applauded over and over. The graphical nature is simple yet complex. Simple in terms of the console view where you can see the location of your drones, the layout of the ship, the state of its doors and so on. This part is logically clean and very un-Hollywood like, where terminals will be more graphically impressive than any operating system yet look a fraction as useful. The console, coupled with the ambient rumbling of your ship’s engines as well as various blips and blops, will reinforce the feeling of isolation. The feeling that you are truly alone in the cold vastness of space, desperately trying to keep your aging ship and failing drones to keep going as you attempt to figure out just what has happened to everyone.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Duskers on Steam

Buddy Simulator 1984

Buddy Simulator 1984


*Potato laptop aproved.

*Takes about 5hours to complete.

*Fun and interesting characters.

*Spooks that don’t make you shit your pants but give you that nice adrenaline rush.

*Interesting endings.


*Takes a long time to get all of the endings.

*Can’t skip dialog.

*When you replay the game it’s really repetetive and only the endings are different.

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

This has easily been the best experience I’ve had playing a game

I can’t recommend it enough

It’s really short, first run will probably be like maybe 6 hours

And after that, you can easily finish it in 3

Go into this game as blind as you can

It’s much more than a text adventure game

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Buddy Simulator 1984 on Steam

Spooky Typing: The Ghost Plague

Spooky Typing: The Ghost Plague

The game is challenging but really fun once you understanding the core mechanic! That’s a solid typing game! The graphics and sound effect are on point! Recommended!

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Another great typing game from Sensen Games. Really simple, but with a good soundtrack and design. A couple of hours of great entertainment, totally worth the price!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Spooky Typing: The Ghost Plague on Steam




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