🔲 My 90 year old grandma could play it

🔲 Easy

🔲 Normal

✅ Hard

🔲 Dark Souls


🔲 MS Paint

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

✅ Graphics don’t matter in this game

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful

🔲 Masterpiece


🔲 Bad

✅ Not special

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful



✅ This game has no story

🔲 Like playing Temple Runners for the story

🔲 It’s there for the people who want it

🔲 Well written

🔲 Epic story

🔲 Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Indie Games.


It is quite good and nice for the price.

There are quite a few modes to try out and mix up the typing.

There are a few fonts to choose from.


No way to customise the font other than the few fonts available.

The settings do not save after closing the app.


I would recommend it for trying to type faster, while having the experience be a bit more interesting than the online racers, that make you type out a block of text. Please add the ability to customise font and add comic sans as one of the presets for fonts.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

TEXT on Steam

Touch Typing Home Row Speed Grinder

Touch Typing Home Row Speed Grinder


Check out the several pre-created DLC’s available for this game, these skins give it a completely different feel.

I have verification videos above posted before the actual Onboard Lesson previews of the keyboard where I have typed on the well-known sites, Typeracer and 10fastfingers to prove my Typing Speed is legit. (Note: Anyone can type on these sites for free without buying the keyboard, just google them They’re great fun and a nice productive place to test your typing speed!) My Keyboard is compatible with multiple windows programs and not just with the onboard lessons that it comes with.

Are you faster than me? There’s one way to find out, come see & Type with me on the weekends (First to 10 wins).

I invite all to compete with me. — “Visit the Website” on the right side of this page to go to the Discord.

This is part of the onboard lessons that comes with the onscreen keyboard. I believe that everyone has the ability to type 90+ WPM, if they are trained using the correct method of Typing. Most Typing Instructors Neglect “Key Rollovers”, and don’t even mention them to their students.

What is Key Rollovers

Key Rollover is performed when 2 or more keys are pressed down simultaneously just milliseconds apart without lifting the previous key.

In a word like “land” All letters can be pressed down together and even held. If you hold them it will spell, “landddddd” If you held them down in the right order since the last key is repeated.

I transformed my Standard Touch Typing Skills with my onscreen keyboard that I developed using, the “Key Rollover” Method to help me soar above the 60 W.P.M. (Words per Minute) expectations that I was originally told was for successful Typing Students.

My Onscreen Keyboard comes with a wordlist broken down in motions, which encourages Key Rollover Training for around 1,000 Common English Words, 0/9 Numerical Keys, and Syllable Training, which contain Common Syllables that are found in over 5,000 common English words. I have also included the “grind software” which has a list of 100 names, some which are very difficult to type, it’s sure to help your accuracy if you practice using the practice methods contained within this program.

Why do we need to know Syllables in Typing? If you are familiar with the Syllable inside of a Word that is not in your Vocabulary then you can type the Syllables that make up the word instead, this will speed up your typing speed dramatically vs. writing each individual Keystroke as you see them, because it increases the speed at which you can process the word.

Do you want to be within the top 1% of Typists in the world also? Being able to Type at a speed of 108/126 W.P.M. for an entire minute is something only 1% of all Typists can do. In order to do this, you must train the correct way.

You will need to practice reading ahead of what you’re typing as well as following the “key rollover” training mindset everytime you sit down to type.

I will share some techniques, and secrets which will help you to improve your speed drastically.

Do you have a busy schedule? You will also get my Onscreen Keyboard App for Windows Xp, 7, Vista, 8, and 10. That I have developed to help people increase their speed at their own pace.

This Onscreen Keyboard is compatible with nearly every windows program, browsers, that can be run in windowed mode along side of it. You can practice good Touch Typing form while writing your e-mails, web browsing, playing games, or writing stories. It will monitor your Keystroke Speed, and it Displays the WPM result back to you in real-time every 5 seconds so you can keep an eye on your raw “5 Second Speed Burst” as you press them.

The Keyboard App has been created to help make everything easier for you while developing your typing skills and letting you type at your own pace.

Even while you are not typing, you can review which keys are for which fingers because it’s all color-coded.

Who this course is for:

People who want to be more productive, who want to learn how to Touch Type using the correct method using all 9 fingers without having to look at there keyboards.

Developers who wish to type faster, get projects done faster, and be more productive without constantly having to look down at their Keyboards.

Command Prompt, Pentesting, Hacking Enthusiasts who wish to increase their Keyboarding Speed.

People who spend a lot of time on Computers.

Researchers, imagine how many hours you can save while researching, and how much more Data You can Collect if you could type 3x faster than the Average 40 WPM that most Users Type!

That’s all… Join Me You Keyboard Warrior.

Read More: Best Typing Strategy Games.

Touch Typing Home Row Speed Grinder on Steam

Type Up

Type Up

so i have play this Type Up game and i think my typing skills improved, i would very recommend buying this game if you want typing challenge and like growth at the same time than this is the game for you. The Dav did a good work on Type Up but there is only few things that need to be add to the game like spending more points because almost have 27 points and i max out everything so is kind of pointless playing the game besides typing that really it, can’t wait to see the next update if there is a update to the game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Indie Games.

Written for 1561’s Thoughts - Honest reviews, for busy people.

Type Up is a simple typing game where your score increases the size of your character. The UI is rather low quality, and the game loses all of your settings whenever you finish a round. 4/10


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Type Up on Steam

Type Fighter

Type Fighter

**EDIT: I saw the review from 2019 saying the typing is buggy by overlapping with other words you could type, and I’ve never experienced this bug on any of the computers I’ve played this on. I’m pretty confident that this bug must have been fixed before I started playing.

Super hard but fun 2D-sprite infinite runner game where you’re typing to kill fireball wizards, jump over armored spiders, piercing flying birds with arrows that are dropping rocks on your head, rolling under stone walls, and leaping over bottomless pits. You get 4 words at a time to choose from. Typing one word will make you jump, another will make you shoot an arrow, another will make you swing your sword, and another will make you roll. The further you go before inevitably dying, the higher your score becomes.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

veary cool and fun

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Type Fighter on Steam

Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!

Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!

Updated for v0.95/1.0 in comments

While Cook, Serve, Delicious! was already one of my favourite games, small things about it left me wanting more. The food options were very limited, there was little variation between days, and progression boiled down to how many days you completed rather than your skill. Despite that, CSD! is so unique that it’s hard to find other games like it.

I was incredibly hyped for Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! prior to release, but was put off by the changes to the formula. Recipes couldn’t be carried out rapid-fire if you remembered the keys, you had to press a key to go to the next page of steps. The menus and level select were obtuse to the point where I had to click blindly to navigate. The preset menus of the restaurants were brilliant as scripted level sequences, but made it difficult to justify working in my own restaurant when that contract work felt like the ‘real game’. Unlocking new foods felt incredibly slow. Serving more customers faster than ever was problematised by the need to still hit specific keys to start and serve orders, and that speed made slip ups way more common. The continuation of chores didn’t mesh with the new rapidity. Customising the restaurant was cool but I was also inundated with cosmetic unlocks I didn’t feel like using because, again, I didn’t feel compelled to work in my own restaurant. I return to CSD frequently, but CSD2 felt like experiencing Icarus flying too close to the sun.

Real player with 145.9 hrs in game

I’ve played the first two CSD games and I love the first one. The second was okay, but lacking in terms of charm and progression. This game, however, blows both of them away, and it’s still in Early Access!

CSD 3 manages to keep the strengths of the first two games while avoiding their weaknesses. The first game was great because you were always working to become a top restaurant. Although you no longer have one in CSD3, your new goal is to travel through all the territories to Nashville and also upgrade your food truck to the ultimate cooking machine. Eventually there will be options to customize your truck but these are not in the game yet.

Real player with 141.2 hrs in game

Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! on Steam