

If anybody can hear me, please respond.

_I am a sole survivor of the liberty, a long range scout ship on a mission to discover the cause of a spacial anomaly on the edge of this system. My crew is missing and had to re-purpose some drones to make repairs.

Everything that could go wrong has, I have limited fuel, limited resources and have had to resort to explore this sector to look for supplies.

Things turned from bad to worse when I realized that every ship and base I have discovered has turned up empty. No life, nobody. Nothing except some extra scrap and some upgrades I used to further my search._

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Roguelite Games.


So, you wanted to get scared. You wanted to play a horror game. Perhaps a survival rogue-like one? Forget your run-of-the-mill jump scare games, monsters, aliens and other nasties. Duskers will make you fear mere sounds of the ship you’ve docked at creaking, shudder at seeing flashing red doors and jump at simple beeps of your console.

The atmosphere of the game has to be applauded over and over. The graphical nature is simple yet complex. Simple in terms of the console view where you can see the location of your drones, the layout of the ship, the state of its doors and so on. This part is logically clean and very un-Hollywood like, where terminals will be more graphically impressive than any operating system yet look a fraction as useful. The console, coupled with the ambient rumbling of your ship’s engines as well as various blips and blops, will reinforce the feeling of isolation. The feeling that you are truly alone in the cold vastness of space, desperately trying to keep your aging ship and failing drones to keep going as you attempt to figure out just what has happened to everyone.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Duskers on Steam

Nanotale - Typing Chronicles

Nanotale - Typing Chronicles

I am reviewing this as of May 8, 2020; the game is still in Early Access and is not complete!

Coming directly from Epistory, the movement controls are very different than what I had become accustomed to in Epistory. The great news is that you can customize your controls to suit your needs, which I promptly did. I don’t have the list on hand at the moment but if you would like the Epistory control key mapping, let me know and I’ll pull it up!

The story itself is engaging and the initial tutorial stage lets you learn quickly without too much info-dumping. I will say that all the lore tidbits in Nanotale are very interesting and flesh out the world well.

Real player with 41.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Adventure Games.

(Long review incoming – apologies! tl;dr: I like Epistory more, but this is well worth checking out regardless. Note that my playtime here is quite artificially inflated. I’d accidentally left the game running more than once, so this is not the time required to finish the game.)

It would have been easy for Fishing Cactus to rest on their laurels and put out a game that was effectively Epistory 2, but instead they took a gamble and struck off in some new directions for Nanotale. It’s a bold move, especially in a market where typing games are infrequent at best. The result is a game which, despite sharing a lot of DNA with Epistory, ends up feeling quite a bit different. For me, the changes are a mixed bag (and I have to admit I prefer Epistory), but I’d definitely recommend the game regardless.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Nanotale - Typing Chronicles on Steam

Epistory - Typing Chronicles

Epistory - Typing Chronicles


I knew about Epistory before it was put in Early Access because Pedago-tic ASBL (I work there) happened to be among those who organized a game jam in Belgium, with Fishing Cactus. So, I heard about Epistory at that time and waited for the release.

Unfortunately, real life got in the way and I only bought the game during the last Winter Sales. I’m testing it now and writing a review.

Epistory is a game where you’re a young girl on a giant fox, without memories, until she realizes that something bad will happen and that she will be the one that will restore the world around her.

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Adventure Games.

Epistory - Typing Chronicles is the gamer’s dream program for practicing touch typing or for improving typing in general. The game does not teach from the ground up, so this is not to teach the player how to type, but it certainly does a good job in keeping the player typing when playing.

This is a RPG game in a typing format. The background story is that a fictional writer is having some writer’s block, and you are her muse. You control the young girl riding a red fox and traverse the world to help the writer find her inspiration. As you move around, lines from the writer show up. Sometimes she write something good, sometimes bad. Sometimes she questions herself, and it all gets imprinted onto the world that you are walking around in. You help out the writer by collecting fragments and inspiration points.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Epistory - Typing Chronicles on Steam

Black Sun

Black Sun

In this game, you fly a space ship through an open world. Your sidekick is an AI assistant who understands your text-written commands and helps you to steer the ship, survive heavy space combat or to find the next gas station.

"Space is a terrible place. The kidnapping of my brother and the Captain’s death didn’t make it easier. Thank god, there is Hopper."

You play Eli, a young man stranded on the antique star freighter Lucky Beggar. You don’t like space yet here you are.


  • Text freely in natural language with your AI assistant Hopper: let her fly the ship, get her help during combat or ask for a market analysis to maximise your trading profit. She knows a lot - including terrible space jokes.

  • A large 2D open-world universe containing numerous solar systems, space stations and ships to discover. Large means astronomical and impossible-to-fly-through. Be grateful if the jump engine works properly.

  • Find your kidnapped brother while making interstellar friends and enemies. An over 5-hours long cinematic storyline is waiting for you!

  • Enjoy epic space battles with hundreds of ships.

  • You decide how you pay the bills for fuel and supplies: be a smart trader, solve rewarding quests or take missions from shady people in the space pub.

  • Your ship is a temple. Repair it, get upgrades and don’t fly it into asteroid fields. Those dents stay.

  • Put on the headphones, fasten your seat belt and relax: one hour of orchestral soundtrack - originally composed just for this game!

  • Modding encouraged! Most of the game’s content is freely changeable by using a beginner-friendly script language and images. Add your own quests, ships or places. Teach new commands to the AI assistant.

Black Sun on Steam

Project DeepWeb

Project DeepWeb

bit of a brain teaser and im stuck, but im sufficiently intrigued to try and figure it out

update: i finished the game, would definitely recommend

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Very good game, full of difficult puzzles.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Project DeepWeb on Steam

ABC Flappy

ABC Flappy

This is an educational game. It was designed to literate children in a fun and interesting way. Learn how to spell and assemble words to unlock prizes. You can trace and colour the letters of the alphabet too. Swoop deeply into this amazing adventure alongside Albert, the eager for knowledge bird, flying through the many levels to save his silly friends while learning the alphabet and the very first rules of grammar.

One thing is for granted : You will not get to the end of this journey without learning how to write and read !

ABC Flappy on Steam

WordKiller: Revolution

WordKiller: Revolution

Wonderful game, I wish there were more cutscenes, and an ending cutscene. However, I found this game pleasantly and frustratingly challenging for the 6 hours it took me to beat in in United States Language. Thanks for creating a challenging game that kept me entertained, it required both speed and strategy in order to get through the final level. I barely made it through and I can type the following stats below:

143 wpm on 10fastfingers

120 average on typeracer with a pb for a small ghosted quote of 217 unlagged speed.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

TL;DR: Do NOT buy this. The game steals content from other sources and is the bare minimum effort in pumping out a “game” to put on Steam.

WordKiller: Revolution is a game that existed on Steam for 2 years prior to this release as… Word Killer: Revolution. I can only presume the reason was to get rid of the “Mixed” score, because it sure wasn’t the blatant content theft that this game has taken part in since the beginning. The in-game music is “Stalker” from Duke Nukem 3D, except it’s the shitty sounding variant you hear on the pinball machines in Duke Nukem Forever, and the death and victory tunes being tracks from DNF as well.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

WordKiller: Revolution on Steam

Backspace Bouken

Backspace Bouken

To be honest, my teacher told me about the game in computer science, he said the game was really fun and that it also helped you get better at typing. I thought I’d try it out and I personally really enjoy the game. It is good fun and it has definitely helped me improve my typing skills. I would 100% recommend this to anyone who wants to have fun and get better at typing. I bought the game yesterday and I have already played this game alone for over 8 hours. I can’t describe how great of a game this is. I enjoy coming backand trying to get faster times. But what i love most about the game is that if you are speedrunning it, eventhough the game itself is a bit short, you have to spend a long time playing it as you need to fully explore each floor to get sings so you can get spaces. This is what I love most about this game, without spaces, the game would be too easy and you could complete it in 15 minutes, but because spaces exist, you need to collect signs and earn spaces to fight each character otherwise you die. This is probably the only game I could play for long periods of time, that is how much I love this game. Overall, the game is good for speedrunning, learning how to type fast, and having fun. Thanks for such an awesoem game!

Real player with 32.2 hrs in game

Backspace Bouken is okay for what it offers, but without any real elements that would put it aside other games with similar concept. For the IG bundle price I got it for, I’d say it was totally worth the money, but the full price tag is clearly too much to ask for.

The game is really short, you can easily finish it in 4 hours with the latest numb lock expansion, even less for the base game. I can’t say that it’s a bad game, which is why I’m giving it thumbs up, but the game was getting very tedious for me by the end, as the levels are very convoluted and simply hard to navigate, with a lot of backtracking, especially if by any chance you would want to save all NPCs and do something more than just finishing the main story. The severe lack of new mechanics and the fact that the game won’t really surprise you with anything that you haven’t seen in the first few minutes, is also adding to the tediousness and boredom by the end.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Backspace Bouken on Steam

The Graffiti Creator

The Graffiti Creator

In The Graffiti Creator you can make your own graffiti designs.

Choose different fonts, color schemes, backdrops and more. There’s a ton of tools to make your artwork as realistic as possible. Endless design possibilities.

When you’re happy with your design you can save it and print/publish it online and show your friends.

All artworks made by MindGem, a professional full-time graffiti artist of 25 years.

The Graffiti Creator on Steam

The Trial

The Trial

_“Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K.,

he knew he had done nothing wrong but, one morning,

he was arrested."_

Franz Kafka’s “The Trial”

Story about life, choices and a Man vs the System.

This unique literature, even after 100 years is still up to date.

Brought to You in 70s & 80s text-adventure games style.

The Trial - is a first interactive book in our upcoming series of literature adaptations for Personal Computers.

Main features:

  • Explore the Great Literature Your own way!

  • Text-Adventure is back - reminiscence of Classic Gaming from the 70s & 80s.

  • Illustrations - unique monochromatic pixel art illustrations.

  • Great form of Education - different approach to books for people of all age.

  • Focus on Original Text - adaptation uses original text, treating it with respect.

  • Voice Control - speech recognition and lector.

  • Automatic Lector - on or off - as You choose.

  • Multiple language versions - learn languages using literature.

  • Choose between monochromatic display colors - classic black and white, green or retro amber.

It’s the first book in Interactive Literature Adaptation series.

More information on The Trial and Next Adaptation - Coming Soon.

All the best!

The Trial on Steam