Type Knight

Type Knight

I decided a few months ago that I wanted to learn how to type without looking at the keyboard; I’ve tried this before, but it’s so easy to slip back into bad habits! I can happily say now, thanks to Type Knight and some other typing tools I can type without looking, and pretty quickly too! Type Knight is a super fun typing tool. I found that typing short words in the lower difficulties helped me learn to type those words quicker. By starting small, the daunting task of no-look typing felt a lot more manageable! Normal typing tools always bored me. I’ve found that by gamify-ing typing, I was working harder to beat my high score and then in turn improve my typing speed and accuracy more than I would have with just a basic ‘learn to type’ program.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Arcade Games.

Summary: Type Knight is a small but solid typing game with great atmosphere and the ability to import your own scripts for tonnes of replayability. It is a game that any fan of typing games should definitely check out. 8/10

A full detailed video review can be viewed here:



The plot to Type Knight is extremely simple, but throughout the gameplay, there are intervals where light plot progression occurs through small text passages, there being 20 in total. While the plot is nothing complex or massively engaging it is always interesting to see such intervals where the plot does progress as you get insight into the mind of the knight and how his quest is affecting him the further, he progresses.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Type Knight on Steam

Epistory - Typing Chronicles

Epistory - Typing Chronicles


I knew about Epistory before it was put in Early Access because Pedago-tic ASBL (I work there) happened to be among those who organized a game jam in Belgium, with Fishing Cactus. So, I heard about Epistory at that time and waited for the release.

Unfortunately, real life got in the way and I only bought the game during the last Winter Sales. I’m testing it now and writing a review.

Epistory is a game where you’re a young girl on a giant fox, without memories, until she realizes that something bad will happen and that she will be the one that will restore the world around her.

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Adventure Games.

Epistory - Typing Chronicles is the gamer’s dream program for practicing touch typing or for improving typing in general. The game does not teach from the ground up, so this is not to teach the player how to type, but it certainly does a good job in keeping the player typing when playing.

This is a RPG game in a typing format. The background story is that a fictional writer is having some writer’s block, and you are her muse. You control the young girl riding a red fox and traverse the world to help the writer find her inspiration. As you move around, lines from the writer show up. Sometimes she write something good, sometimes bad. Sometimes she questions herself, and it all gets imprinted onto the world that you are walking around in. You help out the writer by collecting fragments and inspiration points.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Epistory - Typing Chronicles on Steam

Nanotale - Typing Chronicles

Nanotale - Typing Chronicles

I am reviewing this as of May 8, 2020; the game is still in Early Access and is not complete!

Coming directly from Epistory, the movement controls are very different than what I had become accustomed to in Epistory. The great news is that you can customize your controls to suit your needs, which I promptly did. I don’t have the list on hand at the moment but if you would like the Epistory control key mapping, let me know and I’ll pull it up!

The story itself is engaging and the initial tutorial stage lets you learn quickly without too much info-dumping. I will say that all the lore tidbits in Nanotale are very interesting and flesh out the world well.

Real player with 41.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Typing Adventure Games.

(Long review incoming – apologies! tl;dr: I like Epistory more, but this is well worth checking out regardless. Note that my playtime here is quite artificially inflated. I’d accidentally left the game running more than once, so this is not the time required to finish the game.)

It would have been easy for Fishing Cactus to rest on their laurels and put out a game that was effectively Epistory 2, but instead they took a gamble and struck off in some new directions for Nanotale. It’s a bold move, especially in a market where typing games are infrequent at best. The result is a game which, despite sharing a lot of DNA with Epistory, ends up feeling quite a bit different. For me, the changes are a mixed bag (and I have to admit I prefer Epistory), but I’d definitely recommend the game regardless.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Nanotale - Typing Chronicles on Steam

Dead Letter Dept.

Dead Letter Dept.

After moving to the big city, you got yourself an apartment, and secured a temp data entry job- just to keep you afloat till something better comes along. Your official title is a Data Conversion Operator, but you’re really more like a warm body who types up all the junk computers still can’t read.

DAY TO DAY, you go to work & process the images displayed on your terminal, and type up whatever text is in front of you. Whatever can be made out, that is. Letters and lost mail, some mangled and twisted, that have travelled from place to place with nowhere else to go. Sometimes the mail you receive is a little strange. Sometimes, it feels like it’s talking to you directly through the screen.

DEAD LETTER DEPT. is a short horror game mystery experience, where you use your computer keyboard to type in various prompts, and attempt to decipher damaged images as oddities begin to appear.

Mouse & Keyboard are REQUIRED.

A keyboard with Function Keys and Control Keys (Insert, Page Up/Page Down) is strongly recommended.

M̶O̶R̶E̶ ̶T̶O̶ ̶C̶O̶M̶E̶…

Dead Letter Dept. on Steam

Midnight Protocol

Midnight Protocol

I don’t have many games in my library - I’m quite picky in my tastes. I’m not usually one for hacking games but the Demo left me wanting more. After 22 enjoyable hours, I’m evidently happy to have added this game in my library. I waited to give this revieuw untill I finished the story for the first time - It will certainly not be the last. I’ll take some time to revieuw a few aspects of the game that might interest you most:

Gameplay/Mechanics: 8/10

A game is nothing without gameplay, and a hacking game sets a promise: it will not be just ‘a game’ - but one with depth, complexity, and decision making. To achieve this, Midnight protocol structures its gameplay around levels that feel like a labyrinth or puzzle. A Digital dungeon, if you will. To get around the various obstacles such as firewalls, encrypted nodes and ‘antagonistic’ system operators that chase you down you get access to hardware you can tailor to your playstyle, as well as a host of programs each with their own up- and downsides. You quickly learn how to balance them carefully, using fairly easy commands to allocate memory to the programs you need in order to finish the level. Suffice to say, Midnight protocol nails the hacker-feel you’ll expect. It is not all roses and sunshine of course - there is quite a reliance on RNG to many of the mechanics of the game that can make you second guess your decisions while they are actually fine, or save you when you know you had no right to make it. Aside from that, i found myself at times trying a level, finding where the hidden obstacles were, and avoiding them alltogether once I got to reload the level. This was- at times-unavoidable, and felt wrong. I’ve since noticed that these hidden obstacles are slightly randomized, at least in some levels, which alleviated this somewhat. Perhaps the developers could not just list potential ICE, but also include a map at the beginning of the mission (once you enter a mission you see the layout anyway, except in rare instances), that does not show the obstacles, but layout of the nodes beforehand. With this information I feel I personally would not have had to reload to adapt my strategy as much as I did.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

| 🔵 POI | ✔️ Pos | ❌ Neg | 💡 Ideas | 🍿 Video | ⭐ STAR |


🔵Ultimately MP is a puzzle game running under the guise of a hacker game.

🔵Each Network is a puzzle, and you must defeat the puzzle using commands & tools.

🔵MP could be considered a Lightweight Hacker game which introduces turn-based gameplay

🔵Has some additional unique and impressive gameplay mechanics.

🔵I was instantly Immersed by the story and the characters.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

Midnight Protocol on Steam

ANYEK - The Keyboard Puzzle

ANYEK - The Keyboard Puzzle

Very cool and cute concept for a game! Currently there are some minor spelling issues (for example in lv. 20 it says “gices” instead of “gives”, and some level in the beginning (which I can’t remember unfortunately) is missing a T in a word, but I’m sure the developer would take care of these minor issues and fix them.

Aside of this, the game is really cute and fun, makes you really think in some levels - I like it a lot. Not 100% done yet, but really enjoying it so far.

Would recommend.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

ANYEK - The Keyboard Puzzle on Steam

Gude! Jump n Run

Gude! Jump n Run

This simple 2D glowing cat game is exactly what I was looking for. Simple, no storyline, just shining cats illuminating the dark and finding butterflies.

The good- easy to play, simple mechanics, very enjoyable.

The bad- There aren’t that many levels in this game. You might get at max 6 hours out of the game, but you will smile the whole time.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Upon getting this game, I was confronted with an okay-ish platformer with a decent, if rough, control scheme.

Upon getting to the later levels of the game, I was confronted with ‘Com(m)ing soon’ for one of the levels. I assumed it was labeled such because I needed to collect the collectible butterflies (I was on 38/45 required at the time), but as it turns out, after collecting the butterflies? No, the level is still under construction.

This game has a single piece of music to its soundtrack, no sound effects, and frankly, is INCOMPLETE. While I could forgive the first two issues as being part of the game’s style and theme, the incompleteness means I can’t possibly recommend this. Nothing indicates that the game lacks all levels. There’s no warning on the store page, the game’s not in early access, so… what?

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Gude! Jump n Run on Steam













Scanning for

! ……………………………..

Connection Established ::

Connected to

! EnTech_Offline_Cycle_Backup

! (Actually the credits server lol)

! probe


! ………………………………

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

While this game is being sold as a “hacking simulator”, a debate will likely rage about what exactly it simulates. In either case, it comes suspiciously close to being a realistic simulation of hacking. So close, in fact, I’m left wondering why the dev didn’t go the extra yards to make it inarguably so (maybe something he can shoot for in the future). Realism nit-picking aside, this game is full of very realistic nods to hacker and IRC culture, and in broad strokes, represents some of what goes on in actual exploits. While the experience of compromising systems is streamlined for the sake of keeping it an actual game (again, is it a puzzle game or a simulator?), in that “push a button, get bacon” sort of way you see in “hacker” movies, there was still much in the game that reminded me of taking the OSCP (for those who know my pain, you will find much in each mission to make you smile in that corpse-like rictus you had while laughing at emails and files during enumeration pratice in the Offsec lab).

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Hacknet on Steam

Project DeepWeb

Project DeepWeb

bit of a brain teaser and im stuck, but im sufficiently intrigued to try and figure it out

update: i finished the game, would definitely recommend

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Very good game, full of difficult puzzles.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Project DeepWeb on Steam

Hacker’s Beat

Hacker’s Beat

I was looking for a different kind of rhythm game and this might be it. From watching the gameplay videos of this game, it got me pretty hyped. The fact that the edit mode just came out just get me even more excited to play this game.

The core gameplay is alright, I’ve certainly had some fun playing some of the charts but I think there’s something wrong or missing from the game. For example, after exiting the result screen I was greeted by random white triangles on a black background while the music’s still playing. I thought “Oh, something cool is happening” so I started to mash the keyboard for a few minutes only to realize it has crashed.

Real player with 40.3 hrs in game

Wow! After my very first playthrough I found myself inspired enough to write a positive review. The music is phenomenal! The visual a bit on the trippy side, and it’s a good idea to preview the songs before trying them out in-game, to get a feel for what they may throw at you. It’s not easy, and that’s not a bad thing…as it poses a good challenge that gets easier with familiarity. This game is in my favorites playlist already…so with less than a half-hour played at the time of reviewing Hacker’s Beat. it’s safe to say my playtime will grow rapidly. This game may not be for everyone, but it sure is for me!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Hacker's Beat on Steam