iBomber Attack
This game saved my life.
I am 55.
My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.
When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiralling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.
– Real player with 956.2 hrs in game
I had a lot of fun playing iBomber Attack, but on several occasions the game has suddenly crashed and dumped me to my Windows Desktop. This alone is not the reason I am leaving a negative review, as even great games can have a hiccup from time to time. The problem is that after each crash I have lost a lot of progress - missions that I had completed were no longer complete and money / skill points I had earned were gone. The game does not have a manual save feature as far as I know, and if autosave is the only option then it should autosave after each mission attempt. The crashes were not frequent, but for me that isn’t the point. This is a sloppy game design and programming choice in a game that is otherwise well crafted. If this problem were to be addressed I would certainly reccomend this game, but as it stands I don’t think the game is worth putting in time that can be too easily lost.
– Real player with 25.1 hrs in game
Stalin vs. Martians 4
Stalin vs. Martians 4 is a massively soloplayer action game which tells a story of the conflict between Stalin and the Martians. It has a narrative-based story with a plot and rich dialogues of humorous nature, which beautifully highlight the story’s narrative-based narrative and plot.
Also Stalin vs. Martians 4 is a rather unexpected sequel to 2009’s infamous real-time strategy game. GameSpot named the original Stalin vs. Martians ‘perhaps the worst RTS game ever created’. That’s high praise. You don’t hear it every day.
Well yeah, the original Stalin vs. Martians featured some brilliant, but questionable ideas in the fields of game design, level design and some other designs as well. So we sent most of the original developers to Gulag, we’re making a proper and, which is important, playable game. It is powered by Unreal Engine. And you’re gonna like.
Could you please be a little more serious?
OK, Stalin vs. Martians 4 is an isometric action/shooter game. Which is frankly quite obvious from the screenshots and gameplay videos provided. But it must be understood, that SvM4 is not entirely about the core gameplay. It is more about the overall user experience. In a way, it can be compared to Catherine. Which is essentially a puzzle game, but in fact it is so much more than that.
Even more serious
SvM4 is built around the core gameplay of an isometric shooter, but it is conceived as a pythonesque over-the-top project, that puts a very unlikely protagonist against a very unlikely backdrop. All the time, mission after mission. It’s a sketch comedy about an evil idiotic buffoon. You have Stalin in Candyland, then he emerges in the Lovecraftian setting and fights Cthulhu, then he goes to Mars, then he travels to Ancient Greece, etc. Occasionally the game spoofs other games and introduces absurd mini-games. Sometimes it changes the genre, but within reason. And then you have crazy video intermissions (think of Red Alert or, you know, the original Stalin vs. Martians).
As mentioned above, the game is very narrative-based. Kinda like Firewatch, but, you know, better. It is also very cinematic. So we intend to provide a stable, very cinematic rate of 24 frames per second… Oh, wait. Okay, maybe more if the audience expects a certain digital fidelity in this field.
• A follow-up to one of the craziest games in history
• Campy humor, insane concept and ridiculous storyline
• A “sketch comedy” approach with a variety of settings and mini-games
• Fast-paced isometric combat
• Physics-based destruction system (“Katamari Damacy in reverse”)
• At least 12 levels, separated by absolutely insane video intermissions
• Narrative-based missions (“Firewatch on drugs”)
• Some of the levels include mini-games, some are just switching
the genre, because why not?
• Character upgrades, crazy weapons and special abilities
• Ranks system which defines the progress through the game
• Survival mode
• The bestest soundtrack ever
• Actual gameplay
The game may also feature nudity if we’ll be able to find someone nude. (Which is unlikely).
Mad Devils
I’ve had an awesome time playing Mad Devils so far! The plot is really interesting and I can’t wait to restart in Inferno Mode. My favourite characters are Chester and Harris so far, and the boss fights are brutal. If you’re a fan of Diablo 3 or Dark Souls, this game definitely scratches that itch. Haven’t hit any bugs so far. Just remember you can use your Blood Shards and XP points in the Pause Menu to upgrade your characters, it’s a lifesaver!
– Real player with 390.8 hrs in game
This indie developed game has very faded washed out graphics, repetitive dull combat, no mini-map to show where you are going, no way to rotate the camera, and frame rate issues as well. Camera movement is also sluggish and stuttery, most likely due to the crap Unity engine the game runs on. The game also flashes to the desktop briefly every time a new level is loaded. Your character also seems to get stuck on everything in your path and every level looks the same, taking place mostly in outdoor fields surrounded by lava. A similar game that is MUCH better is Victor Vran. I would much rather play Victor Vran than this game any day.
– Real player with 0.9 hrs in game