Gran Vitreous
This game is probably the best value for your dollar on Steam, period. A strong RPG progression system that includes both equipment changes, skills, and even a form of crafting. The base game is a 2d space shooter, but all of its parts combine to make something you don’t want to miss.
A wide variety of weapons which all function differently.
Several abilities to choose from in the form of a ‘Utility’ slot
Many levels, all randomly generated
A bonus system, also random, allowing you to challenge yourself
– Real player with 66.6 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Top-Down Games.
My thumbs hurt
The paper napkin pitch? Twinstick shooter roguelite. Geometry Wars mashed with Rogue Legacy, with a dash of FTL.
-Geometry Wars: You are a shape, shooting other shapes for points.
-Rogue Legacy: There is an item progression and a skill progression. You retain these when you die, which allows you to push further.
-FTL: The game is comprised of 4 sectors that you must progress through and defeat the boss at the end.
Being a roguelite there is also a healthy amount of randomization throughout. Each sector has dozens of levels. Each level is randomly generated with a subset of the enemy shapes, and various buffs and debuffs. For example, 50% smaller playfield, 200% Enemy health, 75% increased item rarity, and an ASTEROID FIELD. Beat one level and unlock paths to 2-5 others which are similarly randomized. The classic FTL conundrum of pushing forward to simply survive to see the final encounter, versus moving laterally for more loot/XP is in full effect here (though there is no pressure of an enemy fleet encroaching).
– Real player with 18.6 hrs in game
Solstice Chronicles: MIA
Hello gang,
I am a Fig backer, that was able to partake in testing various aspects of Solstice Chronicles: MIA. In no way, shape or form did I receive this game for free or get payed financially to write this review, and also I am not an employee of IRONWARD. I am a simply man with simply needs. A video game to use as an escape from the soul crushing reality I call life! So, now that’s out of the way, let’s begin!
Do you find yourself wanting to be a space marine that shoots foreign creatures in the face to save humanity? Then look no further! If you are fans of the movie ‘Aliens’ or games like ‘HELLDIVERS’, then this is the game for you.
– Real player with 234.0 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Top-Down Games.
So, i played Red Solstice before and i tried this one not specially hyped about the change in gameplay, but i was happily surprised by this game
The game is overall good for me, good graphics, fluid gameplay, the first missions of story mode used as a tutorial in disguise but still with enough difficulties to be called missions. made it run on high definition without fps drop or graphic anomaly
We have 4 classes, each with it’s own mecanics : Assault (good melee and shooter), Demolition (heavy use of skills), Hellfire (Tank and crowd control), and Terminator (Powerful but decrease suit integrity with each used skills)
– Real player with 44.4 hrs in game
Fun little side scroller, love the graphics and the music is upbeat and keeps ya going. Boss designs are awesome, the weapons are awesome … well the ones I’ve gotten so far. I just gotta get use to the dodging and get better at it. Only up to lvl 5 so far, that slime boss is tough but … I’ll get em!
– Real player with 13.2 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Roguelite Games.
I love the clear, beautiful spritework on this game, specially the bosses. The main protagonists of this roguelite, however, are the weapons, they are really varied and pretty fun to learn to use. Even the ones that at the beginning seem crappy grow on you. The controls are great and the music is ok.
My only gripe would be that the three main characters aren’t really that different between each other.
Great game that promises a lot of hours of fun.
– Real player with 8.6 hrs in game
Dual Core
First impressions, this a good fun game. It’s fairly simple to play, no complicated controls (I use mouse and keyboard, but I understand it’s designed for controllers). I’ve only played single player so far, but I’ll let the kids loose on this tommorow for some local coop and update review then. So far so good.
– Real player with 11.4 hrs in game
This is a really good, yet strangely unkown, twin stick shooter. And I honestly can’t see the reason why there is not much hype for this game. The graphics are well done handdrawn style with appealing effects layed all over it, the music is good and pumping and apart from very few ones missing here and there even the sound effects are quite good. The controls are perfectly responsible. There are only very few times when you get stuck on a corner and that’s nothing that can’t be flattened out by upgrading your robots speed so it can run and turn faster.
– Real player with 10.3 hrs in game
It’s a very simplistic, bullet hell/swarm game with a rudimentary upgrade system - There is SOME depth as to how you proceed with a certain weapon (You have 3 save slots for each of the 6 weapons, so you can test builds out). However, the upgrades are seemingly optional; however, they are absolutely required to complete any number of waves. This game has a very addictive substance to it, and I myself would love to see some more things on the farm - Perhaps you could use gold to upgrade/purchase additional farm implementations to assist you? At Wave 190, I’m killing probably around 200 enemies a wave, while scraping with minimal health/near misses!
– Real player with 7.1 hrs in game
A simple fun game for only $5. I will try to beat wave 100 in the future but wave 33 is very hard. I highly recommend playing this game. It is a wave base game like Call of Duty Zombies. I would buy a game like this.
8 out of 10
Find more review from me on my steam curator page:
– Real player with 6.3 hrs in game
This game has great potential. But unfortunately I can’t bypass the issues.
First of all, I learned more about the story by reading the description of the game on Steam in 5 minutes than by playing the game for 2 hours. Things just sort of happen in the game, which is really sad because the actual story seems like it has some thoguht in it.
The weapon upgrade system didn’t amuse me for more than 5 minutes. I unlocked 90% of the upgrades by playing before the game even teached me how to use them. When it did teach me, as I said I got excited, but since I had unlocked almost everything I just made my builds and left, never having to open it ever again.
– Real player with 5.0 hrs in game
I saw this cool looking game on itch a while back, and probably should have bought it there to support their storefront and give the developer a better cut.. but I ended up getting it here on steam because of the convenience of my existing library. I guess that’s what the extra margin is for, higher conversion rate of browsers to purchasers.
But forget about all that, you don’t care. You just want to know if the game is good. It is great! the art style is a lot of fun, the gun assembly is great and lets you customize your play style and easily swap between three different fully customized weapons depending on what you’re fighting.
– Real player with 4.6 hrs in game
ANNIE:Last Hope
Definitely buy this on sale, would pay 6-8$ CND at most. It is a fun little Voxel twin stick shooter with a 80s movie flavor… however there is several things you need to know before you decide to buy, and why I don’t think its worth full price. For achievment hunters, you can easily get all of them in a single 8-9 hour playthrough.
First of all, nowhere on the page does it tell you that it has lots of bullet hell style sections, even tho its technically a twin stick shooter. This can be extremely hard for people not good at such type of games, the good news is that the game lets you change difficulty at any time, unlike some games that require you to replay the entire game to change it. Normal difficulty seemed impossible to me and I was ready to refund, but switching to Easy made the game manageable for me and was able to enjoy the rest of the game. No shame, I am here to have fun!
– Real player with 8.7 hrs in game
Cinematic flair and interesting ideas can’t hide all the rough edges
Annie has a lot going for her: a nice car, a fiance who has a solid job, and a nice neighborhood community in what feels like half San Francisco and half New York. Then a strange zombie outbreak occurs right in the middle of Halloween festivities. From here the game turns into an isometric shooter with zombies to mow down and kick. When you aren’t thrashing zombies you will be scrounging through ruins to find items to sell and help you gear up for the next encounter with the undead
– Real player with 8.0 hrs in game
Aperion Cyberstorm
Aperion Cyberstorm is a great fast paced shooting game that should not be overlooked. When I first started the game, I admit I was not expecting much at all, seems like a generic space game. Even though that is kind of the case, Aperion Cyberstorm is filled crazy bullet mayhem to keep to occupied for hours to come. It’s not perfect by any means. It can feel repetitive at times, but if your looking for a new game buy, you should definitely check this out!
– Real player with 0.8 hrs in game
Wish I could play this, but controller support is just broken, refunded.
– Real player with 0.1 hrs in game
Escape Dinosaur Island
Top tier, please make a second one
– Real player with 0.5 hrs in game
My god, this is awful. I saw Vinny playing this and thought, “ha, this looks like a laugh, I’ll buy it.”
Ugh. Also it keeps trying to boot my VR headset for seemingly no reason. Avoid.
– Real player with 0.5 hrs in game
Inferno 2
This game has a lot of great things going for it, like consistent design, zero slowdown even under the craziest projectile load, and some seriously excellent sound. The mazes are large and simplistic, and no level takes any real amount of problem solving to complete. The neat tricks on offer - secret destroyable or passable walls, bonus exits etc - are used sparingly enough that the core gameplay is always front and centre. It never feels like a weak game behind obscured by distracting tricks. It is, I have to say, a real heap of fun, except…
– Real player with 15.8 hrs in game
Great game, already working through the ‘New Game+’ mode.
I noticed 2 things though during the playthough. 1. The portal locations I don’t believe were explained and their usage isn’t consistent on every level (the direction you enter from determines the way you exit, usually). Secondly, For some reason I can’t select various upgrades (like Armor) on the upgrade panel. Given it’s a prerelease its awesome.
– Real player with 12.9 hrs in game