Simple Farm
Very fun!
– Real player with 3.0 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Agriculture Games.
You get what you pay for BUT its not a bad start to a game. All the mechanics work as intended which is rare for a game so early in development. If the developer continues to update I believe more people will find this game.
– Real player with 0.9 hrs in game
Edit: This game is chugging right along. Still recommend, still think $10 is too much. But if it keeps going, it’ll be worth it in no time.
Ok. Here we are a month and a half in. I just picked up this game because the partner saw it and said it looked like something I would like. I did not realize it was pre-alpha, I just jumped in. Bought it for both of us. We’ve both put about or close to, 10 hours into the game, each.
I want to like this game mainly because I don’t wanna be wrong about spending $10 or go through the refund process. I am really hoping the Dev’s listen to gamer suggestions and improve this little project.
– Real player with 18.4 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Building Games.
This is currently pre alpha, and that taken into consideration, i could still not recommend. It is utterly unplayable 5 min in with frames counting 1/min.
I’m gonna wait it out and come back in a year or two. You should do the same, unless you wish to support the devs or just have fun money to spend with little return.
Edit: after another 4+ hours of gameplay, most of which spent on just getting the game off the ground, there are additions to be made.
So, i checked it out again as pr your recommendation. I’ve sort of completed the game - in the way that the game’s broken, inhibiting further progress through the story.
– Real player with 8.0 hrs in game
Mastodonte is an attempt to revitalize the classic genre of Shoot ‘Em Ups, giving the player the mechanics to change the view, which brings depth and a whole new set of dynamics to the game.
The plot takes place in a not-so-distant future, where Ivory Coast is a military and scientific superpower, and needs to deal with the insubordination of other nations. You are in control of three Ivorian elite pilots from the Mastodonte squadron, and will need to survive different types of missions.
Each Life is a different aircraft that can be upgraded independently.
Directional shield with destructive power.
Reversible cannon to shoot backwards.
Aileron Roll to avoid projectiles.
Music-driven levels.
Original 2.5D art style.
I love this game so much! I have been loving it ever since I played it back on newgrounds, it controls like dogshit but I still love the gameplay! I especially love the into cutscene and all the sprite work in the game, very cartoony and lovable!
Also the coding is nice, this is for you, brandy. Still never got credited for the clown animation. 9/10
– Real player with 2.7 hrs in game
“Password incorrect; Password should be vali:d”
7.5/10 — A lot of self-mockery and humour — indicating we shouldn’t take this free piece to_o serious — but definitely worth my time!
PS I’m not the artist here, but if you are, check this out! I assume it’s not just another joke ;-)
– Real player with 0.9 hrs in game
This title reminds me a tiny bit of the game Fat Princess, including how carrying the commanders back to base in a group is faster. I look forward to future updates. There is potential here. I will review this game properly once the game is more fleshed out.
Edit: I didn’t know it initially but the Fat Princess connection ran deeper than I thought, having Devs from that game. They are very friendly, inviting to play, and responsive to the small community that exists here. I really want this game to do well. It is a shame that it is buried under lackluster AAA titles and throngs of cookie cutter indie games and asset flips. Some of the criticisms starting to pop up are are understandable, to a point, from the average gamer’s standpoint. There is a server rotation that allows users to have better ping at different points in the day based on play time in a given region. Server costs are obviously an issue and this is the way that they decided to to do things with the current community size. From a technical standpoint this is an Early Access title, and there are bugs, but even still it is highly playable, and gorgeous to look at. I saw one review pointing out that a dev was in-game cheating, yet they were ignorant in the fact that the Dev was using something accessible to all players. Ignorance in itself is NOT inherently bad as that is simply the absence of knowledge. But, people are making snap judgements without further investigating a situation and making conclusions with willful ignorance which IS entirely bad. The game is coming along. It’s small, but that is also reflected in the price point. More people need to play this game, it is a gem in the rough and I would hate to see it go under. The bots are decent and my friends and I have been defeated by them one time or another, but you can start to learn their ways. As with most games, it is definitely a more challenging experience when played against other people and you will often see more people on during the weekends. When a full game gets going it is frantic and chaotic in all the good ways.
– Real player with 87.5 hrs in game
Very fun game, even in early access! The devs are very in tune with the community and eager to improve the game, and I dont get the impression that’s going to change any time soon. Squids has elements of a MOBA, but has a quality to it that i think appeals to people who both like and dislike MOBAS. I personally am not a huge fan of them, but the gameplay in Squids is more fast paced than a typical MOBA, which to me makes it more fun. There are elements of map control and team levelling that will make seasoned MOBA players feel right at home as well. I’m excited to see how the game develops on a competitive level, especially as the devs continue to expand the game’s content. Definitely worth checking out!
– Real player with 9.3 hrs in game
Prepare to face the unimaginable magnificence of the university of Selenwald!
Enter the halls of Selenwald to learn forbidden knowledge never meant to leave the cursed edifice. Meet madmen and face horrors that cannot be described by mere words. Discover the truth that terrifies scientists and priests alike.
Challenging Combat - Fight for survival having ultimate control over your character’s actions. Engage in melee combat or take enemies down from afar using firearms and powerful magic. Aim carefully since every attack can miss if executed blindly. Dodge enemy attacks and adapt to enemies’ behaviour. Use stealth and assassinate or sneak past enemies to avoid risky encounters altogether.
Resource Management - Most of your combat and survival capabilities are dictated by what resources you find. Resources are limited and so is the character’s inventory. Make choices on what to bring with you every time you descend to a lower level. Every bullet, potion and spell makes a difference.
Character Development - Every class has different starting traits and types of inventory slots available. Make choices when being presented with new random traits to gain power and build interesting combinations. Modify your inventory with acquired accessories to further customize your character.
Permanent Death - If your character dies, they die for good. Choose a new, random adventurer and embark on a new adventure. Even if you don’t manage to go far, your actions will have consequences that carry over to subsequent playthroughs. Dying is a natural part of the game.
Random Dungeons - Every playthrough brings completely different areas to explore. No shuffled predefined rooms - truly original locations every time.
Unique Setting - Visit Western Europe of the late 1700s to discover how scientists isolated from the outer world crossed boundaries dictated by known science to gain access to powerful forces reminiscent of magic. Gain answers to mysteries never before found on the pages of written history.
Mature Story - Unravel the dark, rich story of philosophical nature. Witness how a groundbreaking scientific revelation drives even the brightest minds into madness. Meet tragic characters with intriguing past. Discover the very foundations of life and death and see the true, terrifying nature of matters humanity has desperately tried to explain with religion.
Command Heroes
In Command Heroes, you control a Hero from one of many Factions in the game each with unique abilities, equipment, and perks to unlock. Battle it out in a mash-up between a twin-stick action platformer & RTS blend. Upgrade your crew between matches, and press onward towards victory! Team up with up to 3 friends for 4-player split-screen action, or set up a custom sandbox map with up to 10 players & AI.
1-10 Multiplayer Co-op or Versus
Play solo, or with 1-4 local players (or online players via Remote Play Together) in a hectic resource race. Set up custom matches with full flexibility on team alliances between players & AI. Up to 10 players & AI total.
Dig Deep
Head underground to discover artifacts of mystical or technological power which can help turn the tide in your team’s favor. Summon an ancient stone golem, an orbital satellite strike, or dozens of other sources of destruction, healing, wealth, and power. Defend artifacts once revealed or that power can fall into your enemy’s hands.
Find your Faction
Each faction has diverse units, buildings, weapons, and heroes. Shift and shape your strategy accordingly. Surprise your enemies with unlimited playstyle approaches. Will you attack from above, below, or both? Whether you approach with style & finesse or overwhelm by brute force, you’ll be faced with new challenges and find new strategies each match.