Embers of Mirrim

Embers of Mirrim

This is, hands down, the most fun I’ve ever had playing a platformer. The controls are crisp, the mechanics are unique and well thought-out, it’s visually attractive, and the music is great. The single biggest complaint I have about this game is that it’s too short. I finished it in about 5 hours. I would love to have seen the kinds of puzzles they could have put in a longer game.

The difficulty curve isn’t bad. It’s hard enough to be satisfying, but doesn’t get hard so fast that it’s frustrating. There is one puzzle that uses a mechanic that isn’t used anywhere else in the game, and it can be difficult to figure out what the game wants you to do, but other than that, the mechanics have good clarity and the puzzles are fairly intuitive.

Real player with 59.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Action-Adventure Games.

I’ve been craving a linear platformer and this really scratched the itch. While I enjoy metroidvanias, I feel like I ’ve been inundated with them of late and I wanted something a little simpler and straightforward, like the NES platformers of yesteryear.

Embers of Mirrim is a very polished puzzle platformer with heavy emphasis on platforming and navigating between sections and light emphasis on puzzle elements. The splitting mechanic adds variety, and the game continues to introduce other small elements to keep the game fresh throughout.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Embers of Mirrim on Steam

Kill the Superweapon

Kill the Superweapon

Proper Video Review Here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XRHKc_Pshg

TL;DR - Kill the Superweapon is good, but only ideal if you’re up for some masochistic challenge. It’s one of those sorts of games that you rage-play the first time, then the second time is a breeze. Not for those looking for a relaxing challenge; you’re better off with the developer’s earlier game, Cold Vengeance. The game design here is incredibly unique (name five other 3D twin-stick shooter hybrids of Metal Gear Solid and Mega Man. I’ll wait), but the difficulty curve will severely test your patience. I recommend it, but only to those who know what they’re getting into.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter 3D Platformer Games.

I have trouble seeing as to why this has a 92% rating. I do understand that this is ment to be a very retro style game but your looking at about 2-3 hours of true game play for a low quality game that also is at a wopping 8$. I honestly don’t see this possibly being worth that extreme amount. The other issue is that the general difficulty comes from the robotic minibosses (accept for the levels where there arent any) in which all other enemies (accept for superweapons) have a tendency to become absolete. Finally, the only other good take away from this is the fact that i did not run into any major bugs with this game. But over all this game seems to simply be overpriced.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Kill the Superweapon on Steam



Surrounded by the metal wastelands of the planet Tinertia you assume the role of a small and scrappy little robot alone and stranded at the Core, armed with nothing but your trusty self-propelling rocket launcher. Only the watchful eye of the rogue A.I. known as A.R.C and his recycled minions stand inbetween you and your freedom. Tinertia features a simple, effective and intuitive Rocketjump oriented platforming mechanic utilizing only twin-stick controls and no jump button. The gameplay itself however is anything but simple pitting you against a harsh dystopic landscape of the most treacherous of hazards and its maze-like passages each protected by deranged titan-like bosses.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Difficult Games.

This is a platformer game fully based on the concept of rocket jumping to move upwards, avoid obstacles and hazards.

No jump button, instead you shoot rockets close to the main character to acquire speed: that can be for jumping (aim right below the main character, towards the floor) or to move the main character (fast) towards any other direction. Weldon, the main character, preserves momentum as long as it does not touch the ground, which can allow it to reach pretty high speeds.

There is also a fair amount of air control (close to Meat Boy levels, I would say), and a small-ranged air dash.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Tinertia on Steam

RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry!

RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry!

tl;dr: Great audio, great visuals, great controls, great variety, ok writing, solid voice acting, solid price, bit unfair at times, will kick your butt heartily but it feels mighty rewarding to succeed.

So, after spending most of my day playing this game, I feel I ought to give it a review:

I felt that six hours was a bit high of an estimate from the developers. I’m reasonably good at games, but I’m pretty weak at sidescrolling shooters; even still, I managed to complete the game in about four (and then beat the game again in just over two hours). Before I go much further, I would like to say this: RIVE is excellent - its presentation and gameplay are highly well-thought-out and extremely polished - but it’s a game that begs to be replayed. Its greatest flaws are, for the most part, ones that wash away within a single playthrough, but if you’re not so into the level of challenge RIVE puts out (or how quickly it ramps up), then those issues may really hurt the experience for you.

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

Dutch developer Two Tribes was one of the early Humble era developers to support Linux, and after having a good time with Toki Tori, RUSH, Edge, and Toki Tori 2, I found myself eagerly looking forward to RIVE.

I’d previously helped pull together some love from the Linux community and lent a hand with testing a few things for Two Tribes, and over the years, I’d formed at least a passing friendship with a few people there. I’d been aware of the company’s financial struggles and the ups and downs of the company’s downsizing/reboot after filing for bankruptcy in 2013.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry! on Steam



Fun little side scroller, love the graphics and the music is upbeat and keeps ya going. Boss designs are awesome, the weapons are awesome … well the ones I’ve gotten so far. I just gotta get use to the dodging and get better at it. Only up to lvl 5 so far, that slime boss is tough but … I’ll get em!

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

I love the clear, beautiful spritework on this game, specially the bosses. The main protagonists of this roguelite, however, are the weapons, they are really varied and pretty fun to learn to use. Even the ones that at the beginning seem crappy grow on you. The controls are great and the music is ok.

My only gripe would be that the three main characters aren’t really that different between each other.

Great game that promises a lot of hours of fun.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Critadel on Steam

Rogue Stormers

Rogue Stormers

IMPORTANT: This game requires a resonably good and consistent connection to play online coop. It caused a friend of mine serious desyncronization issues, such as not being able to see the lightning hazards.

Early access builds of Rogue Stormers were not very good, and notably did not have a cast of varying characters. This release build? Much improved, though at some level I lament the loss of weapon-customization, which was never actually implemented to my knowledge. I first became aware of the game during its initial kickstarter campaign, when it was still called DieselStormers. I purchased it from the humble store and didn’t have a chance to finally play it until about a year ago, when it was still in a very rough and bland state.

Real player with 121.8 hrs in game

This is, in a nutshell, a great little timekiller.

Basically you have a number of playable characters with which you go through a series of levels. You kill hordes of goblins and orcs. At the end of each level is a boss waiting for you. Every character has its own gimmick. They have varying stats as well as different weapons. They each have an ability with a specific cooldown period. One shoots a large barrage of little rockets, another gets a short period of immensely boosted firerate, to name two examples. To complement your play style, you find some secondary weapons, which get damaged and eventually broken as you sustain damage.

Real player with 104.0 hrs in game

Rogue Stormers on Steam

Eliosi’s Hunt

Eliosi’s Hunt

This game is a top-down shooter/platformer mix heavily inspired in Crash Bandicoot. For those who like this genre, like myself, this will be a fine addition to your collection.

This plays in a really fast pace and there are lots of collectibles to search for in each of the stages. The enemies and platforming aspect of the game sometimes feel unfair, but it’s mostly about getting used to the patterns and timing. The game also has nice speedrunning aspects.

This game was the most fun and challenge I’ve had in while. It was really hard getting 100% achievements on this game. Great experience, overall!

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Great game. Fast paced and really dynamic, Eliosi’s hunt successfully preys the player’s attention to explore good-looking maps while fighting off enemies. The visuals are as great as the soundtrack, which fit nicely to each stage design. The difficulty and enemies' reactions are at a good level and the search for collectibles is fair and fun. I haven’t completed the character’s upgrades, but they do add differences in the gameplay, which affects replayability, even more if you’re a completionist or a speedrunner. About the controls, they’re very responsive and the game feels both fluid and intuitive.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Eliosi's Hunt on Steam

Random Heroes: Gold Edition

Random Heroes: Gold Edition

Very Good Game for People who love Pixel Games (myself) !! I have not the best English !!

But there are downsides as well (Its not out for long and will probably be fixed)

1. Achievments do not work at least for now

2. I dunno if its a bug but i had all Characters right at the start

But despite some Bugs its a good Game and not too expensive so

i would recommend it

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

EDIT: This game is more fun than I originally thought it would be based on the first impression. And THEY FIXED THE BUGGED ACHIEVEMENTS! I’ll lever my first review for people to see my first impression, but just know that it’s better than I thought it would be after that first hour. Getting new guns is fun, and they really change up how you play. That made all the difference from it being a good time waster to being a legit just good game.

It’s a good, if somewhat basic game. Nice throw back title that I don’t think would be fun to play for hours on end, but to fire it up and spend a little time with it here and there, it’s perfect for that.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Random Heroes: Gold Edition on Steam

Rodent and Plank: Secret Origin

Rodent and Plank: Secret Origin

Great Game, Lots of fun, a good challenge

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Rodent and Plank: Secret Origin on Steam



Great Game. Challenging and fun!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

It’s alright. It’s functional. It’s not quite worth the price.

The problem is that it’s not especially fun. It has all the elements of what normally makes a platforming game fun; it has enemies you can destroy, it has a decently varied set of platforms, and it’s got powerups.

It’s got a few problems.

First, the game starts off in an insultingly small resolution that would seem small even compared to old Windows 95 era monitors that were a maximum of about 800 x 600 pixels most of the time. The game starts in a resolution that I think is something like 300 x 400 or something of that nature. That’s incredibly, painfully small. Is this supposed to be a mobile game?

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

HotHead on Steam